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    I was craving corned beef and cabbage. A co-worker recommended AP-Deli

    Unfamiliar with the area, I decided this would be a nice little adventure.

    So from school, I ventured south along Martin Luther King Dr until 107th and made a left onto Michigan Ave. The area seems like it use to be very popular, but I guess due to the economy, one of the only places surviving in the area is AP Deli. So the area isn't that scary; i did see the CPD cameras in the residential area.

    As i walked in, I realized this place is very old and has been around here for a pretty long time. The staff pleasantly greeted me behind the bulletproof glass. I ordered the main menu item; corned beef. Picked up my order and noticed how they have drinks i never seen before or drinks I haven't seen for a long time; Arizona drinks I never knew existed and Wildwood canned soda.

    I quickly got into my car and drove back to school, because it's a take-out only place.

    The corned beef sandwich is pretty good. It's finely cut and it's a decent portion. It has a nice tenderness and fattyness to it. I only wished I got fries with it and there are lots of little bits of corned beef everywhere. I just felt it was a little over-priced for just a sandwich ($7.45). Unless that is the norm, then I stand corrected.

    Until I can find a better place for corned beef in the southside, this will be my goto place.

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    A.P. Deli is the standard for which other places serving up corned beef sandwiches in Chicago are measured (at least on the southside...and if you haven't heard about this joint yet for you folks north and west--shame on you..listen up).

    A.P.'s been around for years, and they are quickly expanding.  In a city that holds hot dogs, pizza and steak near and dear to its heart, blowing up as a deli in Chicago is tough.  A.P. Deli aint never been scerd.  And they now have numerous locations to prove it.

    The secret (that's not so much a secret): a HUGE, thin sliced corned beef sandwich that's enough to feed two. The price is more than reasonable (roughly 7 dollars). It usually comes with a sliced pickle and hot peppers--that once stuck inside the sandwich set it off like Vivica (Foxx for you slow pokes...for you super slow folks, Vivica Foxx was a star in the movie Set it Off--thanks, you've now ruined the vibe).

    ...back to it...
    A.P. Deli is such a gem, it was the inspiration for a deli my Dad opened up in the late 90's called 3 J's. He knew that A.P. was onto something and although he didn't fair as well with his business ventures, A.P. continues to thrive. It's actually a shocker nobody had reviewed the ORIGINAL A.P. Deli on 107th and Michigan until me, so I'm honored. (taking a bow)

    I first went to this spot in the mid 90's and back then the location on 107th & Michigan was a bit sketchy. Not sure how things are around there now. The good news is A.P.'s are popping up all over the place. So if you want to find out what (arguably) the best corned beef in Chicago tastes like, hit A.P., walk up to the counter and repeat after me:

    "I'd like a corned beef on rye with mustard"

    The hot peppers will come in a white wrapping. Stick those in your sandwich, sit back, relax, and enjoy the show.

    Good talk.

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