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    The first thing I noticed was a sign outside that said "Bikers Welcome." Something nice to see for all my road warrior friends. When we came in, it wasn't too busy and we were seated right away. Our waiter, Michael, was helpful - especially when I found out how spicy the BBQ Meatball pizza was firsthand. He was there with some water. One of the nice things about Pizza Bistro is that you can choose the type of crust with any type of pizza they serve: stuffed, NY style, flatbread. We ordered the BBQ Meatball on NY crust and the Mediterranean on flatbread both of which were good. Although, if you aren't a fan of super spicy, ask them to leave off the sliced jalapeno. For an out of towner, I think we made a good choice. -PS: We used a Groupon and they didn't treat us any differently unlike some places I have heard about.

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    I never review a restaurant based on just one visit because even the best restaurants can have one meal go badly or one employee who is not at the top of their game. As background, I have been to this restaurant eight times in the last three months.  I belong to a group of golfers who go there on Wednesday evenings after we play a round.  We have ordered a wide variety of food items and we have been served by nearly every one of the wait staff.  We have always had good service and excellent food.  We call in our order in advance and they always have it ready when we arrive.  Nearly every occasion the manager comes by to check on us.  The rest rooms are clean and we have a choice of either sitting inside or outside.  Early on, right after they re-decorated and re-opened, they seemed to have a shortage of flatware; a problem that has since been rectified.

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    A few months ago my boyfriends family came to celebrate his and his brothers birthday here in Austin. His brother and him decided on The Pizza Bistro. So we get there and walk in ( there is 7 of us) we do not get a hello or anything. Just a few weird stares and asked how many. So we sit down and the waitress is rude. Doesn't ask how our day is or anything, just "what do you want to drink?" We ask about the beers on tap and they all decide on what they want. Fast forward, we order around 5 different appetizers to start off with (big family and lots of different wants). We are all talking and the appetizers come out. They are delicious! Then it takes forever to get refills on beer and drinks. It comes time to order and the rude waitress is back. We have kids and everyone is ordering a different item. She isn't very accommodating while our youngest orders (he is 8 and likes to be independent). Everyone else orders and we wait. A few more beers ordered. So our food starts coming out slowly around one or two items at a time. Which is fine, its hot and fresh and looks amazing. We all start eating and about 1/3 of the way thru the waitress brings the check and asks us to close out because her shift is over. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!?!?! We are easily spending a lot of money at your restaurant. How rude can this girl get? We tell her we are not done ordering and she says "I have to close out before i leave" Good god. Get over yourself. I'm sure they would save your tip for you when you came in tomorrow. So my boyfriends father closes out the tab and we continue eating.
    Needless to say we will NEVER go back here to eat due to the service. I give 2 stars for the food. We spent a lot of money and were treated very rudely. My bf and I went once before when the old owners had it and they were awesome and sweet people.
    Food good, service AWFUL!!!! Plus it was super hot in there like they didn't have to AC on!
    There are way to many amazing pizza places in Austin to eat at over this rude place!

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    Have been here 2 x now.   I thought the food was good - Pizza & med salad 1st visit and the chicken saltimbocca 2nd time, was one of the best I have ever had -- even in Italy.  The problem here is it takes forever, not only to get waited on, but also to get your food.  It took almost 30 minutes to get my chicken at 1:15 on a Wed. afternoon with 4 tables of people - some 2 - 3 some single like me.  So the service is the problem here - not the food from my point of view.  I think ordering to go might be the solution.  I would really enjoy ordering the chicken saltimbocca again.

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    A few things first off.

    1) I wish I could give zero stars
    2) I really wanted this place to be good. It didn't even have to be great, just good would've been nice.
    3) It looks like it has so much going for it. Cool space, right by Deep Eddy pool, pretty cool interior, but alas, it fails. HARD.

    Also, let me say, I have read the other reviews (I wish I would've read them before we went, we maybe wouldn't have come here) and I see the owner come on yelp and comment back to people, but really, these reviews have been from the very beginning of the place, and still not fixed. Not even like they aren't fixed, but worse!! So if the owner responds to this post, I still wouldn't be surprised if nothing changes. It would be best to just fold it in. The place sucks. Hopefully it will fail, and something cool, or good, or at least SOMETHING that doesn't suck goes in.

    ANYWAY, now to the review.

    My wife and I were craving pizza on a lazy Sunday, and after driving by Homeslice, (our favorite) and deciding it was way to packed to wait with our baby, we drove on, thinking of someplace we could get a good pie. I had seen the Pizza Bistro while on a bike ride, and liked the logo and the look of the place, so it popped into my head, and we felt great about trying a new place, not to far, and hopefully it wouldn't be crowded.

    When we got there, lets just say it was not crowded, I would say, it was dead. A father and son waiting for a take out order, (which in retrospect, I did hear the son say to his dad, "How much longer for our pizza!?") which should've been my first sign. And maybe one other table of 4. We sat outside, thinking the deck was kinda cool, which it is, and there were 2 girls sitting outside with no food, just drinking, not sure if they were also waiting?! We sat outside for about 15 minutes, and NOBODY came over to see if we wanted water, to order, drinks, nothing. Mind you, there were a few staff people walking around outside, doing, god knows what.

    My second sign that this place sucked was when I went to the men's room. Its always a bad sign when there is paper towels, toilet paper, all over the ground, wet. Looked like a bad movie.

    When I got back to my table outside, we still hadn't had anyone come over. So we went inside hoping that our luck of getting someone to serve us would be better. WRONG!

    As we walked inside my wife asked one of the girls, "Can we just sit inside?" Very politely, "YEA" she responded, didn't even look up from her phone, "Can we just sit wherever?" Again, very polite. "YEA" Obviously very consumed with Words with Friends, or whatever. When we walked over to our new table, the other girl "working" said to us, " To Hot out there for ya?" Which means, she had seen US SITTING OUT THERE, AND NEVER CAME OVER TO SEE IF WE WANTED ANYTHING!!

    So we sat down, at this point, I was already writing my yelp review in my head, and hoping that the pizza I was hoping to eat would change things around.

    Nope. We waited another 10 minutes, and no one came over!

    We then said, screw this, lets go. As I packed up, put my kid in the car seat, the one girl that saw us sitting outside came over and said, "Oh, are you...." "umm, yea, were just going to go, thanks"

    And walked out.

    I wish I could say the pizza was good, just AVERAGE would've been nice, but we didn't even get to order!! NOTHING. One of the worst experiences I have had in Austin eating out. EVER. I worked in the service industry for years, and I would say I can see almost any situation from the angle of the server and the restaurant, but with this, I cant. Especially after reading the reviews, you'd think the owner would have someone at the place that cared, at all!!

    So if the owner wants to respond to this post, save it, we aren't going back. Instead I think I will just tell people to avoid this place at all costs. Trust me, it will be closed soon anyway.

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    Absolutely the worst service ever. Had to ask to be seated, to get drinks and any silverware to eat with. Our pizza order came out wrong so they made us anther to go and then forgot to give the brownies they had promised. I could go on an on about it. The only saving grace here is that once the pizza finally came it was tasty.

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    Where to start? Ok, I really loved the physical changes from the former Mangia Pizza. Place has an upscale look with plenty of large flat-screens. Drinks were super cheap( $2 drafts). That's where the positives for me ended. While watching the Spurs game on previously mentioned flat-screen, I ordered a draft pilsner. I had to ask our very nice but seemingly lost waiter 5 times about my beer over a 15 minute period of time. I then ordered a personal sized deep dish pizza to go. I ordered a supreme but asked to have jalapenos instead of the black olives that come with a supreme. The waiter came back a couple minutes later to ask me what I wanted substituted again. Pizza arrived, we closed out and walked across the street to finish watching the game(they cut off service at 10 despite over 30 customers still there trying to watch the final 10 minutes of game 7). When i bit into my pizza, all I tasted was olive. After pulling the cheese back on all 4 slices, I saw not only the standard black olives but they also added green olives(no jalapenos). Counted over 30 olives. Needless to say, I wasn't happy. Gonna be tough to give them a 2nd chance.

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    Tonight was our first time dinning at Pizza Bistro. Not impressed. Wait staff was polite and accommodating, however, they got my order wrong sending out a flat pizza crust instead if a stuffed pizza crust. No biggie I thought, until it took another 30 plus minutes to send the correct pizza out. By this time my family had already finished their meal. But, here is the real kicker. My husband found a burnt beetle in the crust- definitely identifiable.  We aren't bug-a-phobes so we at it anyway. However, we alerted the staff. The waiter stated,  "he would pass it on to the manager/cook." No one even apologized, or offered a dessert or offered to comp one of the meals. Very unprofessional in my opinion. Also, I'm from New York. This is not New York Pizza. If you want real New York pizza go to Home Slice or Yaghi's. Best pizza in town.

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    While the pizza was really great, the service was atrocious!! I can't decide if it was an inexperienced waiter or poor management...or both. I think there was 1 waiter for the whole restaurant.

    In their defense, we were a huge party, but I would consider ourselves pretty flexible and laid back. While the waiter was taking my order, some douche bag (manager?) came over and reamed him about splitting checks more than 5 ways.  When douche bag realized I was listening to every rude word he was saying to the waiter (because I was in the middle of telling the waiter what toppings I wanted on my pizza), he began politely explaining to me that they couldn't split the check, but they could take as many credit cards as necessary. I assured him that this would not be a problem, and that we had eaten in large groups before and were able to split the bill ourselves.

    Drinks were extremely slow and completely wrong. We quickly learned just to drink whatever he brought, because waiting for the beer you actually ordered would take an additional 30 minutes...really!

    Pizzas arrived inconsistently and wrong.   Most of our party had finished eating when we realized 3 people at our table had not gotten their food (1 pizza had to be re-made, and 2 just hadn't arrived yet). 2 of the 3 pizzas finally came. The 3rd person asked for their pizza in a to-go box because the waiter had actually brought the bill to the table before her pizza. When she opened the box, the pizza was a disheveled mess. It looked like someone had stacked the pizza slices on top of each other, some of them literally face down!

    When the waiter brought the bill, he explained that some items had been "comped" (the orders that were wrong/late). Then, 10 minutes later, brought another bill, in which he said he had taken 25% off. When you compare the 2 bills there was only a $10 difference (on a check over $200, this was not a 25% discount). When you looked closely, the 1st bill didn't have gratuity added. So while he did take nearly $50 off the 2nd bill, he countered the discount by adding $35 in gratuity!

    I will spare you the details of the waiter spilling an entire beer on someone at the other end of the table.  This could have been a SNL skit!

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    Rare is the 5 * from this foodie. Pizza Bistro has it all; friendly staff, $ 2 beers - that's bottles as well as local brews on tap like a full bodied IPA (Real Ale maybe?), Texas Rum infused cocktails, Texas tequila drinks, Stuffed crust pizza that had a crust somewhere between pastry sheets and heaven, JUST enough tomato sauce, JUST the right amount of mushrooms. The lasagne is sublime, the fuzzelini (curly Q pasta noodles) primavera has a gossamer light cream sauce that is NOT light on flavor FULL of a great mixture of vegetables. It may be $$ but you get a lot of food for the dollar. All of that and it's right next to Deep Eddy.

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    Checked out Pizza Bistro.  Sat out on the patio and had a great time.  My wife had spaghetti and meatballs which was fabulous while I had the stuffed 'Chicago Style' pizza.  Awesome!  Great prices and atmosphere. Deck is dog friendly as well.  Check it out.

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    Love this place!  The people are so nice. The food is well priced.  It is a huge improvement from before the name change and remodel.  
    But....  Please bring back the SALMON!!!   That was the best!  I would have given 5 stars, but...  you took the best item off your menu.

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    Live close by, and while I haven't actually eaten here, I've ordered take out enough to make it my favorite pizza take out.

    Order the wheat thin crust texas BBQ brisket pizza - amazing. Won't be sorry, the perfect amount of sweet, spicy and savory.

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    We ate for the first time at Pizza Bistro and loved everything about the restaurant. From the friendly service (Scott is the best!) and atmosphere to the food, this place is wonderful.
    I was hungry, Really hungry. So as soon as we arrived I ordered wine and cheesy bread. Scott steered me towards a nice cabernet. My companions ordered calamari and the antipasto. The antipasto was pronounced very good, while the calamari was good. The cheesy bread--very cheesy and full of garlic. It was a good amount for sharing with  people. It came with spicy marinara and ranch dressing.
    I ordered the pasta special cheese ravioli with portobello mushroom in a cream sauce. It was accompanied by really good garlic bread (yes, more bread!) and a choice of salad or soup. I chose the Caesar salad and it was fresh with a great taste to the dressing. the meals arrived--my pasta the margharita pizzas and the flat bread pizza. Two had ordered the deep dish, which take 30 minutes longer. We had all agreed not to wait for their pizzas.
    The cheese ravioli was  stupendous. Tasty, with lots of mushrooms. I would go back for that alone! Because of my splurging on the bread, I had about half of plate of ravioli left for lunch tomorrow.
    The flat bread pizza-ham, prosciutto and bacon was also very good, as was the margharita.
    The deep dish pizzas arrived and they were pronounced delicious. Both of the diners had pieces to take home (they ordered the 10" pizzas)
    Finally desert--one person had italian creme cake another the gelatto with cookies. I was tempted by the chocolate gelatto-very good with loads of chocolate flavor I had to share the very generous portion.

    This was such a wonderful experience that we've all agreed to go back. Great for families, for a drink, a dinner or lunch.

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    With limited deep dish options available in Austin, we were thrilled when we found the Pizza Bistro!  I have to say that I am surprised by the negative reviews, my husband and I were both very happy with our food.  

    I ordered the Apple Walnut Salad, and unlike many pizza restaurants, this was a high quality salad!  The spinach and spring mix were incredibly fresh and there were ample amounts of walnuts, apple, and goat cheese to top it off.  The pizza was well made as well with cheesy saucy goodness and flavorful toppings.  It is also very reasonably priced, and the 6" is perfectly sized for one. :)

    We got it delivered so I cannot speak to the interior of the restaurant, but I can say that after at least a 15 minute delivery time, the crust was still crisp and not soggy at all like others have complained about.  

    My husband has already declared this to be our new pizza place, and I have to say that I agree!

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    So I wait 25 minutes for a stuffed pizza. When I get it, the toppings are wrong!  Really?   25 minutes waiting for nothing. The waitress acted like it was no big deal which made it worse. I had to order something else as I refused to waste 25 more minutes in this place. Once I did get a different pizza, it was awful. Will never go here again.

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    A step up from the former inhabitant, Mangia.  You can still get the great stuffed pizzas but now there are more options on the menu.  Most recently I had the braised short rib bolognese.  It wasn't the best I had ever had but it was solid.  Keep in mind that the name is "The Pizza Bistro", not "The Pasta Bistro".  The new decor was great, new bar was cool and the manager on duty was excellent.

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    I realize I was not there at peak hours, but my pizza was stale. My salad had WAY too much dressing on it, and was very disappointing for a "Mediterranean" salad, with a few sliced black olives and cucumbers. The amount of feta was decent, but I lost half of it when I was trying to cut some lettuce and, since the bottom half was literally swimming in the flavorless dressing, my salad went flying across the table.
    Also, I overheard someone being "let go" while we were sitting there. We weren't the only customers, either. No bueno.
    I don't think we will return.

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    I've ordered takeout from this place with friends 2-3 times this month. Jim and Alex have been wonderful with my orders, more so than a lot of other restaurants I frequent. I mostly wanted to give this review because of the extremely attentive and friendly staff. I've never actually eaten in the restaurant though.

    The pizzas are great in my experience (stuffed burger needs work though, or maybe it was our order was a fluke). Do yourself a favor and try the Rosemary's Potato pizza if that sounds like something down your alley. Definitely some great flavors to be had.

    tip: Plan for Deep Eddy swim if you can. It's just a few steps away.

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    We had lunch there today and were very impressed. The Ceasar salad was perfect, the West Coast thin crust pizza was as good as it gets. We have been to all the popular pizza places around Austin and are generally not impressed ( other than Cajun Pizza up north). I would like to mention the service was great and the atmosphere is very pleasant with an comfortable seating area outside. We will for sure be going back soon and bringing friends and family along too.

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    The best Chicago stye pan  pizza in Austin. Fresh ingredients, solid happy hour , great outdoor seating and atmosphere. Not on the cheap side, but worth every penny for the pan pizzas.

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    Best GF vegetarian pizza ever:  Enchilada verde, no chicken, substitute avocado, on a gluten-free crust.  The gluten-free crust is actually crispy, but not too oily!  The verde sauce puts most Tex-Mex restaurants to shame, so tangy and tasty.  The sour cream is perfectly tart and not overpowering, even for one like myself who never uses such a condiment.  The fresh jalapenos have exactly the makes-your-eyes-sweat spice that I desire.  My first slice lost its toppings, but then again I make my own use-a-fork pizzas and so did Mangia (big improvement in my book, by the way) so why should I expect otherwise?

    The Mexican Martini comes in a cute mini-shaker, just enough for 2 martini glasses, with a bite of it's own (using their own jalapeno/habanero/serrano-infused tequila).  L's delicious Basil Berry martini was also made with local spirits infused on location.  

    And to address the second main complaint from previous reviews (the first boiling down to the fact that Mangia lovers need to get over themselves):  Yes, good service is hard to find.  We were lucky to be eating at 10:30pm on a Friday night when business was slow, a time at which our newbie server had the luxury of finding out the answers to all our pesky questions.  He did so with humility and personality.  Some patrons at the bar were annoying, and there was NCAA basketball on a couple unobtrusive TVs (silent, thankfully) but we were treated really well, and the manager on duty even gave us a brownie.  Maybe they're trying really hard to make up for some past bad reviews?  Well, it worked.

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    It's a tough argument between the partner and me: Is Pizza Bistro just average, or is it below average?

    I'm the one who's not typically a huge fan of pizza, and I say it's below. The partner will eat anything, and everything -- especially pizza, and he says it's fair. You'll have to come to decide for yourself on that. My biggest complaint was the crust (it was soft and mushy through and through, I'd have liked for at least some part of the pizza to be crisp). Another issue was that when I asked for the antipasto, which advertised that it came with cheese-stuffed peppers, it came out without them. It was actually a sad, small, and overall unappealing plate. When I asked if it was missing some items, they informed me that they had run out. Instead of telling me this when I ordered, they just gave me the plate missing one of the main features. They wouldn't have said a word had I not asked. That's a little messed up, IMHO.

    The place looks pretty, and I hear the salads are HUUUUUGE. The prices on wine aren't ridiculous, and rumor has it that they make a mean cocktail or two there, but the overall experience I had? Back to line one on this review. "Ehhh..."

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    Not bad nor amazing..might return for brisket pizza as I think its their speciality. I did try the marguerite pizza and as with any other pizza joints I go to, the dough is paramount..Margherita from Enoteca still favorite...New York style pizza? Homeslice has no competition..perhaps identity crisis?

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    Surprised by the Mangia replacement I had to try the Pizza Bistro.  The owner greeted us at the door and was very friendly.  I had a Margherita pizza and an apple walnut salad.  I loved both.  The new interior is great and the staff friendly.   I have more items to try before I can say all is 5 stars but my experience with this meal was 5 star material. Great place!

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    We found this place by accident. They make the best tasting gluten-free pizza in Austin, and we've tried them all. High quality cheeses and meats too (not greasy like the cheap stuff). Plenty of parking and located just steps from Deep Eddy pool and Lake Austin. Outside covered patio is very comfortable. Great fresh squeezed lemonade too! We're looking forward to going back for the calamari and ground brisket burgers. Yum! Chris (the owner) seems like a great guy, and the staff was very attentive and friendly.

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    I too am perplexed by the bad reviews. Looks like some of them have to do w/ to-go orders which I have no experience with.

    I've been to the north Austin location 3-4 times now and have always really enjoyed the food and service. We typically hang out at the bar and are served by Blue or Shawn. They make good recommendations and good drinks.

    I was a fan of Mangia so the stuffed pizza is my thing. So far, I really like the Brisket pizza, though I get it w/ marinara instead of bbq sauce. But this last time we got the chicken enchilada verde pizza...holy balls! That was freakin amazing and both me and my wife came home for lunch from work the next day to finish the leftovers...she got there first:(.

    The other big recommendation is the mexican martini....and I guess if your hoping to get as drunk as you would at Trudy's you'll be disappointed...it doesn't fill up 4 entire glasses, like maybe 1.5. It does taste better though...they infuse their own vodka and in this case it's infused w/ jalepeno, serrano, hmm and one more pepper I'm forgetting. But, just order it.

    I have  friend that goes nuts for the meatball sub...haven't tried it yet, but he's picky, so  it's a solid endorsement.

    The only food I haven't enjoyed is the truffle fries...fries themselves are so tiny it's like eating hashbrowns instead of finger foods.

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    Ehhh. This pizza is just dreadful. You would be better off with Ritz crackers, ketchup and Kraft Singles.

    If you have any taste at all, do not even consider eating here.

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    If you have not been to the new Pizza Bistro I highly recommend you add this to the list! We ate there yesterday after driving by several times and it was fantastic. Great, full menu that is definitely not just pizza!  The food is great and the ingredients are all very fresh.

    This will be a new regular place for us no doubt!

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    Groovy decor upgrade.  Decent, HUGE salads.  The pizza wasn't anything to write home about but then I never write home.

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    Food is pretty good - they have a bbq pizza with brisket that was very flavorful. their meatballs arent bad either.

    however, their service in restaurant and for pickup isnt great.

    for the record - i will go back here but a few things are disappointing. namely - the customer service. i place a decent sized order for pickup ($50). i was in a hurry and knew i should check each individually sealed container but decided that since i was in a rush, to simply make eye contact with the food preparer and say "are you sure, everything is all in there." --- he said yes with great confidence.

    i arrive at my office --- two baked raviolli dishes were missing and two side meatball dishes too. ill admit - part of this is my fault...the bags felt a little light but i saw a few sandwiches and salads and he sounded so confident....i shouldve double checked before driving off.

    to their credit - they delivered the missing orders within 15 minutes of me calling them back. however, i saw the guy who dropped off the food (same guy who said it was all in the bag). the dude dropped off the food at front desk and left. if you want a lesson in customer service --- add an extra dessert and wait for me to come down so you can so "my bad for not double checking and fucking up." instead, i got what was missing and no apology.

    luckily the food bumps this place to 3 stars cause the service wouldve been 2.

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    Felt like leaving the second I walked in.

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    Service not good, Food marginal.  I miss Mangia's on Lake Ausin Blvd!

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    Ordered on a Friday for pickup - ny style thin crust wheat with three toppings (black olives, red onion and pepperoncinis). Asked if they delivered - said it would add 1.0 hour to order time. Said I'd pick up.

    Very friendly staff on the phone, although I was placed on hold twice - seems normal for a Friday night. Picked up order 30 minutes later (they said it would be ready in 20-25). Friendly hostess at the door, my order was ready, was impressed by decor and looked busy for a Friday. Was feeling confident.

    Purchased my order, got in the car. Double checked my receipt - everything looked as ordered. Drive home.  

    Got home. So SAD!
    - I'm a vegetarian and there is a big difference between pepperoncinis and pepperoni
    - I ordered NY Style thin crust. What we received was a bland, matza-bread thin pizza. It looked undesirable, but I was hoping if it is so cardboard thin maybe it would be crispy. Instead, full blown soggy bland mess. Barely warm, not crispy at all - really hard to make pizza this bad.
    - All around flavor of the pizza wasn't desirable. Bland sauce, soggy crust, toppings strewn about - it matters getting toppings of course right and then further more evenly spread across all slices.

    Will give credit to whomever works the phone. I was frustrated, called back to share the toppings were wrong. They apologized and:
    - Offered to comp the pizza
    - Offered for me to drive back in 15-30 and they'd make a new one for me to pick up

    I asked it was at least feasible for me to credit me back for the messed up topping. They said this wasn't feasible to credit me $2 back for the peperoni unless I come in to the restaurant in person. Blah.

    Wish it wasn't the case, but I would doubt this place will be open 3-4 months from now. I'll stick to Rounders or Homeslice - they have good pizza figured out.

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    I've only eaten the Chicago style pizzas here and they've always seemed adequate but nothing mind blowing.  They have a larger menu selection of other items to choose from now besides pizza so I need to expand my horizons and sample some of their other items.  There aren't a lot of other pizza options in this immediate area so this is a decent choice if your in the mood for a pie.  They have definitely made some major improvements in this space since they were Mangia.

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    Worse food. Bland, cold, tasteless.

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    Yeah! Pizza Bistro is up and running; the owners have successfully moved beyond the Mangia era and the new look is fantastic. Now, let's see how the food stacks up... My first visit was the second day of their relaunch and I have to say, I was really impressed with not only the remodeling, but the stuffed pizza I took home was delightful. Hot, fresh and well made.

    Fast forward a couple of weeks and I notice postings here on Yelp! with some pretty dismal reviews. What gives?  Odd how the reviews have been, so far, either one star or five star. Love it or hate it? I think not. So, craving a good pie I head out to the Bistro on the Thursday night before ACL (fortunately Zilker was still open). Surprised to see upon arrival that there isn't a single parking spot, and the place is packed with diners. Would my pizza be ready? Would the service suck? Heck no!!! These people ROCK!!!

    My order was just coming out of the oven, and yes, the cashier seemed to struggle a bit with the new register. But a more seasoned employee, or maybe the manager on duty, stepped in and helped her out. Teamwork. Well done, as most all of the staff is new.

    Now I had a minute or two to hang while my stuffed pizza was sliced and boxed. As a party of five or six was leaving I just had to ask... "So what did you think? Good food? Good service? Almost in unison I heard "fabulous/amazing/fantastic". Next group to leave... Same thing. They thought the food was excellent.

    I was craving a good "thick" pie, and this one did not disappoint. I've had pizza all across the U.S., and lived in Chicago for over a year (think Uno's, Gino's East, Lou Malnati's), was born out east (OK, New York rules in the thin crust category) and I know a good pizza pie when I tear into one!!! So, we get this beast home and OH WOW, it was freaking excellent. Nice sauce on top, spicy italian sausage (in casing, cut up) with green olives and mushrooms. My favorite combo!!! One of the best pizzas in Austin.

    Way to go Pizza Bistro... I've made it from the kitchen to the couch. Thank god I have a laptop, so I could ink this out without having to move.... ahhh.

    So folks, as near as I can tell, we have a winner here. Can't wait to "dine in" and check out some of the other menu items and enjoy some live music too.



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    Not sure what all the single star reviews are about.  I am genuinely perplexed.  The menu was great when my husband and I went to check it out (he is a HUGE Mangia's fan) and we loved it.  Definite improvement and GREAT service.

    The menu is creative and full of items that made use of local flavors and ingredients, like Brisket stuffed Pizza and the Peppertini!  The waitress went out of her way to find out what we liked and made recommendations.  

    We were stuffed when we left but made plans to come back and check out the truffle fries, the female friendly menu items and the local brews on tap.

    Seriously, it's pretty awesome. :)

    Review Source:
  • 0

    I ordered my birthday dinner from here because I love Mangia deep dish (or "stuffed") pizza. I ordered a large deep dish Ravelo's Best and was very underwhelmed. They were pretty stingy with the toppings, there wasn't anything "deep" about it (unless you count my disappointment), the sauce was bland, and it wasn't at all the quality I was expecting when the person on the phone told me they still had the same owners as Mangia did. This restaurant is trying to be a high-class joint, but their food just doesn't match the price tag. The tiramisu was just very average, certainly nothing special. My wife was so disappointed with her soggy pre-mix salad (she got the "Bistro") that my evening almost totally went to hell thanks to these guys.

    Another thing I noticed is that the employees were very very confused with their computer system. This made placing my order over the phone difficult, and it meant that I stood in front of the bartender for a good 5 minutes without ever being acknowledged while he tried to do whatever computer task he was trying to do.  I would think that before you actually open the store you would train your employees on how to use the computer to do the basic tasks they need to do throughout the course of a normal work day.

    I really hope Pizza Bistro PAYS ATTENTION to all of these negative Yelp reviews and makes some serious changes to their food. As it stands, they are destined to fail. Their concept is a good one, but the food is bad and overpriced for what it is. You can charge me $26 for a pizza, but it needs to be a GOOD pizza, and don't be stingy with the ingredients. This isn't CiCi's pizza we're talking about here. A meal for 2 is $50 without drinks. Act like it.

    If their pizza ever goes back to Mangia quality I will go back. I'll be keeping my eye on Yelp to see if that happens. Until that happens, though, it looks like I have to go to Conan's for deep dish. They're good, but I'll still miss Mangia's pizza. Pizza Bistro's just isn't up to par.

    I didn't Yelp these guys first simply because I was told it was the same owners as previously. Man, that was a mistake.

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  • 0

    Quick! Break out the sixth star!

    Unaware that it had only been open for a few days, we called ahead with an order that was ready about 20 minutes after we arrived and opted to just stay and watch some college football at the bar.

    First - the pie is amazing. Top quality ingredients, imported cheese and pepperoni, dough made fresh daily, and delicious sauce. Knocked it outta the park. At the risk of sounding hyperbolic, it's a definite contender for my favorite slice in Austin.

    Second - I really dig the Texas-only drafts and wells. And if that's not your thing, they still have all of the standbys.

    Third - very friendly folks. I think the split from Mangia precipitated a little fire under their toes and they are aware that this is a whole package. Word is that their hard opening went a little rough, but that's to be expected.

    It will probably be mad busy on weekend nights from here on out.

    Only drawback - a little on the expensive side. It's not really a drop-in and chow place, at $16 (or was it $14?) for a basic pie and then $3 per topping, which feels kind of silly when you pay that much for something as basic and inexpensive as olives.

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