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    I love the way this place looks.  It's basically the galley of an old ship.  Being from the coast, it carries a certain type of nostalgia.  With that said, what the heck is a ship doing in Manitou?!  LoL  Ok so that does not detract at all from the restaurant nor my review.  The only reason I give this place 3 and not 4 stars is that it just seems to lack any wow factor.  The staff is friendly enough, the food is decent (not great), but there really is nothing that grabs you other than the fact that it is the recreation of a ship.  I will say this is a tentative review, and I plan on giving it another go.  Worth checking out, but not a must see.  Will stress again though the staff is pretty rockin'.  They have always been on their game when I've gone in.

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    Stopped by for a quick lunch and wont be back. We were the only customers in there for lunch. I asked for a glass of Pinot grigio and got Pinot noir. Took half an hour to collect our order. Twenty minutes to bring us our drinks. Pizza was missing half the ingredients. Water tasted horrible! No salt or pepper on the tables and I had to ask for a knife and fork.
    Oh and the pizza kept me up all night with diarrhea. All in all a horrible birthday lunch for me!

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    Seems like this place could be so much better than it is. The decor is pretty old school, but it's Manitou and to be honest I don't care at all. It has the typical bar accessories and a lot of space for hanging out, it's just that nothing exceeds expectations. The food also takes forever to get. My friends and I ordered some food and it took 45 minutes to get it, so that was fun. Overall just an ok place, nothing more.

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