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    It's a chain (a somewhat infamous one at that, some might say) so you know what you're getting yourself in to.

    The beer selection is fantastic.  Great draft and bottled selection.  Pretty good liquor selection.  Plenty of TV's, games (billiards and electronic), and it's a large space overall, so you should only have trouble finding a seat on the busiest of busiest nights.

    The food is actually pretty good for a place that doesn't really market itself for its food.  Some of the apps are quite large, so keep that in mind if you order an app and entree.  Me and a buddy will usually just split an app or two and have a few beers, but the entrees I've had have all been good.  I've never gotten the meatloaf sandwich, but I've been here with multiple people that say that's the only thing they get because it's so good.  Never tried any of their desserts, so I can't comment there.

    [Just a side comment.  None of this is factored into my review since this is more of a corporate issue and nothing to do with the Roselle location (but technically I guess that could be said about most of the rest of the experience since it is a chain).]
    As for the outfits, I would actually prefer if there were a little more tastefully done.  I'm not bashing the place -- as I said in the beginning, you know what you're signing up for when you walk through the door.  My point is just that I think most men come here the first time because the outfits are so ridiculously over the top, and many never come back.  It's a sight to be seen and once seen, they move on.  If the outfits were a little more tasteful, they might increase repeat clientele, AND they might be able to hire girls that are a little more attractive.  I'm not saying the girls here (or at any other TK) aren't attractive, but you'll definitely notice all the waitresses (or entertainers as they are supposedly called) are a certain type.

    Anyway, it's a fun place with a good selection of drinks and great promotions.

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    Too many cops hanging around inside and out. That is not good for business

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    Cool place..great brews...great crew...food much better than hooters... Screw the dissers

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    So a buddy of mine and myself have been to a few TK's in the area, trying to find one with good service. Unfortunately this one doesn't hack it. Our experience started out good as we were promptly greeted and seated.

    Our server came up and introduced herself and we ordered a round of beers. The server brought us our drinks and seated herself to exchange some witty banter. Now mind you, I understand this is part of their gimmick. But to sound scripted and uninterested is not what I think the owners had in mind. After all, you did sit down at our table...

    So we try ordering an appetizer and our entrees. I ask for the Cheese-steak sandwhich with a side of Au Jus. She responds with "How about a French Dip and I'll ask the chefs to change the cheese from Swiss to Provelone and add Peppers because it's cheaper and I don't know how to add a side of Au Jus because know one's asked for that before..." Wow... Ok.

    So after we give our order she sticks around until the hostess comes up to her and says another table was seated in her section... 2 dudes with tattoos. Our server then promptly leaves to enter our orders and go sit with the tattooed gentlemen.

    In the mean time, our food shows up. Before the appetizer. Our server - still sitting with the tattooed gentlemen. The food runner literally threw the food down and was gone before we even knew the appetizer wasn't coming. The manger? Playing on his cell phone on the floor. Awesome. Oh and we were out of beer....

    Finally the server came up to us and asked if we wanted another round. I pointed out that we never received the appetizer and to please ensure we don't get billed for it. She apologetically explained that she was distracted from our conversation and completely forgot we ordered it. Cool...

    After that, she paniced and just gave us the bill so we could pay. She never really walked away when my friend put down the Debit Card and we were figuring what we should do for tip.

    Overall, I understand that it's a gimmick bar and grill to get guys to fork out tons of money on beer and food because the servers are wearing enticing uniforms. But service is still a mainstay. Customer's experience is the most important thing. Because of this experience, we are going to continue to the next TK in the area to see how they stack up.

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    I've never been more discusted with management that it compells me to write about their terrible error in judgement. Today is the first game of the Chicago Bears' season and the managers knew how to ruin the day!

    Instead of game announcements blaring overhead and our Server being readily available, we were made to wait and forced to listen to some douche bag on the mike counting up seconds...

    The audacity to prioritize a contest between servers of who can hold up a beer mug full of water longest during the game is just mind boggling to me. Why not interrupt the commercials or wait until half time for these in-house shenanigans?

    We left angry, on the verge of fighting amongst ourselves, for choosing this place over Buffalo Wild Wings at Rt 59. So happy to have left before half time, where the environment was much better for watching the Bears beat the Colts.

    Please do not lose sight of your business and make this about the Kilt girls. A good manager would've recognized the glare on the big screen tv by the pool tables from the sun and adjust the blinds to prevent that from happening. A good manager would've recognized that customers do not come to spectate in dumb bar games.

    We've grown to like the service and have become regular customers for some of the ladies. Do not ruin the relationship we have established with your nonsense during football season!

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    Huge Tilted Kilt!! I mean, the biggest I've ever been to. They nicely accommodated our table of 30 plus and I was amazed at how our waitress handled us, single handedly. Um yea. The food is the same as any other tilted kilt, but really I was surprised at the service, specially on a Saturday night when UFC fights were on. Way to go tilted girls!

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    To me, Tilted Kilt is a symbol of what's wrong with our country. There are plenty of symbols of what's right, but Tilted Kilt ain't one of them.

    A little primer on "breastaurants," such TK and Hooters: the scantily-clad girls aren't officially "servers." They're hired as "entertainers." Can you guess why? If not, ask yourself why places like this never have unfit/unattractive girls serving you food, and how they can exclude the not-so-hotties but never get sued for discrimination.

    Restaurants have servers; breastaurants have entertainers. Do they entertain? Well, if showing lots of skin is entertaining, then yes. But that's the only form of entertainment they offer, because the service is lousy and uncoordinated, and that's just at the bar. Upon arriving, one "kiltie" asked me if I wanted a drink while another kiltie was two feet behind her, pouring my beer. Yet when I wanted an order of fries a while later, no one could be found for at least five minutes. The small flock of kilties at the front door saw me looking for service but didn't do much to help. Guess that's not how they entertain.

    I'm a little embarrassed in admitting that I've been here three times: once with a family group and twice with a bandmate on the way home from practice. Only this last time did I get something good to eat: the fries. A basket of fries is three bucks and quite good. Their beer selection is decent but not great. The wings aren't worth the price, and I suspect the rest of the menu is a bad deal.

    If you're a married guy like me, you'll have several conflicting thoughts running through your head at TK:

    1. "How much sluttier can a girl get with that get-up?"
    2. "Is the rumor true that girls have their breast implants paid for by this place?"
    3. "If I go with a significant other, where may I direct my eyes?"
    4. "Why aren't the girls as hot as the ones on the commercial?"
    5. "Exactly how young are they? Am I in danger of committing pedophilia with my eyes?"

    I believe I have some answers:

    1. Not much sluttier. Something about this outfit makes Hooters outfits look girl-next-door wholesome. It's like two CEOs went into a Halloween shop, found the "sexy Scots-woman" costume, paid a genius in product design to make it ten times more entrancing, and voila! (Although one male worker at TK also had to wear a kilt. Poor guy.)

    2. I asked a kiltie once about the rumor, and she said that it was not true. Tilted Kilt does not pay entertainers to get any enhancements done. Perhaps kilties buy Wonder-Bras in bulk.

    3. It's impossible not to look you-know-where. I'm an ecstatically-happily-married leg man, and I couldn't look away. If the kilties wore a little sign in their cleavage that said "try the honey weiss," sales of honey weiss would triple. Perhaps this is why TK has so many TVs. I know many wives are forgiving of their spouse's wandering eyes. Still, it's hard to sit here and not become a cad.

    4. Here's where I'm particularly conflicted. One of TK's many TVs seems to run an awful lot of Tilted Kilt ads. The women in one particular commercial - and I'm using the term "women" here, for a reason I'll explain in a bit - are stunning, not only in their looks but in their manners. Their walk, their stare, their "I know what you want" facial setting. But TV adds an awful lot of glamour. Here, at this real-world place, I get no smoky stare. The attire says "look at me" but little eye contact is made. Perhaps they should wear what runway models wear, since models pout and stare off in the distance. Or maybe they could dress like that detached Svedka android from 2033 while pouring me a vodkatini.

    5. Last time, I asked the poor kilted man about the girls' ages. He told me that not all employees there were 18 or over. So think about that, fellow men. You may be staring at the chest of a girl that isn't even legal. How far do you want to carry the fantasy? Perhaps I misunderstood him, perhaps not. Either way, I feel "wronger" than ever setting foot in TK, and I doubt I'll come back.

    When I watch TV on sports and see an attractive woman offering little insight from the sidelines, I ask myself why they combine things to diminished effect. Why not have a good-but-not-hot announcer feed me pertinent info while showing the cheerleaders on the sidelines? I feel that way about Tilted Kilt. It's better for me to visit a place with good food and a good price, then go home and watch women's volleyball.

    Tilted Kilt is not the only bad "breastaurant" in America - Show-Me's, anyone? - but it's still a symbol of corporate style over actual substance. It tries to satisfy the stomach and the libido at the same time, with mediocre results. If men decided against one-stop-shopping for their bodily urges, TK would run out of business. They'll keep getting customers, but I won't be one of them.

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    Aryn is the best!  And the burgers are epic...

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    Love the atmosphere... Friendly service and decent food.

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    I've been here a few times and the food is great and I would give the food alone 4 stars but the service horrible. I could careless about the half naked girls. I go to a restaurant for the food AND service. For a bar atmosphere they sure do take long getting drinks and never notice when you need a refill. I live half a mile from here and will come back for the food but only if I have time to wait.

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    ...First off, when reading previous reviews...why do you hate on these girls for working here???  For real, thats bogus as shiiii, calling them strippers?  Kinda lame.

    This place is smaller then any other Tilted Kilt I've been too.  Came here after the monsoon cancelled our golf outing and Indian Lakes around the corner.

    I got the chicken tenders, a buddy ordered the wings and another buddy got the ultimate nachos.

    The chicken tenders were small, but they were good and the fries that come with it were aight.

    The wings I was told were good, but nothin' special...HOWEVER...I have heard that their wings are pretty good from other people, so who knows.

    Now, the ultimate nachos were whats up.  Huge plate stacked with a bunch of shiiiii on there.

    The staff was friendly as usual at these establishments and I really cant complain about anything today other then the friggin monsoooooon.

    I'd probably go back, it is what it is......

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    First off let me start this review with a warning....Father's and Dad's out there. If your daughter applies for a job at this restaurant she may become a stripper in the future...oh i'm sorry a dancer...just a warning

    with that being said My wife and myself went into the Tilted Kilt yesterday for lunch. Having never heard or read anything about this eatery it was a total blind decision to dine here. Upon walking in the first vibe you get is that of a local sports pub slash brewery. Then it's boobs, boobs and mini skirts. Now don't get me wrong I like boobs and mini skirts, just no when i'm eating.  It's creepy to walk around the dining floor seeing all the single gentlemen having lunch  by themselves and a young dancer....I mean server sitting with them, flirting for tips. Again this is a restaurant not a under age adult gentleman's club.

    After reviewing the menu you may notice that ninety percent of the fair is carb heavy bar crap. Stuff that you need no less then a pitcher of beer to remotely consider ordering. However if you frequent this establishment more than once by accident (like myself) then you are here for something other than the food....yes sir you might be a pervert.

    In closing, the food is ok...bar food. After we finished and received a take home box. I wrote out the credit card slip. I sat and pondered for a moment. Where do I leave the tip?? on the table or do I tuck it???

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    LOVE the menu item names and I had a very Interesting take on fish and chips.  But you know the waitress' costumes have got to go when your 63-year-old date was offended by them.

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    Most guys comes here for the girls. If you are, go to a strip club.  Food isn't that great, and service is so-so. TVs setup is terrible. Buffalo Wild Wings blow this location outta the water as for TV setup go.

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    I came here after my bowling league with 13 people in our party. I didnt call ahead...I know...what was i thinking!!!The girl that greeted us was super nice and put a table together for us right away. At this time we only had half of our party, so she took our drink orders and we put an appitizer in for us to snack on while we waited for the rest of our group. The rest of our group showed up and our waitress was right there with menus for them and ready to take their drink orders. We all ordered our food and asked for seperate checks, which she did not have a problem with at all. Our food came out pretty fast it it all tasted wonderful.....I should know cause I pretty much tried everyones ;)
    The only problem we had was the nachos were BARE.....there was not any cheese or meat on it...well thats what it seemed like. They do not put the liquid cheese on there nachos where the Tilted Kilt in Elgin does(shoutout to Elgin TK).....and let me tell you it was missed!!!

    *sign up for their email club to get a free order of irish nachos*(ask for them with fries instead of the potato slices.....WAAAAY BETTER!

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    My experiences here have been mixed.

    On some occasions, the food has been served quickly, on others, there have been long delays. The girls here are are also hit and miss in terms of service and friendliness. That being said, the beer battered clams are a smash, no matter what.

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    Believe it or not, the main reason I've been going to Tilted Kilt is because my wife LOVES their Spicy Veggie Black Bean Wrap. The food I've had there is not bad for bar food, including the wings, chili and burgers. I also like the beer selection, which includes, for instance, Magic Hat #9. I'm not sure if they always have it in the rotation, but the fact that they had it at least once is a good sign. Also they're loaded with TV's.

    One word of caution. If you go to Tilted Kilt with your significant other, be prepared to either block out the incessant cleavage or expect a lot of annoyed looks from your loved one. I think they waitresses actually out-cleavage Hooters.

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    So okay, it turns out the Kilt is the closest thing to my neighborhood bar right now. It's just up my street so geographically, it does qualify. We all know why a lot of dudes come here and there shouldn't be any pretense about it so I won't dwell on that here. The food is better than average and the drink prices are about standard for a restaurant with similar fare, think Friday's. So what makes this place almost perfect? Our favorite server Alicia. She is kooky, attentive and adorable. Order the rib-eye version of the Sloppy Jane. It's a good and messy sandwich. Watch a game or two or three. There's a screen with what you're looking for somewhere there. And try to sit up at the bar with your buddies and ask for Alicia to help you out.

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    My fiancé and I are frequent visitors to the Roselle tilted kilt.  We actually have a favorite waitress here, Alicia.  Alicia was our waitress for my first visit. (my fiancé had been there before).  Being in the service industry myself I was blown away at her friendly, down to earth, professional service.  She's the reason we come so frequently!  

    Unfortunately we came on her day off earlier this week.  We had a waitress named Sarah, who was a big disappointment.  When we say down there was no "hi" or "how are you guys?". It was "do u want anything to drink?". I felt like we were annoying her.  We ordered our drinks and food, ate, and asked for the check.  She placed in on the table, we paid, she asked if we wanted change, we said no, then left.  She didn't say thank you one time, she made no eye contact, she was super unfriendly, and we were very disappointed.

    Maybe we get spoiled when Alicia waits on us, maybe it was because I was female, I'm not sure but I always overcompensate when it comes to tipping because I rely on tips myself, and Sarah missed out.  I feel like good service should be consistent, and it wasn't this time. I have no clue how this girl still has a waitress job.

    We will definitely be back, but only when Alicia is there in fear that we have the same bad experience.

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    Honestly, the three star rating for my review is based on the fact that the quality of the food did not make up for the fact that I had to avert my eyes from slutty waitresses the whole time.  I can handle Hooters for this very reason...(although their uniforms aren't nearly as bad)...the food there is good enough for me to deal with boobs in my face the whole meal, but I digress.
    This place reminds me of a really nice college pub.  If I were still in college, and there was nothing better around, this would be a decent joint.  BUT, since I am not stuck in a dirty college town anymore and there ARE way nicer places to eat quality food, drink craft beer, and watch sports, this place just falls short.
    I will say, however, that the place is HUGE.  There are a lot of televisions, a big bar, and lots of seating.  There were a couple of larger parties around us so they can accommodate for that which is nice.  
    The food is decent.  It's not horrible, but it isn't anything to write home about.  I got the fish and chips and my man got a burger and mozzarella sticks.  The food came out quickly and the waitress was pretty good but the food was just meh.  Like I said before, I could get better in other places.  If you are a fish and chips fan, the meal here is a good portion and the fish is good quality but the breading is a little crispy for my taste.  Also, the tartar sauce was decent but a little heavy on the relish.  What am I?  Some kind of fish and chips connoisseur?  Yes.  Yes, I am.  Oh...and for those who need malt vinegar, they have it.
    Last, and most importantly, the beer selection.  They actually have pretty good beers on tap and a few more in bottles.  Yes, there is a lot of crap too, but as long as there are a few quality craft beers on the menu, I'm happy.  I ended up having a Ranger IPA on draft (MMMMMMM) and debated getting a Two Brothers or Half Acre seasonal just because they had it.
    Overall, this place is OK.  Not a place that I would frequent but not a place that I would avoid altogether either.

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    Just going to watch the creepers flirt with the server girls is worth every penny.  

    That said, there aren't many places like this in the area where I go out -- and I like this place. I like it so much that I'm probably going to go at least once a month. It's basically a classier Hooters but with "Scottish" (aka school girl) outfits and bartenders that wear kilts.

    The layout is great and the TVs are everywhere. The only food that I've had there has been the potato skins and they were just fine. Nothing to brag about.

    The service when we went the first time was good. The second time was just ok. There was a calendar with specials on it and it said that the night we were there was Ladies' Night and Menu Food was 1/2 off.  Long story short, that only applied to Entrees, and we ordered appetizers. So I'd recommend checking the specials with your server girl before you order if you are there for them. :)

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    I'm going to have to go 4 stars on this one. I work a couple blocks away from this location so it's convenient for me after being super hungry from missing lunch... add to that, I don't know the area well, at all. So, knowing TK from it's downtown location, I thought I'd give it a try. I figured the worst case scenario would be I'd be served an average meal by a pretty face in a short skirt. Let's call a spade a spade.

    I was actually pleasantly surprised that the girls (and the one guy) were all really engaging in a (seemingly) genuine way. Sure, they are doing it for tips and it'll work more often than not. BUT, it doesn't come off as forced. I was sitting at the bar and a couple of the girls came over and talked to me even though neither one was serving me. I had asked the bartender if she kept her tips or if there was tip-sharing. She had told me each server keeps their tips. So, maybe the group effort was coordinated or maybe it wasn't, but it was pleasant at any rate.

    So, this place has good burgers and excellent garlic fries. It also had every game, fight, sport related thing on many tvs. The beer selection good be a little broader, but they have a couple I like. Take all this, which would make for a good sports bar on its own merits, and add to it the fact that a young, cute girl in a short skirt is doing the serving and chatting you up... well, like I said before. Let's call a spade a spade... and this is a trump card!

    Haha, but seriously, it's a good place for lunch or drinks after work with some friends. Plus, it's not too over the top or too much, so if your group includes females, they'll probably be ok watching the game there, too.

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    I've been to a few Tilted Kilts and this review could probably be used for all the locations I've been to (including those in other states).

    Average is exactly the experience I get in a TK.  It's not great, but not horrible, all wrapped in a short skirt and bust-enhancing top.  For years, I've maintained that while Hooters has it's quirky, tongue-in-cheek charm, the food is actually really good and can stand on it's own feet (hell, my buddies and I have actually done take-out more than once).

    In my opinion, Tilted Kilt's focus on ogling does unfortunately take away from the menu.  While I wouldn't say any particular item is awful, I also can't totally recommend anything as most things are just pretty average.  If one is hungry and looking to be fed, there are worse places to go.

    Service can be hit or miss.  I've noticed sitting at the bar during what would be considered Happy Hour during the week, you can expect prompt service and friendly chatter from staff and other patrons.  Otherwise, it seems like Waitresses pick and choose which tables to dote on and which to just give marginal service.

    As I mentioned previously, I'd like to say that this is an isolated instance, but the consistency in what I've described above has been in just about all 5 locations I've visited.

    With that said, it's not a bad place to get a beer and a burger - but outside of scantily-clad eye-candy, there's not much to differentiate Tilted Kilt from the throngs of gastro-pubs popping up all over the place... it's just another contender in the "breastaurant" battles.

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    Have only been to this place twice, and I am not sure why I even went there the second time.

    The first time was a Saturday for college football.  Our waitress was more interested in yapping on about nonsense than getting us our food or beers.  And the only explanation she could give towards the delays in service was that they kept running out of clean beer glasses. Good preperation for a big day of college football.

    The second and last time, was a Friday after work when there were more waitresses than patrons.  Yet, we went a good 45 minutes before one of us went to the hostess and asked if we could get a waitress, she responded that there was no waitress assigned to that section.  Apparantley, they were all assigned ot the the "let's stand around and talk about each other nails" section.  Unfortunately, we were not sitting in that area.

    I did eat during both visits, but nothing left a enough of an impression for me to even remember what I had.

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    Great selections of Beers .
    Had the BBQ Bacon Cheeseburger and it was excellent !
    w/ homemade fries , pretty good too.
    Now as for the nachos... not so good. Just thrown together.
    Great TV set up for all the big games .

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    I hate, and I mean hate, when people refer to their "beer" as "good" or "fine" and it "making the place. If they crafted it on site I would agree. But when they ordered it from the same place everyone else does and then hand it to you from a cooler - its not "theirs".

    What is theirs is the signature look. I understand the appeal, but I treat it like a strip club. What is the point? Can you oggle them like a Creepy Creeperton? - Yes. Will they flirt back with you for tips? - Absolutely!

    I don't understand why, if you are looking for this type of "entertainment", then why not just get a hooker.

    If that makes you feel better about yourself, be my guest. But if you are there for food, beer, or anything other than eye-rape than you can have your needs met elsewhere.

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    I have been to this location a few times, and it has been nothing but fantastic...once we act be actually got there.

    By that, I mean, I had a snafu with the Groupon that I bought for a party here.  Let me set the scene: it was a week before my birthday, and there was a Groupon for a party for up to 15 people for $150 worth of appetizers for $50.  I called TK to see their availability for the following Tuesday, my birthday.  At this point I hadn't bought the Groupon because it said you needed to reserve a spot and I needed to make sure they had the room.

    So I called up and booked a party for the Tuesday of my birthday.  The woman on the phone said, and I quote "that'll be a great day to have it because Tuesdays are $2 draft nights".  Score!  So I THEN bought the Groupon.  She said someone would be calling me back to confirm.  I never got that call.  So I called THEM back and left a message.  I got a voicemail from Vinnie, the GM, saying "I see you booked a party for Tuesday, but you're going to have to change it because we don't honor the Groupon on Tuesdays because it's $2 draft night".  Ummm...seriously...?

    So after a LOT of arguing, they finally decided to honor the Groupon.  Jen was our waitress that night, and she did an AMAZING job!!  We never really had to wait for anything, and she was SO friendly and helpful.  We loved her!

    The next time we came in, we had Beth as our waitress, and she was equally as awesome.  Great waitstaff at this location.

    However, whoever decided that the side salad should come with the hot meal needs a reality check.  I don't want to be sitting there eating my cold salad while my food gets equally as cold.

    I will definitely be back again, though!!

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    Still horrible. Never going back again unless its for a beer. For some reason they can actually do THAT right here. Nothing else though.

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    I'm not going to write an extremely long review here, because let's face it: You really don't need a review of a Tilted Kilt to know if you should go there.

    I mean, let's be honest. The only people who'll complain about a Tilted Kilt (generally) are women who don't like that there's a bar where the hosts are attractive women (odds are, more attractive than them), wearing clothing that reminds you that they are extremely attractive.

    Oh sure, they'll spend a veritable TORRENT of words to try and say otherwise, but ultimately their efforts are futile. In the end, they won't like the place because there's a place where there's pretty girls that aren't doing anything that lets them point to what they do and say "SHAME! SHAME!" If I had a "masturbatory act" emoticon on Yelp, I'd put it here.

    But, I digress... and completely invalidate the whole "I'm Not Going To Write An Extremely Long Review Here" thing. Oh well. On to the review.

    As I've been to other Tilted Kilts (specifically, Woodridge), I may compare a bit. Not actively; just compared to a bar I strongly enjoy.

    TKR (as I'll call it) is a large bar, which the designers have arranged so that every table / grouping area has its own breathing space. So far, I haven't seen any situations in which there's a People Clog or anything.

    It does have its downside. A large bar means there's more room for customers. More customers means there's a higher Customers To Staff Ratio, meaning service suffers a bit. Tilted Kilts pride themselves on the fact that their servers have time to socialize with their customers. I didn't see that too often, but I tend to visit at busy times.

    The size of the bar is larger than normal, which 'suffers' from the same issue. Now, I'm a Super Fancy High-End Guest who has a Favored Bartender Who Inexplicably Likes Me, so *I* get attention when I require it, but if I was some random schmuck? I could see someone getting annoyed that the bartender has to deal with a higher amount of bar-folks.

    I've always dug and enjoyed the TK food. You know how people make the joke of "I read Playboy for the articles"? And how the articles in Playboy really ARE good? Well, I actually go to TKs for the food as a primary reason I go. The food is solid.

    The only thing I dislike is their pizzas, which are more in the vein of 'flatbreads', meaning they are literally flat breads with stuff on top of it. I miss the pizzas they used to have... and its spread to the other TKs I've been to.

    Price-wise, things are solid, if a hair expensive.

    Sound-wise, the place can get loud, and when there's a band... ho boy, it'll get REALLY FRAKKING LOUD really quick. It can get annoying.

    And now, let's get to the... obvious section. The women are attractive. If I said anymore, I'd feel like a pervert. Seriously, do you want me to go into how hot the women are? Measurements? Skin type? Seriously, watch a porn or something. As long as you're not an ass or demanding (and trust me, I've seen people do it!), they are nice to you. If they aren't being nice to you, you're being an ass, one way or another.

    So that concludes my review. Good food, beer is good, women are hot and nice, and you should go. Oh, and if you're at the bar and your bartender is Susie, tell her Bibs said hi, and that you mentioned how awesome she is on Yelp. Because Susie is awesome. Hell, she's nice to me. ME, of all people. And I'm a putz.

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    Ok. I went there for band and brews. Totally ignored by waitresses with empty bottle in plain view. I even tried flailing my arms, still ignored. Ok, so one came by once as I was returning with 2 beers from the bar. One of them that passed by actually sat down at the table and listened to the band for a few minutes. The bartenders were good and waited on promptly. Sound system was ok, a little loud though.
    I will not be back.

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    Basically a better version of Hooters.  Food is fine...nothing special.  The wraps are anemic looking and very floppy, but taste good.  Burgers are ok and made to order.  Tuesday is $2 draft night, so it gets fairly busy around 6:30 PM and dies down by 8:30.  There's never been a wait to be seated.  
    The place is big and open with little obstruction from side to side.  There's a bar area to the left on the entrance and tables to the right.  I've never sat at the bar, but there's always people there.  Place is clean, servers are pleasant and like to talk, but aren't overly aggressive.  Lots of TVs with various programs running throughout the restaurant.  
    All-in-all a good place to have a few beers and hang out with friends.  I will return here.

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    I have never been here before and only went as a recommendation by some friends. Some friends they are. I had a Black & Bleu burger which was unimpressive at best. The best thing about the meal were the garlic butter french fries and my coke. I am a craft beer lover, and there wasn't a single great beer on the menu. There were only 3 or 4 good beers on the menu, and then your typical trashy bar type beer.

    I walk into the place on a Friday night to ask how long of a wait because the parking lot was full, only come to find out you could sit now, anywhere you wanted. Odd for a 'pub' on a Friday night, but whatever. The first thing I noticed, and anyone else would of, is a set of boobs greeting me. If you are going to work in a place where your boobs have to be out, your midriff is showing, wouldn't you get a tan? I mean it is February in Chicago, and seeing someone as white as milk dressed in nothing much is kind of nasty.

    I see some people calling it a sports bar. Just because they have big screens showing sporting events doesn't make it a sports bar. The screens are horribly placed, unless of course you are at the bar. And why is the music so damn loud? You can't hold a conversation let alone hear what the waitress has to say.

    It is impossible to find a good pub in these parts these days. Winfield, St. Charles, and Geneva is all we have nowadays for good pubs.

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    3 trips. Three dinners. Three wrong orders. Need better training for the staff. Oh ye last trip that manager asked how our appetizer was that we never got.

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    Scottish? Irish? Ah, who cares. This place is the restaurant version of A Knight's Tale -- you know, the Heath Ledger fluffball with pretty people singing "We Will Rock You" in allegedly medieval times. I mean, they don't seem to know the difference between Scottish, Irish, English and sports bar and... they don't really seem to care. And you don't care either, because you're too busy looking at -- or trying not to look at -- the copious cleavage.

    OK. So it's yet another sports bar. With this bizarro theme and some terrible puns on the menu. (Chilelagh cheeseburger? REALLY??) They have burgers, wings, wraps, a few "Irish" favorites, chicken, pizza, etc. And, they have scantily clad waitresses. Most of whom are quite attractive. (What? I'm not blind, okay?)

    Our waitress was friendly, attentive, and ... dare I say it... perky? And the food was pretty good, actually. I was a little bit bad -- it was not a great day -- and went with the "Scottish" cheesesteak (neither Scottish nor a proper cheesesteak, but whatever) and while it didn't quite make it to Philly standards, the beef was tender, properly shredded and tasty. I upgraded to garlic fries, which were buttery-garlicky sticks of potatoey goodness.

    This probably won't be a regular stop for us, but it's a tasty option when we're out that way on Lake St, and it's always good to have more options.

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    It's another sports bar with plasmas, restaurant area, and a lot of pretty lil ladies running around in short skirts & tight shirts.

    Not impressed with the food, but much like Hooters, I'm sure that most people don't come here for the food.

    This Tilted Kilt has good & attentive service, which is the only reason I even bothered to Yelp it. I'd come here to have a few drinks with some friends but other than that, not much to Yelp about here.

    Also, pay attention to some of the Creepy McCreepertons that try to "flirt" with the servers. It's quite entertaining!

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    I went here for lunch yesterday.  Its a tilted kilt.  Chain joint.  Sitting at the bar watching bowl games over a beer is always nice.  The service was very attentive.  I had a Stella and a Blue Moon on draft.  No appetizers.  For lunch I tried the Gaelic Chicken which is a heaping mound of garlic potatoes with a seared chicken 'tent' around it.  The whole thing is drenched with a Guiness cream broth.  It tastes great.  I think there's too much sauce.  Maybe order the sauce on the side and drench to your taste?

    The place has only been open for about eight weeks now.  It wasn't that busy when we arrived, but was getting packed by the time we left.  I can't comment on the service if the joint is packed.

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    I wasn't entirely sure what to expect here, besides the attractive servers and food of questionable quality. I'm happy to say that I was pleasantly surprised by my meal here. I wouldn't at all mind coming back. The strangest thing about the experience is that, with the theme being a Scottish bar, there wasn't a single redheaded waitress on staff (that I noticed). Weird.

    As far as food goes... I had the French Connection burger, which is their mushroom, swiss and onion. The quality of the ingredients of the burger was all right; the mushrooms were fresh and the patty was freshly made (and cooked medium, just as I asked). The bun was, well, weak. Even though it's a single patty burger, I expect a heartier bun. Don't come here wanting a gourmet burger, even if it's sold like one; it's solid, but it ain't that good.

    Fortunately, the burger comes with flavorful au jus on the side, to "glue" the whole thing together. Use the jus. Use it prodigiously. It makes everything better.

    Sweet potato fries were a welcome option, and here they're rippled and dressed with parsley. Although they needed a little salt, they otherwise had great flavor and texture and went really well with the burger.

    While I was here, I also had bites of their spicy wings (which were largely forgettable) and their "signature wings", which were not. The signature wings were very tender and juicy. Some sort of sweet and sour sauce covered the outside of the wings. Overall they were very good; much better than Hooters.

    The waitresses were, as you might expect, attractive, but as you might not expect, surprisingly diverse. As an Asian, I was happy to see that. :-D Let's also say that Tilted Kilt could singlehandedly prop up the Wonderbra, and any of that product's cousins.

    Overall I'd be happy to come back here and try some other items on the menu.

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    I was out for a burger with a buddy of mine and he suggested the Tilted Kilt. Simply put, the Tilted Kilt is the Scottish version of hooters. The waitresses and the bartenders all wear kilts, if that is your thing.

    Anyways, I had the bacon 'n blue burger which was topped with onion straws. Burger was good as was the service.

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    Being my third all time Tilted Kilt visit, I pretty much knew what to expect. The atmosphere was typical to any Tilted Kilt or restaurant of similar nature. This time around I had the fish and chips, which to my surprise was very flavorful given the time of year.

    The wait staff and bar staff were absolutely great. I couldn't believe the service that I received, possibly the best that I have ever had.

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    Just started working for a new facility out here in the far Western 630 and we ended up here for lunch, post meeting.  Looks to be brand new in a fairly new strip mall.

    The place was packed at 1ish and we grabbed a four top and with bosses in tow just had water.  Everyone's food was pretty good for the most part, I had the simple chicken fingers (some of the best i've had) and french fries, which were excellent but a little heavy handed on the seasoning.  

    Of course the food is prob secondary to the sights at the TK and this location was no different.  Check it out if you find yourself out here for whatever reason.

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