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    Happened upon this little place because I was turning around to head south, but much to my delight I saw what appeared to be a vintage hat museum.  I went in and explored and thought I was in heaven (I love hats!).  They're doing a fundraiser by having a hat auction - if you love hats, go check them out.

    But the real delight was that, my friends and I having struck out in Rockaway for lunch, and it being my birthday, the owner "opened" just for us (they'd just closed) and served us great soup, bread, and a prime rib sandwich for the carnivore in the group.  Great view of the bay, great conversation with the staff, and their kindness in opening specially for my birthday won them many points in my book.  Will definitely be going back for the hat auction (it's ongoing, the final night is 3/31/12) and for meals.  Thank you!!

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    Delightful homey eatery overlooking beautiful Nehalem bay within a bright, funky art gallery provides a fun atmosphere. All the family is dedicated to ensure you get an amazing experience! Homemade pastas, bread and sumptuous desserts are served with crisp salads and vegetables harvested fresh from the garden. We enjoyed trout caught fresh. Priced low. No credit cards accepted. Don't miss this gem!

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