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    This review refers specifically to the outdoor garden terrace for dinner. My review for the interior would be completely different. Perhaps it would be different for breakfast. Sorry, but I have to give a failing grade to the exterior terrace section where it's completely obvious the restaurant is gliding arrogantly on its history in the evening hours. And I haven't done that here in Princeton ever anywhere, and have lived here for eighteen years. Would recommend instead Agricola, Mediterra, Witherspoon Grill, Blue Point Grill, Acacia, Elements, and Tiger Noodles. Most have terraces. All these are far superior.

    I've been looking forward to eating at the Terrace section since it opened, but the weather doesn't usually cooperate. Usually it's too hot or too cold. Tonight, the weather was balmy and perfect. The experience should have been at least passable. And I have to say the company I was with was happy, and that the table and chair where I sat were clean...

    Other than that, my dinner was entirely a huge disappointment, and worthy of a complaint to the Better Business Bureau. The management should be upbraided. Horrible experience.

    My Top Ten complaints:

    1)  My water glass was chipped and cracked, and of poor cheap quality. Hurt my mouth, and probably bloodied it. Should have been tossed.
    2)  Needed a placemat at the very least on this coarse sort of aluminum garden table.
    3)  Had to place our own fork and knife on aluminum ourselves even at these high prices.
    4)  The pasta dish I had must have been made by an inexperienced fifteen year old. It was physically an unappealing, disorganized dish, although the vegetables were fine, but extremely greasy and dripping with oil. Unacceptable.
    5)  The lighting was beyond lousy.The worst part of the meal. I couldn't see my food. Totally unacceptable. Lights built into the walls lit at seat and shoe level. I couldn't see my food on the table in the dark. I asked for a candle, but my request was shrugged off. No one had a candle, and I don't think anyone else could see what they were eating either. Very bad.
    6)  We got there at 8 p.m. ~ normally a civilized hour for dinner internationally ~ Even so, the wait staff were preparing to leave, stacking up cushions, twirling down the umbrellas. Very disappointing.
    7)  No bread or freebies brought to our table.
    8)  Very expensive for what we got.
    9)  No manager came and asked how our meal was going. So I couldn't say my problems to management in person. Management was non-existent. Service generally was uncaring. I don't think management ever eats here, sits in the dark, and eats this food. Totally unacceptable.
    10)  Waiter rarely came by, and was inexperienced.

    Sorry to have to say all this. Truth to power. And I hope the powerful do something to change the terrace for the better. Management has to do something. It  could be so much better. Should be at those prices.

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    We had guests from out of town, a party of 6 and wanted to enjoy the nice weather on the terrace. Horrible horrible experience. Each one of the plates had something wrong, over cooked meat, missing ingredients on the plate, and it took 45min to the order out...

    I would never go again....

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    Not really sure whats up with all the terrible reviews.

    Yes it's a bit expensive, and yes it draws an older crowd, but that shouldn't matter too much if you're looking for a place to chill and talk to friends without music blaring over your conversation.

    Great, greaaat beer selection and the atmosphere is pretty chill and relaxed. Definitely not a place to go "get wasted" but really nice to meet up with friends for a couple hours and have a nice conversation and hang out.

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    Went here on Sunday afternoon. They had a new bartender who nice, friendly, helpful, & quick. Never saw that before at this place, maybe management is waking up.

    That being said, I love the location and historic feel of the bar. It's great to sit with friends by the great fireplace.

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    This is just a review of the bar scene.  Older crowd, not much happening here.  Decent selection of beers.  I asked the bartender about a specific micro brew he said it was a "Belgian style" ale, which I love, but when I tasted it, it was clearly very bitter and not Belgian style at all.

    Also, it got really hot when we were in there, to the point where it was uncomforable.  We left shortly thereafter.

    With so many other great options in town, this one is near the bottom of my list.

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    Depending on what night of the week you go it's gonna be difficult to get a drink from the bar.  The place gets packed on the weekends. There is a very historic atmosphere in this place with a huge fire place.

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    Had two dinners here.  One at the bar...... peppered salmon- good, good beer, good bartender.  One outside...... food was lousy, waitress wasn't very attentive.

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    We were in town for a wedding and the reception was held here.

    The food was great... it was the bar that left the bad taste in my mouth.

    I was interested in watching a college football game that was televised on a conference channel. I called a week prior to ensure that the game would be available there.

    When I arrived, the bar was playing three games on six tv's. When I asked if one of the smaller tv's could be changed to my game of interest, the bartender informed me that one patron - Jerry, a glassy-eyed and scruffy gent in a Princeton hat - was watching the tv.

    After 15 minutes I was finally able to get the exceedingly rude female bartender to check the tv guide and discover that.... they don't subscribe to the conference channel after all!

    Again, the food was great, and there were signed photos of Princeton grads on the wall (Michelle Obama - very cool), but the bartender was very rude, and the staff were clueless about how digital cable functions.

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    We, party of four, arrived when the restaurant was nearly empty. We were seated promptly.

    Our waitress, Lauren, took our appetizer and drinks order and returned with our drinks promptly. Our appetizers were the Calamari $11 (excellent) and the Charcuterie $14 (very poor).

    Our dinner included the Bourbon Braised Short Rib $22 (good but not excellent), mashed potatoes (good), spinach (good); Beef & Ale $14 (awful, stringy, dry, tasteless), hashed sweet potatoes (tasteless); Tenderloin of Beef $29, (good but too "chewy" to be as good as it should have been).

    Our waitress inquired about our food, on learning that the Beef and Ale was awful she said she was "sorry" and would tell the kitchen. The plate was left uneaten on the table. At the end of our meal, she said she was sorry she hadn't noticed that the bus boy hadn't brought any bread to our table. She was pleasant and efficient when she was at our table....just not at our table often enough.

    A woman (manager or hostess ...not sure) came by to ask about our food, we told her the same...."OK all around except the Beef & Ale which was dry, tough and stringy" she also said "sorry" and then asked us to "fill our comment cards because they would appreciate our feedback."  And still the uneaten food stayed on the table.

    Management: at a minimum, when a guest complains about food and a nearly full plate is still in front of them, tell your servers to find a replacement or simply strike it off the bill...no one likes to sit and watch the rest of their party eat while they pick at a terrible meal. No one wants to be charged for food they can't eat. This is Restaurant 101...not advanced thinking.

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    keep in mind...  princeton, nj.  

    there aren't too many places to eat out.  but, this place has got a lot of history and the food actually wasnt bad.  whoever made the prices were a little outta their mind though.  its pricey for the kind of food they are dishing up...  the crowd was mixed... but, i can see it catering mostly to an older crowd (your parents age and up).  prob would be a good place to take your parents if they were nice enough to drop you off and help you move into your dorm.

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    Good hidden bar for a drink in princeton. A lot of history to the place. I was turned off by our initial bar tender this girl who kept shooting us bad looks and ignored us. But the guy who helped us after about 7-8 minutes was super nice and told us a lot about the place. Another staff member offered us a packet with the history and it was cool to know how many famous people had been there. The crowd was mixed in age which was good.

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    Tucked away in Princeton, the Tap Room has the looks of an old tavern, huge portions, and mediocre food.

    The menu is very standard American - salads, sandwiches, burgers, and steaks - and the prices range from about $10 to $25 an entree.  My group shared crab cake sliders, the steak salad, and a French Dip sandwich.  The steak salad was the best of the group - very standard - and the rest of the food was just okay.  Nothing seemed very fresh and all the flavors seemed one note.

    The service wasn't very good either.  The waiter got our order wrong, and we were the only table in the restaurant.  

    We left the restaurant full, but not very satisfied.  When we're in Princeton again this won't be our place for a meal.

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    It was ok.

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    This place would be adequate if the staff weren't rude and indifferent. We went for a birthday celebration and there was, literally, no one else in the restaurant. No one. It was 5:30 on a Tuesday and the place was dead. You would think that they would be eager to have our large party. But not so much. They wouldn't let us move chairs (!!!) or pull tables together (!!!!!) presumably to preserve them for the droves of high-rolling customers about to walk in at any moment. It's a rule, folks. Another rule is that you can't eat cupcakes for someone's birthday on the premises. You can pay a cake-cutting fee (for cupcakes) because that's the rule. The only time we had a staff member come to our tables (remember, not allowed to sit together) was to tell us not to eat the cupcakes. To order drinks and food we had to go to bar. Maybe that's also a rule. There are more rules than menu items at the Tap Room. In fact, I would say that the only thing "historic" about the Tap Room is that it is stuffy, rigid, and up-tight.

    Pass on it. There are better places nearby.

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    This place is a "historic" hotel bar, by which you may suppose that you can enjoy the same mediocre food and indifferent service as our forefathers. I should point out that this is not entirely true.

    Although the current food and service is at least as mediocre and indifferent as it has always been (if not more so), it should be noted that the building itself is not historic. It is "historic." The current building was built in the 40s in a style that (and I quote from their website) "...tells a story. The interesting contrast in the exterior design of the different wings is a delightful fancy of its architect, depicting ***the imaginary progress*** of a successful inn from the Eighteenth to the Twentyth [sic] Century." In other words, it looks old, sells itself as historic but is not. I can't help but note that the Normal Rockwell mural is strangely appropriate in this context.

    I will ignore the shamefully early closing time and the sad way that it wastes what is otherwise prime patio real estate.

    If you are visiting from out of town, I highly recommend you skip this place, and walk across the street to Teresa's for dinner, or the extra 100 feet to the Alchemist and Barrister for drinks. Either option is highly worth the effort if you value tasty food, creative drinks, and most of all, reasonable service when dining more than you value the illusion of a historic experience.

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    As Princeton residents we have tried and tried to give the Yankee Doodle Tap Room plenty of opportunities to redeem themselves. Unfortunately this last trip there will def. be the last time. Such a shame because the setting, location, outdoor seating, etc. area are all amazing. The food isn't bad either. We have had great meals to just ok meals. The aspect that they are lacking is SERVICE! The service is terrible every time. There is never a hostess to be found. When you do find them they aren't super friendly. Servers move so slowly, never check up on you and are no where to be found. The most helper staff member there is the bar tender and I am pretty sure it isn't his job to be the hostess and a waiter too. Do not go there with kids since the service is too slow.  And as for just adults going out - well that was just as terrible too. So disappointing.

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    We came here after a day of touring NJ with four tweens and three adults.  We waited for 10 minutes to meet our waitress, she disappeared without taking our order or bringing bread or water or anything.  The bar tender and host were chatting ten feet away from us and staring.  I finally got up after 10 more minutes and asked if they could take our order and he ( the host) said a waitress would be out shortly and continued his chat.  She finally took our drink and food order.  She was obviously overwhelmed and the only one working.  The food came fairly quickly and was okay- just standard.  We will find somewhere else to eat next time we are in Princeton.

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    We're out-of-towners.  I wanted to eat in here so I could see the autographed photo of Brooke Shields, the carved tables and the Norman Rockwell mural over the bar.  Yeah, I like Norman Rockwell, just like I like Turner Classic Movies, vintage stores, and "Upstairs, Downstairs."  Let's move on, shall we?  

    We had breakfast one time and drinks another time.  Breakfast was OK.  It wasn't very crowded.  We did get a nifty old booth all carved with initials.  Our waitress was nice and did a good job serving us.  The sausages and coffee were great.  The french toast was also good, although I recommend it without any type of fruit strewn over the top as the one of us who got it with fruit found it drowned in what seemed to be an entire can of warm Del Monte.  I would call this a three and a half star experience.

    Drinks...well, let's just say if the bar is that crowded on a normal night (and I'm guessing it probably is), they need more than two bartenders and they also need bartenders who hustle a lot faster.  I have been to a lot of bars and I think that was about the slowest I ever saw someone take an order, draw a beer and ring it up.  Most places I go would probably fire somebody who took that long.  So that was definitely a two-star experience.  

    Conclusion:  Eating there is OK but unless it's a really slow empty night, I suggest drinking someplace else.

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    Came here while visiting Princeton from out of town.

    Two overworked bartenders for the entire place on a Friday night, while a hostess and a couple of servers milled about doing nothing at the hostess' table. They told us we couldn't sit at one of the dozens of empty tables, though.

    It took forever to get a drink, and pretty much every patron was rudely and irritatedly jockeying for space at the bar.

    No thanks. Next time I'm in town I'll go somewhere else.

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    What a waste of a great location. Poorly prepared low quality food served by people who couldn't care less. Is it that difficult to cook a decent hamburger? Why does the menu say home cooked turkey when the stuff on my salad is that shiny, gelatinous, factory made garbage? The entire Nassau Inn experience is incompetent. The owners need to get out more. The place looks and feels like it's run by people who have been shut-in since 1972.

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    Gross overcooked tuna sliders, slick fries, bad service that rushes you even when there are no waiting customers and you're still eating. Don't even think about darkening the doors of this strictly average brew pub unless you are the finest university upper crust*

    (*visiting parents ok if sporting Chanel, Gucci or YSL..)

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    We found this place on YELP & wound up loving everything about it!

    The HISTORICAL nature of the place was my first interest (200 Year Old Tap Room Pub) and then when I saw that they were offering a coupon on YELP for 20% OFF - this sucked me in even more. (Note: After checking IN on FOUR SQUARE though, you actually get a FREE ENTREE with 1 bought, so that was even a BETTER DEAL!

    We went for Breakfast on a Saturday in the Summer, so the place was fairly dead, but that meant that we got GREAT service. The waitress was VERY accommodating & sweet to us. And she didn't mind at all when I switched from the YELP 20% off offer to the "Free Entree Offer" on 4SQUARE.

    I ordered the Blueberry Pancakes with Lemon Zest, which was absolutely PERFECT in every way, HOT, Fresh Blueberries, perfect amount of Lemon Zest within the 3 BIG pancakes and the pats of BUTTER are shaped like TULIPS....extra points for loveliness!

    My husband ordered the Salmon Benedict which was delicious and cooked perfectly. The poached eggs were really poached in boiling water (you could tell...) and the yolk was hard which is how my husband likes it, so that you can taste the Hollandaise sauce w/o runny yolk all over the place.

    My daughter got the cheeseburger sliders & fries, and everything about that was pretty awesome (I try what everyone is eating at the table....always!). The buns were a tiny bit dry on the burgers, that's the only bad thing that I'd say about the entire meal.

    AND Seeing the huge Norman Rockwell painting over the Bar and the pictures of old Princeton alumni (...including Michelle Obama & Brooke Shields) makes this place a lot more interesting than any other local Pub....

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    I've been living in the area for over 5 years now and have spent many nights eating and drinking INSIDE the Tap Room without issue (besides the surly female bartender).  My group of friends has had 20+ people crowded around 3 tiny tables inside without a peep from a bartender, a waitress, or a manager.

    But OUTSIDE on the patio is a apparently a totally different place.  We arrived a bit past 8pm with a group of 4 and 2 more coming.  We were told we couldn't be seated outside even though there were plenty of free tables (4 tops) because the young male host told us we couldn't bring over extra chairs and they only have 1 table for groups (it was occupied).  

    2 of our group weren't planning on staying long so we just took the 4 top and sat down.  Then the 2 more people we were expecting arrived and must to our surprise the host brought over extra chairs saying, "I don't really care if you sit here, they aren't my rules."  Kudos to you guy for knowing how to make paying customers happy.  You're the only one at the Tap Room last night who did the right thing.

    Our waitress apparently hated us from the word go.  Again, it was well past the dinner hour for a Wednesday night (nearly 8:30 by now) but 2 of us ordered dinner and 2 ordered apps/sides, we all ordered drinks.  She then informed us in an incredibly rude way that she would only be bringing us the ONE round of drinks because we hadn't all ordered entrees.  Really?  Do they not understand that a bar bill can get a lot higher a lot quicker than a dinner bill?  When she brought our drinks she SLAMMED them down on the table making it even more clear she was not happy with us.

    The food is ok, I had a burger and they do a decent burger.  The fries are good but they aren't so good that they should come with a heaping side of attitude.  

    Another, unexpected friend stopped by and pulled up a chair.  I could see the waitress nearly having a fit in the corner when she saw this happen.  He asked for a glass of water (he doesn't drink at all) and she replied with, "I'll have to ask my manager."  She went and got the manager, I saw her talking to the woman and pointing at us.  The manager NEVER came to talk to us, the waitress just came back and said she couldn't serve a glass of water because we were "over the limit of the table and a safety hazard".  A "safety hazard"?  We're on a patio outside, if a fire should start I'm pretty sure we can get away quickly.  Why are we a "safety hazard" with 7 at a 4 top table outside but we aren't a "safety hazard" with 20+ people around tiny bar tables inside?  

    Needless to say we were not very happy that our very un welcomed group was forced to give the waitress an 18% tip.  She certainly did not deserve one, she hardly did anything other than give us a bad time.  

    I get that the Tap Room's management came up with these policies and left it up to the servers to enforce them and while I think they are idiotic I think we were more offended by the waitress's incredibly nasty attitude towards us.  Had she said, "look I'm sorry but these are the rules..." and been nice about it we wouldn't have had an issue.  I also think the manager, since they obviously had such an issue with us, should have come over.

    I'm not naive enough to think that my review is going to change a darn thing, it's summer and the Tap Room is one of the few places in Princeton with a patio.  And I get that they likely don't want to be a place where people just go for drinks leaving diners no tables to sit at but I think they are being very short sighted.  Leave say half the tables opens for diners during dinner hours and half for just people wanting drinks.  You know what?  People drinking are very likely to order food!  Then once it gets past "dinner time" open it all up to whatever.  A&B gets this, Witherspoon Grill gets this, and now guess who is getting our business?  

    Had things gone a bit better at the Tap Room last night perhaps we wouldn't have left and taken our group of 7 to the Witherspoon Grill where they didn't mind if we sat on the patio and ordered just drinks.

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    Been here a few times before for a sports bar feel, back before Princeton Sports Bar opened. All of my experiences here have been pretty average bordering on unsavory -- I've been harassed by their drunk patrons while with my boyfriend -- but tonight we've been subject to awful customer service and business model. We headed to Tap Room after dinner hoping to get drinks on their beautiful outdoor patio, but were turned away because apparently the patio is for dinner patrons only. Not even a "if you come back later, we'll be open for drinks," never mind that the patio was largely desolate of clientele. They redirected us to some tiny 2-person "bistro tables" off to the side of the building, which had the feeling of being the sad corner table in the cafeteria where the school pariah sits by himself.

    We wavered for a while discussing alternative options, and finally the waiter who'd initially turned us away said that we could take a seat and just bring our own drinks from the bar. We were pleasantly surprised by his change in heart; we even confirmed twice that this would be okay and he said sure, it's been done before. So we were getting settled in our seats when another employee came over and told us we would have to leave if we weren't getting dinner. We explained that the other guy had said we could, but she just blanked us and repeated herself. You'd think she would have confirmed withe the other waiter and/or management, or be a teeny bit apologetic for the inconsistency in policy, but no...

    For the moment the only redeeming feature of the bar is the gallery of old-school alumni photos at the entrance.

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    The Tap Room is my go-to place in Princeton for drinks with friends.  I can always find a seat in the bar area and they have a fireplace and multiple tvs.

    The ambiance of the place feels like stepping into an old rustic ivy league bar with carvings on the walls and portraits of famous Princeton alums.  They have even extended their dining area onto a newly built patio in Palmer Square.

    The big advantage of the Tap Room is that you can get pitchers (unlike some of the other bars in Princeton), and the fact that it is never extremely crowded like The Ivy Inn, Triumph, and Winberries.  This is one of the few bars where you can actually have a conversation without having to yell.  

    The prices are better than most of the bars in Princeton and if you follow them on facebook and twitter, you can take advantage of 50 cent wings, $2 pints, and half price appetizer deals that they have, especially during big sporting events.  Although I cannot comment on the food, as I have mostly come just for the drinks, I have had the wings, which are pretty good.

    Overall, its a great place to hang out with friends in a warm relaxing atmosphere.

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    Had a group of 7 people and the service was good. I like the atmosphere of the place - especially the HUGE fireplace at the back of the room. Nice to sit around with a cold beer and good conversation.

    Discliamer: Food is a subjective thing... like art. What appeals to me may not appeal to you. If something I've written intrigues you, take a shot and give a place the benefit of the doubt. You probably won't be disappointed.

    The food varied in quality. I started with the French onion soup. Nothing remarkable but good. I could get the same soup in the same bowl at a hundred different restaurants.

    The big, hearty burger was char grilled (a big plus) and is a generous portion. It was cooked exactly as i requested, was crusty, juicy, meaty  and well dressed. An 8 on a scale of 10. I asked for grilled onions and should have been more descriptive as I got sauteed/sweated onions. Caramelization on the onions would have provided deeper level of flavor and probably a higher rating.

    The Nassau (chicken) wings were average - not great but certainly not bad. Wasn't a fan of the dominant Worcestershire flavor in the Buffalo style and the BBQ wings were a little too "gloppy". Portions were generous.

    The sweet potato fries were good - a little on the thin side - and if a thicker cut had been used, would have made the fluffy inside that much better.

    Lastly, desert was good. We split the pumpkin bread pudding, cranberry apple crisp and the butterscotch pumpkin shooters. All were very good.

    I travel to Princeton at least once a year and would go to the YDTR if I craved a burger, a cold beer and a warm fire. So long from Texas.

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    The truffle /parm fries at the bar with some cold beers, good friends, and the game on any of the numerous tv screens= A+

    I really wish I could give this place  a half a star. I hadn't been in a while, and went last night for a drink with friends, and the bartender was the rudest human being on the face of the earth. She snapped at us when we asked if we had to order at the bar. Then when we went up to order, she stood on the other end of the bar (where people were eating and it did not look like there was room for us to place our drink order) and then barked at us to come over there to order.  Then, when my friend gave her her license, she kept on questioning her license, since it was pretty beat up.   (my friend also carries her passport in case people don't believe that her license is legit- when presented with this, she snapped as well).

    I've never had such horrible service/attitude thrown my way. Definitely will avoid the place if that bartender happens to be working.

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    no increase in rating yet - but "yet" implies that there will be a next time. Nassau Inn management contacted us and refunded us the full price of our stay, plus offered to make it up to us with a complimentary night at the hotel including dinner AND breakfast at the YDTR. i gotta say - THAT'S customer service. I'm impressed.

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    I was staying at the Nassau Inn so I came downstairs for a quick breakfast before leaving.  As she was seating people, the manager kept asking if folks had coupons.  I showed her their 20% breakfast discount offered on Foursquare, and she had no idea what it was.

    The granola with fresh berries that I'd ordered was fine, as was the coffee, but my server was on the inattentive side...NOT good since I had less than 10 minutes to eat and pay.  I finally had to go to the hostess stand to pay, and the manager actually photocopied my phone for the Foursquare deal.  She couldn't figure out how to honor it in their computer system, so I wound up paying full price for the meal.

    Way to train your staff, folks.

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    I've been here a few times.  The beer selection is pretty good, and the prices are reasonable for Princeton.  I like the sandwiches and the fruit salad with goat cheese is pretty good.  The service has been good each time I've been here, and it has a nice ambience.

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    The hubby and I have been to the Tap Room many times of the years but a few weekends ago we went for lunch out on the new patio. Because we've eaten there so many times, we were so surprised with the all new menu that was presented. Salads, sandwiches and more, there were many healthy options that sounded wonderful. The new patio looks like it's always been a part of this historic building which was especially nice. Comfortable seating and shaded with umbrellas made for a pleasant lunch.

    I ended up ordering the corn salad and it was fresh and delicious. My husband ordered the shrimp salad sandwich, which was also very good. The shrimp were huge and lightly coated, which was a plus.

    If you haven't been to the tap room recently, it's worth a new look.

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    We went on Thanksgiving weekend and despite the "special Thanksgiving menu," we left wholly unimpressed and thought it was nothing special at all.  My friend ordered the ravioli, which was really tasteless and bland, and arrived lukewarm in a tiny portion.  

    The waitress looked extremely busy, considering the place was packed that weekend, but it's hard to excuse when the service was so poor and I had to ask for the same thing three times.  Considering the price and the bland taste of the food, I would have at least expected bigger portions but we left unsatisfied and ended up eating a second mini dinner several hours later at home.

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    2.5 stars. Sure, it's probably a nice spot for a meal earlier into the evening, however Friday or Saturday night is an entirely different story (especially on Thanksgiving weekend). Too many people, too few bartenders, too much broken glass and spilled booze on the floor.

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    The chicken sandwich is very good, as are some of the desserts. Service can be slow and prices are a tad high, but overall, I like this place a lot and am always excited to go back. Don't forget to check out the original Rockwell mural behind the bar for a bit of history.

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    We stopped here for breakfast this morning, which was surprising in its cost--about the same as every other breakfast place in town, platters being $9-12 for anything from eggs with bacon, sausage, or hash to waffles and pancakes.  Only here, the atmosphere is quieter and there's history everywhere.  The enormous Norman Rockwell mural is definitely worth the visit.

    The setting is great for a traditional, clubby university-type restaurant with the tables engraved with names.  I'm sure we scored no points with the hostess when my father-in-law (a Yalie) brought us over to the famous alum wall and commented that most of the people should be put in jail (adding that most of the famous Yalies should be similarly incarcerated).

    Efficient service, decent breakfast, excellent coffee.  Most of the banquettes and booths now have cushions, but there are plenty which remain hard wood.

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    this is a tough one, really,

    great location / needs a couple old oriental carpets on the floor.

    excellent fireplace / totally cheesy gas flame "fire" it's a joke.

    has live bands / anything more than a guy with a guitar and it's WAY TOO LOUD for such a small place.

    free popcorn / maybe they'll clean the popper one day

    beers on tap/ too expensive hotel pricing.

    see what i mean?

    i do love the atmosphere but my old bones need something other than a hard wooden bench to sit on.

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    Once you are seated at the Yankee Doodle Tap Room you instantly feel smarter, richer, and whiter.  Just kidding.  I actually dig the Old Boy digs.  The food is good and the location is great.  I definitely think this place is worth checking out.

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    The YD Tap Room is part of the Nassau Inn.  They're going for the historic pub look/feel with wooden benches and tables and colonial pictures on the walls - and it works.  I don't really eat here as the only vegetarian options are salad or a Grilled Vegetable Napoleon.  I usually stick with the beer, but my friends have eaten the burgers and such.  As for the draft selection, you'll find Guinness, Sam, Blue Moon, Yuengling, and Stella on tap, as well as some combo of the nasty Bud/Miller/Coors.  TV's in bar for games and live music on weekends.

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    I went here with my boss on one of my business trips to the east coast, and she informed me this was the restaurant that she and her husband had their first date.

    Awwww, quishquish.  :o)

    This place isn't bad!  We got to sit at a booth where princeton students who are apparently armed at all times with a "carving item" left their legacy in the wooden table and benches.  We both ordered steaks which were delightfully flavored, and treated ourselves to dessert.  Dessert was composed to ice cream, so I'm not giving YDTR any credit for that.  But it's a really cool chill spot with good food.  God Bless America!

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    Enjoyed a fabulous Christmas dinner at the bar.  The salmon & duck were both perfectly prepared with delicious sauces.  We went back a few nights later for drinks.  Jill made a perfect martini.

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