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    I usually go to this location even though the Oak Ridge location is much closer. The staff is very friendly and attentive and the food is good. Last night we ordered the Rio dip, a mixture of hamburger, pico, and cheese. The dip is really good, and its a regular order for us, though last night it came out cold. We sent it back and they brought us a hot one promptly. My daughter and I split the Texas fajitas for two and the serving was huge! We easily could have split a regular serving. It came with chicken, steak, shrimp, onions, and peppers with a small "salad" of lettuce, pico, and sour cream and beans. There were not as many shrimp as I would have liked, and it was excessive on the peppers, but still good. I would recommend more than 4 tortillas as well (I could have used 10!). While I wasn't completely satisfied with last night's meal, I'm usually very happy with everything here. This location is more consistent, better food and service than the Oak Ridge location, and I'll continue to come here.

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    The best thing about this restaurant is the staff.  They are always nice and friendly.  If you get a chance to order the table side guacamole it is awesome.

    The food is not the best mexican around but it is good.  If your looking for a nice place to eat and good service then this is a great place.

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    Nachos fajitas texanos are better @ other locations.  Their beer & margarita specials rock!  Buy something @ food lion and your bound to get a bogo coupon on your receipt...

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