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    I was bored, and decided to do the dive bar walking circuit today.......Andresens, Hideaway, Gales......when I walked into Andresen's a little after 4 pm this afternoon, i was the only patron, I was greeted by a lady tending bar who was pleasant and who mixed a pretty decent beverage........bars are or at least were, man caves. Places like this, Fosters Bighorn in Rio Vista, or The French Bar in Gardnerville, Nevada exemplify this. Animals, dead animals that have likely been killed by men with rifles or bow and arrow adorn the walls. Nothing sad or tragic about this, this is life and death, and we will all face it sooner or later.....bless the ownership that says tradition is good, let's leave well enough alone. Great decor, a respectable no bullshit cocktail and a professional, seasoned bartender..........

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    Best bar in Petaluma and Helga is the best bartender in Petaluma.

    They have PBR on tap!
    They have PBR on tap!
    They have PBR on tap!

    Wine you ask? Bahahahahahahaahahahahaahhahahaha....

    I dare you to ask Helga about their vintage wines.....

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    Andresen's is what I love in a bar, but it's perhaps not for everyone.  I have been here a handful of times, and had a blast each time.  One time involved a small group, lots of beer and gimlets, loud conversation and making random friends; another time it was three of us and quieter conversation; you get the picture -- it totally depends on the night and the company.  

    Helga, as everyone seems to have noted, is a trip.  The decor is eclectic.  The drink prices are average.  Cash only.  (Relax.  There's a Chase around the corner and a BoA three blocks away.)  You can buy a flask or nip of something to go, if you are so inclined.  

    I love that even when it's full, it's never crowded.  I love that there is space to sit and space to stand.  I love that the music is from a jukebox.  I love that it's a mix of curmudgeonly old timey locals and various young folks.  I love that the place is as clean and spotless as it was when it was decorated back in 1960 or whenever.  I love that while everyone there seems to be having a good time, I've not yet seen anyone get sloppy or out of control (though I'm sure it happens on occasion).  Overall, my fav bar in Petaluma.

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    Cute place. The family that owns it is hugely into trophy hunting, though. It's sad to see all the beautiful dead animals on the wall. I'd rather not support that sort of behavior.

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    Simply put, Andresen's is the best bar in Petaluma. Never will you have to concern yourself with "am I dressed ok for this place" or "will the regulars give me a hard time." Helga is by far the most generous bartender in town, making cocktails the way you would make them at home. It's not dark and creepy like the outside might suggest, and it is kept immaculately clean. I've personally seen people go from "I'm never coming here again" after only being there a few minutes to "This is my favorite bar in town."

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    They have PBR on tap.  What more could you ask for?  

    Seriously though, this is a chill, unpretentious oasis in Petaluma.  

    As long as you're not put off by the hundreds of stuffed/mounted animals on the wall & the photo of the last lynching in Sonoma County on the cash register, then you'll love Andresen's.  If you are, then...well you're probably no fun to drink with anyway.

    Good jukebox, great bartenders, and CASH ONLY.

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    Definitely not for typical city-folk-- but that's the appeal.  :)

    Bartender Helga makes my day; love coming to this true hole-in-the-wall establishment for a chill evening.

    Oh yah, and Helga's SPICY Bloody Mary is the best I've had.  (Don't ask for it spicy if you can't handle it.  You've been forewarned.)

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    Andresen's is a slice of the old Petaluma.  If you're new to town, you'll probably hate it.  If you grew up here, you'll be heartened to see that it's the same people in here that you used to see outside smoking when you were a kid, plus those of us who grew up and wanted to drink at a place of the caliber of Andresen's.

    Helga is great-I get a warning look when I start shenanigans, and great service when I behave.  One of my stand-by bars, as it lacks the BS that seems to run through most bars in Petaluma.

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    Established in 1934, Andresen's is the real deal.

    This is not a bar for the timorous. It is definitely a friendly establishment, and Helga behind the bar is a lovely lady who will just as easily have a chat with you as she would probably show you the door by the scruff of your neck if you act up and get any funny ideas. The few patrons who were there when we walked in seemed like regulars and were also pleasant company. In fact, it sort of felt like walking into someone's living room--if that house were a bar and the owner liked displaying old guns and taxidermy animals. Don't worry. They're all dead and won't bite. There doesn't seem to be anything in Andresen's that would bite--unless you decide to act up and get any funny ideas.

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    Even though I don't usually mind dive-bars, this place is just too "divey" for me. Not a fan. My brother can't say enough good things about Helga, though.

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    So the stuffed mounted animals, upstairs ladies only bathroom, and Euro-tough bartender lady and guns all over are NOT scary.

    However, I found the ominous doors scary and the number one scary thing in Andresens is..... THE PHOTO OF 3 DEAD WOMEN ON THE CASH REGISTER - BEING HUNG.... BY NOOSES.... it doesn't matter that its black and white and the ladies are wearing clothing from the early 1900s. THAT IS CREEPY MAN!

    oh you can buy full bottles of liquor here. and DO NOT turn around when at the bar bc there is a stuffed turtle up there and I ALMOST started crying.

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    I love, love, LOVE Andresen's!  Helga is the BEST bartender around!   She always has great stories and pours strong drinks.  I am so happy that she came back!  I love the fact that I don't have to encounter many amateur drinkers while in Andresen's.   But before you go, don't forget that they are "cash only"!

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    Solid bar experience for an afternoon of divey drinkin'. The bartender was cool and they had Eye of the Hawk on tap. Bonus points for that. Jukebox was excellent. NOFX? Hell yeah. The only downside was the couple in their 50's sucking face at the bar. Seriously? When they left our 'tender said they were both married (to other people) and came here to pre-cheat or whatnot. If you're gonna grope/make out in a bar with 3 other people in it, just don't be so loud about it.

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    There is no better place in Petaluma  to stop in for a good dose of  local flavor and downright folksy conversation along with a libation, or two. This is particularly true now that Frau Helga is back in action behind the bar. The 5-8 p.m. crowd boasts a lively and colorful mix of locals with a wide range of backgrounds, occupations, lifestyles and attitudes - mostly good attitudes. A foundation crowd of community elders keeps it real with their knowledge of local history and their wisdom of the ages. Save for the occasional obnoxious drunk, *@$!whit, or opinionated yahoo - fear not - for Helga will swiftly dispatch any ner-do-wells, to the curb, by their ear (or whatever) in short order!

    Andresen's is steeped in local tradition with generations following in the footsteps of those who have gone before and the rest of us who still hobble in to wet our  whistles and engage in a bit of tongue wagging, tall tale telling or a game of liars or Boss. If she takes a liking to you, Helga just might clean your clock at a game of Cribbage! Try to take it as a compliment...
    Buy a round for the bar and receive the distinct honor of a salute Andresen's style -- the blasting of the WWII submarine periscope (up) alarm that can be heard for blocks in every direction.

    For the antique gun, lock, key and handcuff (!) enthusiast, your eyes will pop at the awesome collection that adorns the high ceiling walls within this heritage building along with and an enviable multinational animal trophy collection that has earned this fine establishment the nickname, among some, as a "dead-head" bar...which it is NOT. As a matter-o-fact , deadheads of the "Grateful" persuasion, are not often spotted at this particular watering hole and, in fact, are more likely considered an endangered species!

    The new jukebox is a boost to the vintage atmosphere. The proprietors really should get off their duff's and add a few more nibbles, some mixers and upgrate the quality of the wine menu -- if you can call it that.

    Otherwise, the place is a gem.  Ladies can feel safe on their own and guys can get a (polite) eyeful of a good stock of local beauty - many with brains to back it up. If your lucky, you'll happen in when the place is abuzz and that magical orange glow is emanating from the room and the people in it.

    Andresen's is a community treasurer for one and all (ok, even Deadheads)...and definitely not to be missed when in Petaluma.        


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    This is a dive. And I really hate dives. If you like dives and you are in Petaluma, go here. And if you come back saying you didn't like it, then you aren't into dives. You are into Mission bars that like to pretend they are dives.

    Seriously, this is on caliber with Club 93. Where regulars and old men hang out. But hey, if you want the gossip from town I'm sure you can find some here. The gossip in this town travels through the old men that knew each other from high school.

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    This is probably one of my favorite bars in Petaluma ... It's unlike the other bars in the city that attracts the same folk: annoying kids that you went to high school with that still haven't left Petaluma... Gross! So, as you can see, I try to stay away from those bars that attracts the people I know and moved away from for a reason... Crazy how that works!

    Anyway, Andresen's is one of those bars. It's pretty much an old-man, regulars, dive bar.... Which is pretty much what I'm looking for in a bar (well not just old men.. I like peoples of all ages!). So it's my type of bar, quiet and divey with lots of booze.

    Though I am deducting 1 star for not carrying Fernet... I know, I'm a bitch, but honestly Fernet is not just sold in SF, I've found it at a bar in Rohnert Park of all places! So Fernet is out in the Sonoma County, just not at Andresen's (that's when Jameson comes into play).

    So if you're looking for a cool bar that's downtown and not filled with people you know from high school, this is the place to go!

    P.S. All of the taxidermied animals are AWESOME... Kind of creepy, but I can relate; I'm kind of creepy.

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    As a seasoned veteran of bars, I feel qualified to say that this is one of the best  true watering holes still in existence. There's something here for everyone, from the beginning boozer to the grizzled, salty saucer.  

    I swear, that mountain lion on the wall is looking right at me.

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    Just an update on the bartender situation.  I was in on Friday (pre black out) and found out that Matt (said stout angry a-hole) no longer is employed here.  Helga we missed you and are happy to have you back!!!!!!!!

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    I am no drinker; bars are strictly for people watching.  I love this place.  I'd be as happy to bring my parents as I am to bring my friends or husband or my awesome brother.  There are a million things to look at, strangers treat you like a neighbor, Helga is the perfect bartender, and the juke box has something for everyone.  The drinks aren't overpriced and don't include fruit garnishes.  They have good old PBR and some familiar brand of Pale Ale or IPA on tap (I obviously go for the Pabst).  You can buy your favorite liquor by the bottle to take home, which is neat.

    There are no creeps.  There is no karaoke.  People wear normal clothes.  

    Best bar ever.

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    dive bar heaven... nuff said

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    Bad attitude bartender. My suggestion would be to only go here if you are in a horrible mood and want no one to bother you and like bad drinks. Maybe that's why it's always empty now...wasn't always the case.

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    Our terminal stop in Sonoma before realizing we needed not to let our good selves drive drunk. Kinda surreal after drinking a bottle of Kistler and a couple of glasses of high-octane syrah to come into a bar with animal heads on the wall. I definitely did not feel underdressed here. A wholely different type of people watching than my beloved Rosewood.

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    When you want a dive bar with taxidermy animals on the walls...when you want a jukebox stacked with Bon Jovi and Garth Brooks....when you want strong drinks that cost less than a latte....Andresen's is the place for you. It ain't swanky and it ain't classy, and you know what? Sometimes that is exactly what you need!

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    I agree with everyone, this place is awesome and a Petaluma landmark as far as I am concerned. There is always an eclectic group of people there and is a great place to hang out for the night if you are looking for something mellow. It is a must if you are doing the Petaluma Crawl, we usually stop there for a shot or make it our final destination once the other bars get too packed with drunkards. Having grown up in Ptown it's also one of our favorite places to take visitors...the look on their face when they walk in is priceless!

    The only beef I have is with the bartender the last time I was there. There used to be that great older lady with the dyed red hair...Helga was it? And then a younger guy that seemed to replace her for a while...both were awesome and fantastic bartenders (I think the guy is at Finbars now). Some new guy was bartending the last time I was there with friends and he was a total jerk with some kind of chip on his shoulder. There were maybe 3 other people in the bar and my friend went up to order a drink at the counter...the guy said he wouldn't serve him there and made him walk all the way to the end of the bar by the door to take his drink. WTF?! Really lame and very weird. I hope he isn't there anymore. Anyway, other than that dude, it's a great place to chill with friends and enjoy a nice cold one.

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    This is the only place I go drinking when I visit the hometown of P-E-T-A-L-U-M-A.  All the college students with fake IDs and 40 year old football has-beens can drink their Zemas at McNears, but the real Petaluma locals pony up to Andresen's.

    There is a definite hunting theme in the decor. Lots of taxidermy heads on the wall, including a bison and a VERY angry elk (He did not like his demise). My favorite is the squirrel. Make sure you look for him. In the past he was on a cell phone but recently he has been  holding a can of beer. There are also guns, shackles, signs and other forms of wacky bric-a-brac. The jukebox is filled with your dive-friendly regulars, lots of Eagles, Frank Sinatra, etc.  People will sing if drunk enough.

    Let me describe some of the patrons. Serious drinkers. Very eclectic. Ranges in age from 21 to almost in the grave. On one evening, I remember coming in and seeing an  old High School classmate, my former babysitter (realize I am 30+ now), my brother and my Uncle and his hunting buddies. This is the type of bar where generations of a family would go to get snockered. Some of the old-school bartenders just retired, but even they remembered my grandfather drinking there in the olden days.  Now I go with my Mom.

    Oh, and here is the best part. THEY SELL LIQUOR TO GO. Yes! You can buy a bottle  and go along your merry way. Ya wanna take the party home- no problem!

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    Andresen's....what can I say....

    I'll tell you this much, this is a place where Petaluma's old school went. Its right up there with Old Mexico(RIP) Mr. Mcgoos, Pete's Henypenny, yadda yadda. Yes dead animals on the walls everywhere. You have a feeling that its the 1940s when you walk in and perhaps Al Capone is hiding out in the back. Its really a strange bar, but the bartender is a really good sport. In fact, a few months back a group of friends and I were out partying. Its weird being the only single one out of a group of 6 because its always up to the single one to get things started.  Inevitably, there is always someone that doesn't want to drink for fear of the wrath of their girlfriend or wife when they stumble home drunk. So a few drinks in... while the cautious non drinker of the group was taking a leak, I bought a double scotch from the bartender and informed him to give it my friend, the non drinker, for he is the 1000th customer of the Summer. I turned to the group and gave wink to my buddies as my shit disturbing grin grew from ear to ear. The bartender offered the drink as soon as he came back, and when he denied the drink, the bartender told him he was the 1000th customer of the summer. I jumped out my chair clapping and howling- my whole group did as well and after about 5 seconds the whole bar was screaming whistling and clapping. Of course he downed the scotch- the plan went flawlessly. The rest of the night he continued to drink, and even flopped around on the dance floor at Infusions for a bit. So I do have Andresens and the bartender to thank for  the bug in the non drinker's ass died painlessly in a highball of scotch and should have been mounted on Andresen's wall along with the rest of the beasts.

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    This is my go-to for any weekend dranks. I LOVE Andresen's, you walk in and it's dead animals on the walls (deer, buffalo and other miscellaneous head pieces), locals, and a good time. Not meat-market-ish at all. You can actually go in and have a drink and talk to your fellow drinkers - or not, it's always fun, always laid back. Bartender is great as well, knows how to make a drink, let me tell you! 5 stars for eclectic atmosphere, 5 stars for the homey feeling and sure-fire good night.

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