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    Previous review pretty much summed this place up. Local place with a touch of character. Bud on draft after getting into Canada was disappointing.

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    I had a full day off before a buddy got married in Soo, Ontario.  When I'm in a different place, I like to go to what the locals do (thanks, Bourdain)..  In these here parts, just a lot of fast food chains and other establishments in strip malls.  So, we headed downtown to find some grub.  We walked into a local trading card store and asked the guy, where's the food?  He then said that a few blocks away, there was a "biker bar with huge portions of food."  Sold.

    We walk down to Reggie's, and yes, it is truly a glorious biker bar.  Divey, but clean.  Old posters of Miller and Bud Lite girls on the walls.  Classic 70s decor.  Obviously, a local crowd.  We may have been the first gringos to roll up into Reggie's in months.

    The drinks and food are sold separately as it's technically run by two different businesses.  I was a bit disappointed that there was only one beer on draft -- Budweiser.  Hello, this is Canada!  Where's the Labatt or Molson on tap?

    But yes, the food.  Huge portions.  And when I say huge, I mean HUGE.  I ordered the hamburger, which came it at a modest 1.5 pounds.  Believe it or not, you can get 2 patties, and yes, even 3.  The cajun fries are also gigantic.  One order is good enough for 4 people.  Trust me.  Now, as for the burger?  Well, it was a bit dry, and meatloafy.  But, some Frank's Red Hot did the trick.  The bun actually may have been the best part.  Not the best burger, but hey, this was more of an experience.  Some patrons behind me even ordered another beer just so they could see me finish.  And yes, I did finish.  And afterwords, I received congratulations from many people.  Clearly, people don't order the burger very often.  I may have actually received the key to the city.

    When I told my friends -- the bride is from Soo, Ontario.  She was almost shocked that I ended up there.  So, yes, that about sums up this place.  It's a place that's so local, not even locals go there.  Which means, that if you find yourself in Soo, Ontario, you have to come to Reggie's.  And you must slay the 1.5 pound burger.

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