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    I will literally drive 30 miles from my home just to pick up a few jars of Laura Scudder's Natural Peanut Butter & I always leave with more than intended. Great atmosphere- Fun for kids, too!

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    Fantastic selection of products, friendly staff and plenty of parking. I'll be back!

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    We made a small detour on our way out of town this past weekend to stop by the J.M Smucker Company Store and Cafe.  Don't get confused like we did.  Make sure you're getting directions to the Store and Cafe rather than the corporate offices (which are huge and impressive, by the way).  The receptionist at the office was nice and directed us to the store, which isn't far away.  The address in this listing is the correct one for the store (1 Strawberry Lane is the corporate office).  

    Like another reviewer, we were suprised and impressed by the number of brands that are owned by the Smucker company.  There is an interesting timeline in the back of the store that describes the company's marketing and acquisition history.  The cafe was closed for renovation, so we didn't get to try any of their prepared foods.  We purchased several jars of goodies that I never see in my regular grocery store (guava jelly, mocha flavored Jif).  I was pleased to see that the prices were about the same as the grocery store.  I was expecting them to be higher.  Strawberry was the flavor of the month for June, so anything in the store that was strawberry flavored was 10% off.  That might be something good to keep in mind if you need a lot of a certain flavor, maybe pumpkin in the fall.

    I am actually kind of glad we had the wrong directions and ended up at the corporate offices at first.  It made me realize just how many people in northeast Ohio must be employed by this company, so I'll feel better about purchasing products from their family of brands in the future.

    Overall the store and cafe are a fun detour if you're passing nearby, but probably not worth a special trip if you're far away, unless you're looking for a particularly hard to find flavor.

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    I have been wantiing to check out the Smucker's store and see what they have to offer.  They sell all of the Smucker's products some of which I had no idea were under the Smucker's brand.  They have Pillsbury, Jiff, Crisco, and a few others.  They have a small tasting booth with a few jellies and jams for your tasting pleasure.  The jellies and jams are all the way in the back and they do have some unique ones that I don't see in my nearest grocer.  They have many options for gluten free, organic, sugar free, and other specialty diet options.  
       Prices here aren't any cheaper than your local grocer especially if the items are on sale.  I would suggest not going here just to buy a regular item.  The store is cool and i got to take my picture with the Pillsbury Dough Boy (Yea!)  They also have a little area in the back where you can see a small musuem of Smuckers.  They havea  cafe in front with some tasty looking pastries.  They sell Ruggle's Ice cream.  It was a nice stop on my trip but I wouldn't make it especially for this place.  It is only a mile off of 30.  It was relaxing and cool to see the different Christmas ornaments.

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    We've been here twice and both times we got the feeling this was just an overpriced grocery store.  They carry your typical jams and jellies of the Smuckers ilk but also carry things like cake and biscuit mixes.  Most of it you can find in your local grocery stores but there are some specialty flavors or harder to find flavors that may make this worth the drive for you.  They also sell serveware, cookie cutters, cake plates and other kitchen supplies.  Some of it was pretty expensive since I'd just priced a few things before we went there so try not to get swept up in buying something like a star cookie cutter or melon slicer that you can easily buy elsewhere; stick with the specialty plates and things that are one of a kind to the store if you're going to shell out the money.  They do have a little cafe that serves sandwiches and lots of different goodies.  We got this iced brownie there that was so dense and good that it stayed with us for the 2 hour drive home like we'd just eaten it.  So would recommend grabbing a few goodies if you're driving back.   As far as making this the only reason you visit the area?  Not so much.  Pair it with maybe the Canton Art Museum or on the way back from the Football Hall of Fame.

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