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    During the last 3 years I've been to this VFW...
    ...to enjoy cheap drinks with the regulars at the super-smoky bar.
    ...to celebrate my boyfriend's birthday in the upstairs no-frills banquet room.
    ...to hit up the Friday fish special.

    For the purposes of this review I'll stick to my recent fried fish dinner experience.

    The fish dinner--one can order broiled fish or, my preference, the big fried fish sandwich--is a great bang for the buck and is available 4-7PM on Fridays.  Along with the fish one gets to choose from a variety of beverages, sides, and desserts.  Shrimp dinners are also available on Fridays.

    I know the individual who typically handles the ordering of the fish each week, and he orders fresh fish.  I was told the only time the fish is frozen is if there's a surplus at the VFW after a Friday fish dinner, and only on those rare occasions is the fish frozen for use the following Friday.  In any event, the fish I enjoyed at the VFW last week was incredible with a light non-greasy breading on the outside and wonderful flaky soft texture inside.  Perfect fried fish.

    A special thank you to Jordan, the nice young man who tended to our large-ish group last week when a few other servers weren't so accommodating and kind.

    The Friday fish special is highly recommended by me, but don't wait too late to head to the VFW as the fish often sells out.

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