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  • Takes Reservation
  • Has TV
  • WiFi
  • Smoking
  • Outdoor Seating
  • Wheelchair Accessible

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    Sign at door was uninviting and incorrect. Staff offhandedly said, grab a seat anywhere, as if I was an interruption, it took ten minutes to get an iced tea and it was brunch with only 1/3 full.

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  • 0

    Great cocktails, excellent dj's. but a bar that doesn't allow you in for a drink before 10:30pm? How about you finish your patio instead of turning "50-100 people away at the door" each night? And how about you don't pretend that your capacity policy is a "long standing" policy that "you would know about if you were a local"? Dear 515, your bouncer lost you this long-standing patron's business. (and yes, despite your bouncer's assessment, we are in fact locals...)

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  • 0

    The food here is good but this is why you get one star... We are in the middle of enjoying our dinner when all of a sudden am on a coughing spell...this restaurant allows smoking right in front of their door & keep their door open. I run outside for air as soon as I notice the smoking, thinking its coming from the upstairs bar I rushed outside for fresh air when I get trapped in a cloud of smoke from people smoking right outside the door! It baffles me that the restaurant management allow this. I report it to the waitress who only excuses the smokers because "its not allowed on the other side of the street" all while I was gasping for air as am highly allergic to smoke & asthmatic. No apology & no asking if I needed further help. Furthermore I was still enjoying my meal. We had to rush the waiter to get our bill so we can get out before I could breath no more...unacceptable!

    I started to write this review on 10/09/12, the night it happened and did not publish it as after this event with the asthma attack was in and out of the hospital for a whole month. If you are sensitive to smoke, do not come here. The food was very good. I wish I had the opportunity to finish my meal.

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