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    Too expensive to cook my own food.

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    Have been here for drinks only a few times.  The atmosphere is great, the drinks are good, but a bit expensive.  Definitely a stop I make a couple times during the summer.

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    Great spot for a date or just a large group.

    When the weather is JUST right, this place is perfect. The service is great, atmosphere is a lot of fun and who doesn't like gator?

    All around great time at Tiki Bar!

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    This place has run its course. $22 for a steak you have to cook yourself. Beers for $5.75 and a staff that could care less about the patrons. They play the same songs over and over, and at 1130 which is last call by the way, they play very obnoxious marching band music. They soon begin to corral you towards the door. Even if you bought a drink 30 seconds before last call, you will soon be herded towards the exit. One time when i asked a server why they got so obnoxious at closing time i got " hey man, we want to party too"!  Oh sorry, i'll get out of here and take my annoying money with me. The drinks are extremely weak and if you ask for them to fix it, you will most certainly be denied.  I would imagine that if there were another place close by that could accommodate that many people outside they would soon see their demise.

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    LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE this place!! i come every summer. they have outdoor grills and you get to cook your own food, which i like b/c you can customize it anyway you want. they have all types of marinades and hot sauces. it's about $20 for 2 grill items, comes with salad and baked potato. i always get the alligator kabob and portobello mushroom, which comes with a garlicky pesto on top. they also serve chicken, beef, and seafood. there is a raw bar where i feast on fresh oysters. if you've never had alligator before, get it here.

    you must try the HURRICANES while you are here. it is their specialty drink, and it will get you drunk in no time. the staff here is top notch-super friendly and they will get  you just about anything you could ask for. they play good music too, and they now have live music on thursday nights.

    if you aren't hungry, you can just sit at the bar and have some drinks. the bartenders are just as great as the rest of the staff. and cute too.

    place gets packed so come earlier to snag a table. and bring ID-they card at the door. i wish i lived closer to this place because i wouldn't mind going here everyday.  i've never had a bad experience here. we had a friends bachlorette party here, and they were very accomodating. they will take large parties for special events, but be nice and call them at least a week ahead of time so they know  you are coming.

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    Fun place to drink and hang with your friends but I think it's a little too expensive especially since you have to cook your own food.

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