This place gives me the creeps.
I have been to many dive bars in my life, but there's something unsettling about this place that I can't and won't put my finger on.
It might have something to do with the fact that the first time I walked in here, it was amateur stripper night or something. I will admit, that may have been the reason why we went there since a buddy of mine was being sent to Iraq the following day.
We were told Thursday night is the night to go because they have dancers come in from Tucson. So here I am, a single, early 20's female hanging out with 3 other guys who look like they are more disturbed by the stripping scene than I am! I knew that couldn't have been a good sign. We ordered our decently priced drinks and looked on at the awkward scene.
Is it called stripping if you have your t-shirt bunched up around your neck so we can see your bra and muffin top flooding over your jeans?