The Pleasantville Restaurant is long gone. In its place is another Best Way Pizza, a regional chain of drive-through / eat-in pizza joints. All of their slices come off of gigantic rectangular pies. Each slice has one lonely round of peperoni in its center. Riffing on the rectangular theme the chain also offers "squarebolis".
Your best bet for success is to try and muster up enough people to eat an entire rectangular pizza. There are 28 slices in that monster. But it's what they do best, and having them make you a fresh one to order, is infinitely better than getting individual slices reheated.
That said, the squareboli is a viable option, especially the off menu vegetarian version. Avoid Buffalo chicken anything (coming from a Buffalo chicken anything lover) and skip the cheesy garlic bread.
Really, it's 2* food. But given that it's the only game in town for quite a ways in any direction, they get an extra star because it's hot and it's food and it's never made me ill.