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    As the previous reviewer mentioned, this is a private club-- tucked away on the East side of Aurora. Should you be so lucky to gain admittance to this establishment, you will be blown away by the retro atmosphere. This place looks untouched since perhaps the late 70s and is littered with OTB machines and framed pictures of past prestigious members (I guess) in the bar area. I've been here a handful of times, one of the VPs @ my employer is a member, so we've stopped in for drinks before events, a quick lunch, and even hosted retail events there. The space is decent in size, and the drinks are cheap for members. The food is pretty good, it's very old school as well (nothing innovative here..potato salad, fried chicken, sandwiches), and during lunch they have lots of specials but you can get pretty much anything imaginable. I highly doubt any of it is healthy for you.
    The Phoenix club does boast some of the most delicious root beer on tap that I've had. I sort of feel like if you're not a member (or middle aged to elderly man) you'll feel a little out of place, but the staff is generally nice as are the other patrons.

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    This is a private club.  Lots of parking for members.  Membership is now open to Men, and Women.  Used to be a Mens only establishment.  Drinks are very inexpensive for members.  Hosts several events.  Recently was there as a guest for the Superbowl.  Food was great, raffles were good.  All in all a good friendly experience.

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