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    It had some really good pizza, and the service was a little slow but friendly. It was also kinda small.. but in a cozy kind of way.

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    Facility: New and very nice.
    Food: Good (it's pizza hut, exactly what you would expect)
    Service: Not bad. Took a little while to be seated (would have appreciated a "welcome to pizza hut, we'll be with you in a moment"). Server took order correctly and kept the kids drinks refilled but did take a while to return to the table.
    Cleanliness: Not great. When we were seated we weren't sure our table had been cleaned, some crumbs still on table and chairs. Later I saw one of the servers wiping off the table next to us and understood. She basically took a napkin and slid it back and forth wiping stuff onto the floor with no attempt to catch or sweep later. This explained the food found all over the floors (crunched croutons, pizza sauce, etc).
    Overall: okay experience but if they don't take pride in keeping their nice new building clean, it will go down fast.

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    I'm at a loss on how this can continue to not be good,..it's a Pizza Hut,..the big dog of the dough world, but after several attempts I've yet to get a pizza I'd want again.  The staff seems disinterested in serving customers.  "Unless a change is made, they won't have to worry about customers...there won't be any."

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