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    They're back....

    This place claims to be under new management but, it looks the same as it has the past 2-3 years. There are still no cushions on the seats or booths, there is no blind on the large plate-glass window so the glare is still intense and, the food still takes way too long to be delivered.

    The food is still pretty good, really good in some cases. If they would just spruce-up the place I think they would return to their former glory (this place used to be packed during lunch when it was LA Grill). The only noticeable change is there is now only one booth and a pool table takes up about half the restaurant.

    The wait staff seems eager to welcome you back and they have introduced some lunch specials. For now, they are open for lunch M-F. I really hope they are under new management and begin making improvements soon!

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