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    This restaurant is amazing! I ate here last summer and had pizza with salmon, pears, and hazelnut.  At first I was skeptical, but willing to try something different - glad I did, it was worth it - the pizza was delicious!  A great place to eat in a beautiful area!

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    Pleasantly surprised by the bar and dining area.  Ordered a flight expecting big things from the makers of "Santas little black homo".  Cool thing is you can get a 40oz flight consisting of one of each beer they brew.   Bad thing is, we didn't fall in love with any of them.  My two favs would be Homo Erectus and knuckledragger.  The black lager was tasty but not exceptional.  Food was okay.  Garlic fries need more garlic. Couldn't order the Cuban without mustard.  Service is just okay, they were nice enough but didn't come around often at all.  

    Last thing I'd say about this place is that if you have never been here before, you'll see a house looking building from the street with a sign that says brew pub down stairs.  There were NO cars on the street, so we weren't sure how busy they were.  Choose to drive around the block and down the gravel alley street and saw all kinds of cars parked back there.  This is the main entrance.  So don't be discouraged!  Stay the course.

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    Hiking and drinking beer after hiking, premised on the idea that you've somehow 'earned' a few hoppy carb bombs, is a way of life here in the Pacific Northwest. And you'd be hard pressed to find a finer place to do it than in the magnificent Columbia Gorge National Scenic Area. Trouble is, while there are plenty of good watering holes in Portland, and plenty of good watering holes in Hood River, in between these locations the pickin's is a bit slim.

    If you find yourself crossing the Bridge of the Gods perchance, however, say to climb the perennially popular Dog Mountain, or Table Mountain, or to rock climb at Beacon Rock, you'll find yourself in striking distance of the town of Stevenson, Washington. And if you find yourself in stricking distance of Stevenson, Washington, you simply must go to Walking Man Brewing's local brew pub.

    The beers are good--especially the homoerectus Imperial IPA. They have good stouts and reds and porters and such as well if that's to your liking. They once brewed a dark malty hybrid version of their imperial IPA and called it "Big Black Homo" (-erectus, not -sexual; don't be a bigot!). I bet they did so just for the titillating joke name. You should go there just because of that--because that happened, and it was goddamn funny, and the beer was good too.

    This is one of my favorite places to stop for post-hike beer and late lunch. I say late lunch because an unfortunate downside of this pub (and my only real gripe) is that it doesn't open until 3 PM on weekends and 4PM on weekdays, so if you go on your hike too early, you'll finish that hike too early, and dang it, Walking Man won't be open yet. And there you'll stand, slack-jawed, incredulous, with a mighty beer thirst, wondering where the hell else you can go. You'll be sad. I know I have been on several occasions.

    This isn't a typical "pub grub" joint with burgers and such. The menu is rather limited to a few sandwiches, fries and tots, and pizza. The pizzas are really good though. And on nice days there is a patio. You can sit in the sun, sippin' suds, which is pretty glorious.

    I should also note that they are enlightened enough here not to have their restrooms all gender-divided into menfolk and womenfolk like some places. Oh no. At Walking Man Brewery pissers are divided into Readers and Dreamers. And depending on the day I count myself in both categories, although I tend to prefer the Readers restroom because of the awesome Frank Zappa quote painted on the wall. Go there. You'll see what I mean.

    Oh yeah, they have growlers (Grrrrrrr!). Why not take some homo homo?

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    What a great experience. The beer, the food the ambiance of this place were all perfect. Visiting from the east coast I was not sure what to expect but I highly recommend visiting this establishment. Make sure to order  a flight to sample all of the great craft brews!

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    Very good! I had the tester of beers, and all where grate but I liked the Walking Man IPA best. We had the pepperoni pizza with Jalepeno's and it was suprisinly good! But maybe I was just starved, as the usual.

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    Great brews, excellent food, and a great location. Had the northwest pizza, beet salad, and the steelhead tacos..yum. The server Bear was super nice.

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    Would have given more stars but..... Only because the beer and food are good! As for the service well it sucks! The waitresses seem like Bit#%es. We actually arrived before it opened and pretty much got run down by a waitress yelling "we are not open until 3" and nothing friendly about it or a hope you can come back when we open. So we decided to go check into our hotel and venture back later.
    Upon our return we get a shaded spot,as there are few.. The table over was actually trying to move the table slightly into the shade and got yelled at by the same waitress.. " i would rather you just move tables" . Ok so we order and get the new waitress. We know this because she told us so. She was very nice and took our orders..but somewhere along the way we lost her to another one of the bitchy waitresses there. Never asking us if we wanted anything else just dropped off a box for our pizza and the check asking us to look at it and make sure its right. Well.. We wanted another beer and our growler to get filled up.. Which was sitting
    On the table and we were never asked if we wanted it filled.. Just the check! We kept waiting for her to come back so we could order more and all I kept seeing her was lurking around to see if we had our card out to pay.. Finally we had to find her and ask her.. She seemed put out to say the least. My husband and I are good tippers and it seems to me that these people in the service industry would give better service since this is their job and they would be compensated for it if they worked for it with great service.

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    Decided to stop in here on our way back to Hood River after hiking Multnomah Falls.  Plus we wanted to say we drove across the "Bridge of the Gods"....

    Nice stop.  Very unassuming pub.  Fairly simple.  Decent beer menu.  My favorites were the Walking Man IPA and the Walking Stick Stout.  

    We also ordered the wings which were braised in beer and then finished off by frying.  It came with ranch dressing with blue cheese chunks.  Very good!!!!!

    We then drove back to Hood River on the Washington side and crossed over at White Salmon.  Great views of Hood River and Mt Hood.

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    Pretty good beer, pretty good food.  My one complaint is that we came here after a long hike and we were hot, but the beer was not especially cold.  I usually like my beer a little less cold to help open up some of the flavors, but it just didn't hit the spot.  The pineapple pizza was good, and our server was especially accommodating putting a beer in the freezer for us to cool it down.

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    For me, a five star rating means I recommend you go at anytime and will have nothing less than a rockin' experience. That's no longer the case with Walking Man.

    I hate when I bring people somewhere I have talked up so much and I feel like I am the one who has to apologize. Our service on our last visit was beyond pitiful. Three of us got pints and two people got their own taster trays. We all had our drinks except for one of the taster trays and got to watch our waitress flit about here and there not doing anything in particular other than get her flirt on with the male waitstaff. Eventually she realized her mistake and brought out the final tray. We asked if we could order food and apparently this hadn't occurred to her in the slightest as she had to go back inside for her ordering pad. We all ordered pizzas with two of the people ordering the same one. They came out one or two at a time. Except one, it was brought out much later as we were picking over the few remaining pieces from the other. Our waitress blamed the kitchen for misreading her ticket. Two of us ordered more beer. They never came and flagging this woman down was nearly impossible, we gave up and got our tickets. When we got our tickets, sure enough, she had charged us for the beers we didn't receive. When we pointed this out, she threw out the most insincere apology we had ever heard, snatched the tickets, crumbled them in a ball and went back to correct them. When one of us asked for to-go boxes, they were told to go up to the bar and get them themselves. Surrounding tables (of locals) got much better and attentive service. What the hell??? We've been coming here for a long time and even had this server before, have rarely had excellent service, but this was horrendous! Did we smell bad from our hike???

    The beer is still fantastic. You can't go wrong with any of it, though there are mixed feelings on the Black Cherry Stout. The pizza is still great too. Try the cuban pizza, it's delightful. Or the mushroom pizza, they cook the mushrooms just right. The menu has definitely been paired down over the years, but I think what they do offer, they do very well.

    So yeah, if you don't mind service issues or being charged for things you don't receive, maybe it's still five stars for you, but for me, I'm going to consider the other delicious beer options in the area before stopping in again. Their oysters should be back soon. Maybe that and the amazing beer will be enough to get over my last experience and stop in again.

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    Sadly this place didn't have a menu online so I ate at a  different Stevenson restuarant and was sad I did. Menu here did look quite good. This place was packed on a Sunday evening. Love the dowstairs location with large outdoor patio area. Inside was nice and large too. Much enjoyed the readers and dreamers bathrooms. Beer list was nice too. Debated the sour but tried the black berry stout and ramblin raspberry instead. Definitely worth a stop, too bad they close so early.

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    Beer is good, food is better than mediocre (Pulled Pork Nachos and Steelhead Salad did both hit the spot), but the service killed it for us.  Really made us not want to head back.  It looks from lots of other reviews that we're not alone in this.  In fact, going off of Yelp's guide to stars, it would probably be more of a 2 - 'Meh' describes our overall experience more than 'A-Ok'.  However, I've got to respect the Homo Erectus, which is a fantastic beer.   Also, other than fountain sodas, there's nothing other than beer to drink.  Ok for me, but disappointing to some in our party.

    When it comes down to it, if you try Walking Man hand leave disappointed and frustrated, do yourself a favor and keep driving east to White Salmon, you'll have a much better experience and better beers at Everybody's.

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    I had heard a ton of great things about this brewery. The place was great, although much smaller than I anticipated and it was difficult too find a table for four. We ended up pulling up extra stools to a bistro table... My friends and I shared pizza, nachos and the beer sampler. The food was tasty. The pizza choices were unique. The beer was great. I would definitely go back!

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    Drunk on the sun after what seemed liked days of rain for these San Diego tourists in the Columbia River Gorge area, we came upon Walking Man Brewery.  After hiking the Oneonta Gorge, we had to drive across this Bridge of the Gods, a big name to live up to, and it did.  It was so beautiful.  But anyway, we drove down the road into the tiny town of Stevenson and saw a bunch of people drinking beer and a lone bagpipe player, sitting in what looked liked an 80 year old lady's un-weeded backyard.  

    Needless to say, we were intrigued when we saw it was an actual Brewery, so we wandered in, uh, how could we not.  I am not a huge drinker normally, but before my tush barely even reached the seat, a very stong beer just manifests in front of me, I didn't even order yet and was so tired from our day of hiking I just accepted my fate.  I guess the bartender had some sort of telepathic powers and knew I was soon to become a reformed lush for the day, because it's exactly what I wanted and it was one of the best beers I have ever had!!

    The place is small, but no worries, the locals are cool, we just had the best time here, we chatted it up with some really funny and friendly people, (one very old man that was a little too friendly ;) all while enjoying the awesome beer.  Plus, the beer was so good that we got a growler to go that I nearly finished on the ride back (yes, sadly I was being a greedy passenger) to the house we were staying at in Rhododendron.  My husband was like wtf???    

    I felt so bad, that when we were back over in that area again a few days later, I got the growler filled for him to enjoy and I only had one glass of it ;)

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    Oh my, how I love this brewery! I've even been so bold as to call it my FAVORITE BREWERY in all of Washington! And it is true - these guys know how to brew!

    My favorite of their beers (though it is tough to pick just one) is the Black Cherry Stout! Lucky for me, the Horse Brass in Portland ALWAYS has this on tap, or I may have to move to Stevenson. HOWEVER, there is nothing like going to mother-ship, where one of your favorite beers is born.

    I love this place. The staff is great - super nice and very attentive! The pub is small and cozy, which I love! Just make sure you get there right around when they open because everyone knows how great WM is (i.e. it gets packed fast)... especially if you are trekking from somewhere not near Stevenson.

    The food is just kinda okay. Not bad, but not particularly memorable. That said, we've not had their pizza, which seems to be their focus, and that might be more deelish. But, who is really there for the food? The beer is where it is at and this place is the place to be.

    Make a day of it: Hit up Dog Mountain for hike (with killer views) and then rest your weary bones over a delicious Dark Cherry Stout or Homo Erectus Imperial IPA (and some grub of course!).

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    The hours of operation are silly, the service is usually terrible, and getting a table can be a long long wait.

    AND I DON'T CARE A BIT! I've tried nearly all of the beers now, and none of them disappoint. The dark ones are especially tasty. And oh......the food........The burger I had here was one of the best I've ever eaten, and I've eaten thousands. I've also had the nachos, and a sturgeon sandwich, all of which were amazing.  

    The only thing that knocks them down a star in my eyes is lack of a dessert menu. I always want a sugary treat after an evening of stuffing myself with burgers and beers.

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    great beer!

    Get the growler to go.

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    Staying at Skamania Lodge, I had heard lots about this brewery.  In fact, the local grocery store clerk said the food was amazing too.  Had the Walking Man Cross Walk bier-awesomely mild, no bitter hops or after taste. One of my favorite brews.

    The cubano sandwich was pretty damn good, not like Bunk's with the pork belly, but served on Focaccia bread with pork, ham, cheese and an awesome not sweet raspberry vinagrette salad. Damn good for the price!

    Growlers of beer to be taken home on tables everywhere.

    Small place!

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    The Walking Man Brewery is a wonderful "Cheers" type of place.  Go twice and they will know your name.  Great pizza!  Wonderful salads, burgers and Oh Yes!  The Brew!!  Get there early - especially after shopping the main drag (SR 14).. it is a lot of fun.
    Mary Jane

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    The worst restaurant experience I had all year.

    Stopped by here back in August. We were ignored by everyone in the place for at least 10 minutes. Never did get service. The bartender watched us at the table the whole time and 3 waitresses walked by, then chatted for a while in the kitchen. There's some serious management problems at this place.

    Avoid if you value good service.

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    Really awesome local pizza place with a fabulous brewery. We sampled a couple of beers and had the most delectable pizza I've ever eaten. Maybe it was because the dough was that perfect mix of chewy and crunchy and thin. Maybe it was because the mozzarella was fresh and high quality (not that rubbery mozzarella stuff). Maybe it was because the basil was fresh. Or, because the tomato sauce was slightly sweet and definitely savory. Or, maybe it was because I was starving, and eating pizza is a special treat. Maybe it's all the reasons.

    Things you should know: it is loud; after all, it's a tavern. Seating can be a bit cramped with some booths, bar seating, and long shared tables, but Walking Man Brewing is fabulously cozy on cold nights, and a delightful patio on warm ones.

    I highly, highly recommend Walking Man Brewing.

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    Love, love, love this place!  Anytime I am in the gorge I try to head this way.  There doesn't seem to be any other reason to go to Stevenson so it must be pretty great.

    They don't make a bad beer.  OK, there was some sort of raspberry one that was not good but I stay away from fruit beers anyways.  There are plenty of milder beers for those who swing that way but then there are heavy imperial IPA's and oatmeal stouts for those who swing that way.  The IPAs are a bit less hoppy than I'm used to which is a very welcome change sometimes.  The sampler trays are a very good bargain and include all the beers they have on tap.

    The food here is also excellent.  I'm pretty sure the fries are cooked in crack.  The pizza's are very good (by NW standards anyways, sorry east coast pizza snob) and my friend had a chicken sandwich that he said was the best he ever had.

    The worst I can say about this place is that it is in Washington.  Damned sales tax and Bridge of the Gods toll...

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    I felt at home the moment I stepped into this bar.
    The loud chatter,clanging pint glasses, and hoppy air wafting about. Little did I realize that my hometown brewery graced the walls. Yukon Brewing (Cheechako/Chilkoot).
    On my stool I settled into a fresh pour of their Ramblin' Raspberry. Where's the red? SIP... Mmmmmm just a hint of raspberries. Perfect.

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    Fantastic food and friendly service.  I got the locally caught wild trout sand and it was amazing.  I also had the arugula and pear salad which was good too.  

    I decided to go with the beer sampler tray to try out all the obscure ale I could get my hands on.  Aside from the pale ale and couple of IPA's the rest of the beers were not up to snuff.  But overall I can see them having potential down the road.

    All in all you can't pass this place up if you are in the area for a hike or whatevs.

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    Whenever I go to the gorge for something, I do my best to fit in a stop at Walking Man.  We get a decent amount of walking man beer in Portland, but you have to go to the source to get some of their best stuff it seems.  Not that I mind - it's a great little pub.  I've eaten here a couple times, and I was happy enough with the food, but the beer is where this place really shines.  You see a lot of Walking Man pales and IPA's in Portland, and they usually dominate the taplist at the brewery as well, but you also see things like barrel aged imperial stouts, vintage barley wines, dopplebocks, etc... when you visit Stevenson.  The interior of the pub is pretty small and often crowded, but when the weather is nice the brewery can accommodate a larger crowd with it's great patio seating.

    Walking Man tends to make their beers a bit stronger than some of their colleagues, so check the ABV's when you order.  If you don't have a DD, you can get your trip's worth of beer safely by picking up a growler of your favorite to go.

    If you're in the gorge and like great beer, this is a must visit location.  Combine it with Everybody's, Double Mountain, Full Sail, and Big Horse, and you've got an awesome little beer loop to pound your liver into submission.

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    I told you I would be back to try the food here one day.  I'm not sure who "you" are, but I guess I was really talking to myself.  It says so in the last sentence of my previous review if you'd like to step back in time.

    A hike on Dog Mountain called for a stop in Stevenson on the way back to Portland to get some tasty beers and (hopefully) tasty food from Walking Man Brewing.  The sun was out and we were hoping we could secure a table  outside.  Sure enough there was one table with our names (not literally) on it.

    The place was packed.  How could it not be?  The sun was shining.  The temps were in the upper 60's or low 70's.  It was just about perfect.  For starters we ordered the beer tasting.  4 oz glasses of all 10 of the beers they had on tap.  From wheat to stout and IPA to imperial IPA.  All the major beer groups were represented.  After a hike beer tastes oh so much better.  Who am I kidding?  Beer tastes good all the time.  I'm just saying.

    For food I had the Cuban sandwich because I'm a sucker for a Cuban sandwich.  It came with a side of really good fries.  The menu here consists mostly of sandwiches and pizzas.  Food that generally pairs well with beer.  Along with that I ordered a wheat beer of my own.  I like the lighter bodied beers once the sun comes out.  Very refreshing.

    This place is a bit on the expensive side.  One friend noted he thought it would be a bit cheaper because we were in Stevenson.  I figured they get a lot of tourists here because it is in the gorge and therefore can jack up their prices a bit.  Sandwiches will run you close to $10.  They are good, but that is what keeps me from giving that 5th star.

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    I absolutely love this place. The beer is fantastic and the pizza didn't let me down. We had the Northwestern, which had salmon, pear slices, blue cheese, toasted hazlenuts, and the crust had just a hint of spicy... Amazing.

    The indoor seating area is cozy. There is outdoor seating available (weather permitting). It was pretty busy but we were lucky enough to grab a table when we walked in on this last trip. I can't wait to go back.

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    I guess one of the advantages of "The Gorge" is that it's a "National Scenic Area" rather than a "National Park".  What the hell does that mean?   Well, it means there can be small towns dotted with interesting places to eat and drink...rather than govm't/Sysco bacon and pre-formed fries/beef patties.

    One such town is Stevenson and one such place is Walking Man (other notables: Everybody's in White Salmon and Double Mountain in Hood River).

    After a day of hiking in the Gorge you really can't do better than some award-winning beer (and, unlike many places, Walking Man has one awards...coveted ones.  As someone that attends the annual Great American Beer Festival 4 years running...I can tell you Walking Man has purified the gold out of a sea of over 2,000 beers) and solid food.  

    The menu isn't incredibly diverse, it's mostly pizza, I admit.  Their pizzas are really good though, and really unique.  They also frequently have some pretty good specials (I got a pulled pork quesadilla one time, I've also seen quinoa burgers for you non-omnivores).

    Oh, and the SERVICE.  You won't mistake this for a Portland brewery.  When you ask for individual tabs, they won't look at you like you just said "the Holocaust never happened and I hope you miscarry your first pregnancy", nope...in fact, I think they just assume individual tabs from the get-go, AMAZING.

    If you're on this side of the Bridge of the Gods, you'd be an idiot not to come here.  May as well get a growler too, what are you...Homo*-phobic?

    Nearby hikes:
    Table Mountain
    Hamilton Mountain

    *do not send me hate-comments; you'll know what I'm talking about when you get here

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    This is the only spot to recommend in Stevenson - at least in rainy February.  We eagerly awaited their 3p opening on a Sunday and within 15 minutes the place was packed!  Don't let the somewhat downscale exterior put you off - the interior is cozy and packed with beer nostaglia (I think this part of OR has the market cornered on this stuff).   Wait staff was very upbeat considering the insta-crowd.
    We went for the 10 beer taster flight to share between the two of us.  Fun, even though I think I couldn't tell the difference after the first 5!  Be sure and order their tots to get you through the beers.

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    I like IPAs!  I like salmon, hazelnuts, and pears on pizza!  Wait, what?

    These were two of my discoveries while at the Walking Man Brew Pub (I swear that I actually did go to meetings on my trip and did not spend the entire time drowning my sorrows over having to fly back to Durham in beer).  This pub was the location for my group's last dinner and it was the perfect spot.  It's pretty small.  Luckily we're smart and eager and got there at 4:15.  

    The food is surprisingly good for a small brewery!  For the first time in my life, I was with a group that ordered one of everything off the menu, and it was AWESOME.  The pizzas were my favorite thing, especially the margarita and salmon/hazelnut butter/pear options. I know that's a strange combo and definitely isn't for the faint of heart, but dang was it good.  

    Onto the beer....ordering the sampler flight is the way to go to start out.  I split it with another girl which ended up being a great experience because we had completely oppostie tastes in terms of beer!  Everything I hated she downed in a second.  It was a match made in heaven.

    Oddly enough, my favorite beer was one of the three IPAs.  I'm still surprised, but the Runaway IPA was soooo smooth and not bitter at all!  Delicious and deadly.  

    The brewery has lots of character.  When the time comes to "break the seal," you have to decide if you're a Dreamer or a Reader (think about it folks, you'll get it eventually).  And if you want a souvenir, the t-shirts featuring their award-winning Homo Erectus brew is a real charmer.

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    Some of the best beer in the world.
    Literally-I have been around the world drinking beer and this is some of the best true to the art beer I have ever had.

    If you get a chance to try the walking man cherry stout DO IT!
    The HOMO ERECTUS is awesome too.
    Great Pizza    and always fast good service

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    This little brewery/pub in Stevenson, WA is just plain, pure fun. Walking Man Brewing is also very popular. My advice is to arrive early. On good weather days Walking Man Brewing has outdoor seating which quickly fills up.

    If you can't get a table outside then Walking Man Brewing has an indoor pub. Whoever designed the pub definitely had a sense of humor. Even the rest rooms are plumbed like a brewery. In the pub the music is loud, the crowd is good, and everyone is having a good time.

    I would definitely give the beers produced at Walking Man Brewing five stars. On my last visit ten beers were offered.. They ranged from pale to stout. Would put Walking Man Brewing beers against any in the world. They are that good. Period.

    The pub menu is heavy on pizzas. Walking Man Brewing offers 10 inch, thin crust pizzas that are perfect for one person. The pizzas range from traditional to gourmet. The tomato sauce used on the pizzas is outstanding.

    Service is a little chaotic but friendly.

    Can't think of a better place to enjoy a great beer, delicious pizza, and a good time than Walking Man Brewing in Stevenson, WA.

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    No hike in the gorge is really complete without a delicious beer from Walking Man Brewing. In a tiny town on the Washington side of the gorge, this place is a hidden gem. Their beers are delicious! They have a patio outside if it's nice out, and the inside is super cozy if there's a chill in the air. Their menu is pretty simple-we've only had pizza once, and it was tasty. Nothing spectacular, but good solid food. We really go for the beer.

    After enjoying your beer, I would highly suggest taking a walk down to check out the little dock on the river. The views of the gorge are especially beautiful as the sun is setting....

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    Fantastic beers, true - but the food is not to be missed, either.  Personal fave is their salmon pizza!

    Definitely enjoy their 'Shin Splint Imperial Red', too.  Not served in a full pint glass, which I did not expect, but makes sense - very high alcohol content.

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    I'd give another star if the food selection was bigger...and when I visited my favorite beer wasn't on draught.  Dangit I guess that's my fault but I digress.  The pizzas looked really good for what that's worth.  We just weren't that hungry   :(  

    The beer prices are really reasonable - my boyfriend and I went, each had 2 pints, shared a basket of fries, and came out around 20 dollars lighter.

    The atmosphere is kinda rustic (lots of wood and stools made of rebar and diamond plate) which is nice as a getaway.  Decor consists of malt sacks and vintage beer cans/labels.  I love it.  There is ample garden seating outside but it was too cold when I visited.  Summer should be awesome.

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    If you like beer and live anywhere near Washington, do yourself a favor and get over to Walking Man as soon as you possibly can. How good a brewpub is it? Easily the best in Washington.

    First off the beers are consistently amazing, and even styles that shouldn't be all that great usually are (Black Cherry Stout for example) and mainstays like Homo-Erectus are among the best I've tasted.

    The atmosphere of the pub is excellent as it is packed with locals and service is very friendly combining for a laid back easy vibe. I couldn't help but wish I could live down the street and be a regular. I believe there's a word for that and it's called "heaven".

    Finally the food seemed to be as expertly crafted and thought out as the beer. I didn't expect to find great beer in someplace like Stevenson (no offense to the locals intended) and I definitely didn't expect the pizza to be as delicious as it was. The thin crust was packed with flavor and the toppings of high quality.

    Ignore the name and RUN over there!

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    If you like microbrews, pizza and outside seating...GO here!

    The Walking Man Brewery has the most amazing micro-beer in the entire Columbia River Gorge.  Hanging on the wall behind the bar is a huge blackboard outlining the various kinds of beer available that day.  Most of the time there will be stouts, bourbon barrel beers, IPA's, darks, ambers, lights, you name it.  It's usually there written in pastels.  

    Behind closed doors next to the restrooms is where the magic happens.  Welcome to the brewmeister's home.

    Along with the excellent beer is a pretty good menu of pizza, salads and appetizers.  With one minor disappointment, no dessert.  Ugh.  I like dessert.  Maybe they'll do a stout float at some point.

    If I were you, I'd order a black and tan pint of "Walking stick stout" and "Rambling Raspeberry".  Along with a pepperoni and mushroom pizza lathered with both pesto and marinara, a "Noah's special" (custom made).

    Oh man I almost forgot...be sure to visit the john when you're there.  It's the best part of the entire joint decor.

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    There's a limited food menu but honestly... we were there for the beer!

    Waitresses wandered from table-to-table but frankly it was faster to order at the bar. We decided on a sampler tray and started sipping. I liked the yummy "Walking Stick Stout" and good "Barefoot Brown". "He" enjoyed the "Pale Strider" Ale. Neither of us thought highly of the "Ramblin' Raspberry" or the "Lightfoot Lager". All of the others were good!

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    First off, this is a small friendly brewpub with great beer and a good pub food. The pub was full when we arrived and while we were waiting the bartender came over and offered us a beer.  After we found seats at the bar we tried the taster tray for beers and a plate of clam strips.  The clam strips were great, lightly battered and tender.  After the sampler I had the Homo Erectus Imperial IPA, ask for a homo, it's easier.  We also had a fresh salad and the black and bleu pizza--black olives and blue cheese.  

    The staff are very friendly and attentive, this is just a fun place to hang out.  I wish that they had been open on Monday and Tuesday, we definitely would have gone back for a few more beers.

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  • 0

    If you like trying different beers, this place has plenty to choose from, and you can even try their "sampler" so that you can try a bunch at once without getting too drunk to leave.

    They have a little menu that you can check out that's not really your standard pub food, and the pizza was pretty tasty since beer and pizza kind of belong together.

    Be sure to go early since they close at 9PM, but definitely go!

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