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    My Kinda hole in the wall bar!

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    Great local's dive bar.  Between two of us, we sampled two shots and had two drinks apiece - all for $21.  You can get any drink you want and the bartender we had was fun and personable.  It really seems divey when you walk through the dark hall to get there, but it opens to a two-story, light and airy historical building with a brick facade.  A great fun place to spend the afternoon drinking.

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    A fun dive with lots of "historical" memorabilia.

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    this is a true "locals" bar in Calistoga. It's fun & quirky , a great place to grab a drink and relax after a long day of wine tasting. Fawn the bartender was fantastic, charming & very knowledgeable about the area.

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    Haha, YES!

    That's how I'd explain Susie's Bar.  We were between a few wineries and figured we'd turn off and check out downtown Calistoga.  Out of all the places that caught our eye, this was the one we went into and we loved it.

    Bartender was great, being that we were literally the only ones in the bar, but the drinks were cheap, strong and something other than wine (thank God).  The atmosphere looks fun as all hell if you're in the area at night and really, if I was in Napa again, I would make sure to stop by.

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    Would you rather spend 13.00 for a good teq or pay 7.00 diffrence that is cheaper??? I loved this bar...When I go to Calistoga I will def walk here from where I stay and get a few cocktails in me and go chill pool side...LOL.  It's a dive bar, don't expect fancy crap.

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    Stopped by for a drink at Susie's after dinner on a Sunday night.  Pretty empty except for a few folks at the bar.  As others have said, classic dive bar scene - locals kind of place.  Bartender was friendly, beer was cold and there was quite a wide range of music coming from the jukebox.  Overall a good way to wind down the evening.

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    This is the place to dive into the night and forget the morning. Fully loaded with pool tables, jukebox, and locals. Good selection of beers by the bottle, any of the bar tenders can make pretty much anything you can come up with. Also the new addition of a ATM is quite handy.

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    This hidden gem of the napa valley comes complete with a full bar and well seasoned pool tables to boot. Its back alley brick walls are reminiscent of prohibition speak easy times minus the wise guys. I enjoy a slightly chilled high quality coors here at least once a year just to escape from my woes. Its always comforting to know that no matter how many worries you may have, the man at the end of the bar has ten fold. Enjoy!

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    This place blows... All I can say is suck my duck birch... Fawns Hodden drink a little more while on the job and maybe you won't be such a birch... 1$ for a water... Pretty sure that's illegal... I would have had a better time if the stick in her ass had been removed prior to our arrival...

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    Awesome dive bar. Real dive bar. Complete with biker dudes, pool tables and Bud Light advertisements all over the place. A must.

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    Went in there expecting to find "clepto-super vile-angry girl with the straight blonde/white hair", Fawn behind the bar.  Instead, was greeted with a smile and a "what can I get you?".  Was this the same Fawn?  Imagine the disappointment.......:-)   Walking down the long hallway to the bar (located in the back of the structure) gives you the definite feeling that you're stepping into a dive bar.  If you use the term "dive" as a compliment for a bar then you should like what you see as you round the corner.  A good choice among the few choices to hang out at in Calistoga after dark.  Not sure there's another pool table in town.

    Fawn loves to talk about her Yelp reviews.......

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    If you get a chance to come to calistoga and do some wine tasting or shopping..be sure to stop in the "best lil dive bar in town" SUSIES! the bartender TERESA is Awesome! Always smiling...everyone seemed to love her (locals)..we stayed for HOURS!! not much to look at inside, but will definately come back and bring friends for Teresa's purple hooters!!

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    Susie's; a dive bar (a nice well kept dive bar) My pals continued to drink and be merry from a previous bar.  My wife finally managed to peel us away at 8 p.m.  The big talk in the bar that night from all the locals was that on Friday night at the Country Club, an event took place and Snoop Dog was the entertainment.  Trust me, that was a BIG deal to those locals.

    Anywho - everyone you meet up with in Calistoga is quite friendly so you will definitely have a great time, drinking or not...and the SHOPPING is GREAT!

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    A cool old building with lot's of antiques and bric-a-brac lying around, Susie's bar is a fun place to cozy up to the bar and have a beer.  I didn't quite feel however that it would be a place that I would consider a 'regular' hangout.

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    Nothing about this place says "Come in, you're welcome here." It's small, dark door nearly hidden barely informs you of this bar's existence. If you dare, open the door, walk down the long hall, and find yourself immersed in a group of locals. There are no tourists here.

    Saunter up to the bar and the pretty, saucy bartender named Fawn will insult you and bring you a beer when she feels like it. Somehow you'll appreciate that she deemed you worthy of that beer.

    Stick around, ditch any attitude you may have, and you'll end up slowly merging with the locals. Humility is key here, as is cash. In fact, Susie's is a cash only bar, whether you like it or not.

    At the end of the night, you might find that Fawn accepts your presence. She has a wry wit hiding a fun-loving smile. If you are really nice, she may kiss your boyfriend goodbye. Apparently I'm really nice. I'm also a glutton for punishment. We went back for a second night.

    In short, this is where the locals go to escape tourists. So, if you want that last nightcap and you're not afraid, wander into Susie's and say hi to Fawn. Treat her with respect and you'll be welcome.

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    What is up with the super vile and angry girl bartender with the straight blonde/white hair?  She was repulsed by me as I walked in and shot daggers from her eyes as I finished my drink as quickly as possible. As I left she shouted "come again sometime" in a sarcastic angry tone with a caclkle.That chick needs professional help. How does she keep her job?
    Is she Suzie?

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    I was here on Sunday 5/29  night with my boyfriend for a weekend getaway. We love dive bars and were too dressed up for this place, but we were looking forward to meeting the locals. I know it must suck to live in a touristy town, especially on Memorial Day Weekend, but tourism enhances the economy and we were here to spend money and tip well. There were only 5 other people sitting at the bar and we still had to wait 5 minutes for the bartender to acknowledge us. We waited patiently until she was finished talking to the other customers and gave her our drink orders. She questioned us about why we chose Absolute with a serious attitude.  She was so rude and condescending that we left before we even finished our drinks. We even tried to make light conversation about the cool Budweiser beer antiques and she just looked at us like we were aliens. She had the worst attitude I have ever encountered! I understand that locals are all territorial about their local scene- but no one was in there yet! I felt really disrespected and it almost ruined our night. But we went next door to the Hydro Grill to catch the last songs of a really old school jazz band, and was greeted with much more friendliness and hospitality!

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    Every town has one! This is Calistoga's version of the dive bar! Great value, probably the cheapest cocktail north of Vallejo!

    *** 3 Stars!!!

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    Kids are old enough to trick or treat on their own now, so last nite (Halloween) I decided to go have a drink. Haven't done anything "adult" for Halloween in 16 years.
    ......Oh Boy!
    I walk in and walk up to the area of the bar with an open space, and proceed to place my order.  The game was on.  As I was ordering, the guy next to me goes sshhhshhh.  I chuckled and placed my order and he then goes SHHHHHSHHHH!! Really?? WTF, this isn't a library for cryin' out loud!!  So hubby and I go to play pool.  Mind you there are only 10 patrons at best in the whole joint, including a party of 6 - 50 somethings.  Next thing I know one of the older men is pole dancing!  For the love of Pete-- is this as good as it gets on Halloween??
    Only working mans bar in town, so I guess it will have to do. Drinks were ok, bartender was so so. Would go back again in a pinch.

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    This place is a throwback to simpler times when you could openly smoke your unfiltered Camels, tell off-color misogynistic jokes, spit on the floor, puke outside the back door, and get into bar brawls.  I love it.  I have been told that Calistoga used to be a dive bar mecca with 15 or so of them in the downtown area and a few more scattered roadhouses just outside of town.  Wish I had been born 30 years earlier so I coulda tried 'em all.

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    Just get over there and getcha some local flavor!
    Go later than earlier - you go early you piss off the more grumbly locals.

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    I was expecting the typical warm welcome at susie's I had recieved the previous 2 times I visited today just to find one of the most charmingly c**ty champs behind the bar. Never once have I gotten so much attitude for ordering a round of shots. At least we got a DP squad #2 p**n from the treasure chest and believe me that was the only treasure we left with. even though the bar wench basically striped searched us to make sure we didn't steal any glasses. Outside of the huge taste of s**t, I also left with an amazing feeling that I would see c**t charming in my newly found dp squad #2 p**n tonight.

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    Fawn the bartender stole money from my friend and then lied about it twice.  Three different people at the bar saw her do it.   So stupid to sell herself out and be a downer on an otherwise fun night.    All so she could put $5 in her pocket - so very weak.

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    While visiting Calistoga for the weekend, I went to Susie's with two of my friends. The bar was nothing special, it looked a little cheap (Jaegarmeister on tap), but we still wanted to give it a shot. The brunette bartender was completely rude with all of us and decided to talk about us to other customer, which I am assuming are her friends, within earshot of us. And then gave us the stank face... And she made our drinks so weak. Screw that! we ended up going to the Calistoga Inn, which was packed and also had a live band playing. My advice skip Susie's and head over to the Inn instead.

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    Claw-machine grab thing dispenses cute stuffed animals and hardcore XXX DVDs... that was interesting...

    Very cool "jukebox"- electronic, great music selection...

    2 pool tables, always a ++

    And one stripper pole, that was interesting too.

    What's not to love about this place?  Awesome change from the standard scene throughout the Napa Valley.  

    I was so sidetracked by the claw machine, jukebox, dancing, pool table, and stripper pole, I actually didn't even drink here...  I'm sure the drinks and the barkeep are great though...

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    jim B is correct.  They treated us very well -- and we were three out-of-towners, one of whom had wet hair.  :)

    Susie's looks like your most fun uncle's converted barn-rec room.  All that's keeping you from going upstairs to explore is (1) the knowledge that you can't, and (2) your drink.  

    Oh.  And Fawn!  Best.  Barkeep.  EVER.  She's kind and naturally curious, and she helped us along in the next step of our travels (to the restaurant down the street).  

    She's also a bit of a traveler herself ... so if I get back up to Calistoga and find out that the fair Fawn had a bad time in one of SF's hot spots, I may need to kick some poseur patootie.  Feel me?

    Thanks to Susie's and Fawn for a lovely birthday weekend!

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    Awesome bar, they treated us great and even recommended a good place for dinner and called them to say we were coming.

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    This place is cool. Plenty of stuff going on in Susie's it almost feels like an adult arcade. Plenty of games and very spacious. This is a must stop for a drink in Calistoga.

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    There's a mean spirited bartender here- a blonde, heavy set girl.  I certainly didn't mean to offend her by not being satisfied with the drink she made me and was taken aback by her first response spoken harshly which was - "if you want something else, you'll need to pay for it."   She later accused me of "talking sh__ " about her.  What?  Am I in highschool again? I graduated over 20 years ago!  I admit I told my friends about her quality of service but other than that, I was just enjoying time with friends.  Why was she trying to eavesdrop anyway?  I wish she could've had her facts straight.  We tried to clear up any misunderstanding but she preferred the drama.  
    She proceeded to say she would not serve me anymore (I only had 2 drinks and didn't want anymore) and when I took a sip of my friends drink, she threatened to call the cops on me.  Is this for real??
    Aside from my experience with this warped person, it is a fun bar.  I celebrated a birthday there 10 years ago.  I don't think I will return there after being treated with such hatred but that was  my personal experience.  Otherwise it's a pretty cool place, nice clientele, fun jukebox- a good dive bar.  Maybe just order beer!

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    I'm definitely a fan of Susie's.  It's one of the best dive bars I've been to and is worth the walk down the long dark hall to get inside.  It's low-key, the people are friendly, and it's a great place to cool-down on a hot day.  Yes, there is a claw-machine game where you can win anything from a stuffed animal to XXX videos.  There is a fun juke box and 2 pool tables.  Oh, someone mentioned the stripper pole...There IS a stripper pole, that we were told (by an awesome bartender) is at an angle on purpose so the patrons who should not be on it (for various reasons) can't manage to stay on it.  We met some great people in here...regulars, backpackers, vacationers...loved it.

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    Nice small Dive Bar.  I spent my 21st Birthday night here.  My friends and I were randomly up here from San Jose.  It's always a plus when you see Nascar decorations at a bar.  Major plus are cheap drinks and friendly crowd.  Would come here again if I was in town.

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    Loved this place!  Why?  Because it is awesome, and here is why:

    Cheap beer, and a fine selection.  Nothing unusual really, but good beer is the starting point for any good bar.

    Claw machine with porn.  And I'm not talking about softcore pornography - this is the super graphic stuff.  

    Bar fight.  We witnessed a bar fight while we were here.  Two guys started getting in to it right next to where our group was standing.  The badass lady bartender jumped over the bar to help break it up with several of the other patrons.  As they were draging the offending guy out of the place, he started shouting for his "rainbow sandle" back.  The entired bar pretty literally laughed him out of the place.  

    If there was any dark spot it was the rather unattractive, relatively overweight girl dancing on the stripper's pole (that's right they also have a stripper's pole).

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    Good for beer, pool, and a decent juke box. And if you are feeling really skilled like Buster you can try for a stuffed animal with the claw/crane game.

    The bathroom definitely qualifies it as a 'dive bar'

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    From the ceiling hangs all the refuse from 2004's Cinco De Mayo - Corona streamers, Budweiser flags, posters of Dale Jr.  All barstool stares are on the trumpery paintings behind the bar - portraits of yesteryear's Calistoga race car drivers - their smiles still excited to be in their little stock cars, the helmets as round as over-inflated beach balls with proud black stripes down the center.  

    Someone asks the bartender, "They still race those cars at the fairgrounds on Sundays?"

    "I nuh know."  

    The usual domestics are in the bottle.  Lagunita's are in the cooler somewhere if you ask like you don't think the swill everyone else is drinking is inferior, pal.  The Coors bottles are in full supply for the pool players - minding their own business, occasionally dipping out the backdoor for a smoke.

    All the patrons in Susie's tonight are going somewhere tomorrow.

    "We're meeting my parents in San Diego and going on a cruise down Mexico way.."  

    "We're going to Vegas.."  

    "New York with my mother.."  

    "Going to see my girlfriend's parents in Columbus.."  



    Tomorrow, we will all meet here again after all the other goings-ons on Lincoln Avenue have stopped happening.  

    The next round's on me.

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    It's our local dive... i wouldn't recommend driving any distance to check it out, but if you're in Calistoga in dire need of booze, check it out.  All the drunks seem to convene there after 12...

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    Fun time. I went here with friends to decompress before my wedding the following day. The people there were freaky, twisted, and weird. Drinks were cheap and strong.

    My only compliant was that the men's bathroom was backup and pretty disgusting.

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    The only dive bar int the region. Awesome dive.. really good drinks and the people are great....

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    Decent dive bar on the main street of Calistoga. Typical top 100 tunes on the juke box. Be careful when you look in the crane stuffed animal game (you know the one with the claw that you moved to win stuffed animals?) You might find yourself looking at some XXX porn video sitting next to stuffed pink elephants.

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