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    Normally, I don't have anything negative to say about the local "dive bar". Like most crappy bars the B is a shithole for locals with enough history to make it unaffected to any online review, local gossip, or public sanitation codes. Most patrons tend to say it is was it is and stop when the occasion arises.

    Today however the B & B gave me reason to blast it a new asshole and proclaim upon them jihad the likes of which they have never seen before.

    You see today on the holiest of holy drinking days (St Patrick's day) I choose to go to the B for a cocktail. As I made my way to the door at 10 AM a friend jokingly pushed me and I stumbled on the sidewalk. The power tripping door guys decided it was reason enough to deny me entrance though I was as sober as a judge, a local, and a regular.

    Its not my first run in with the unfriendly, unprofessional, unintelligent juveniles that run the door. The drinks may be strong and cheap but it's not worth the mental rape you will endure by the security jackals.

    I am in the hospitality industry and would never allow my guest to be treated with such disrespect therefore I wouldn't recommend stopping by the B&B. For an alternative head over to John and Zeeks or visit Daniel at Willis Wine Bar.

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    EXACTLY what it is supposed to be and something Healdsburg needs in the worst way...CHARACTER...With all the trendy superficial BS establishments taking over this town the B&B is a refreshing and familiar place to anyone that has ever darkened the door of their local tavern...It's too bad that the building owners are apparently driving the B&B out of the building (likely to put in another damn tasting room or Spoon Bar type absurdity)...This town needs at least one old school traditional local place such as this watering hole since the entire downtown has been taken over by pretentious greed mongers seeking only the transient and boorish tourist dollars...With John and Zekes also being involuntarily moved on I guess the last bastions of being a real town will vanish with them...Thanks for all the great years!

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    Pickled asparagus in a bloody mary?   You can win me over with that any day of the week...  Nice little dive in a part of the state where you wouldn't imagine dives would be popular.  Couple of booths and a solid pool table to complement the nice open space.  Even the redneck NASCAR decorations on the walls were not that offensive to me on this particular trip.  Don't rip on the Sharks when you are there either (kinda hard when you are a Kings fan!); apparently some of the bartenders don't like that.  The bartender Erin is a sweetheart.

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    Local hangout in downtown Healdsburg.

    Good place for a drink. Too bad the best beer on tap is Sierra Nevada. The beer selection could use a step up. Bear is right down the street and on tap at every bar/restaurant in Healdsburg.

    Spacious booths and pool tables. Hit or miss on the night you go.

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    Bartender was not inspiring and the local drunk people uninteresting. The pool table was semi-occupied.

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    This place is definitely a hit or miss with me. Love the people and the atmosphere but can't stand the pompous door man or bartenders, never smiling or conversational. The smellier and dirtier of the only two "bar" choices in town, and I can't stand when they serve my drink in a keg cup!

    Oh and to set the record straight for fellow reviewer, Jon and Tawn F.and the rest of Yelp readers, The B&B is NOT in Napa Valley, it's in Sonoma County. Just Saying. You should have stayed at Willi's, that place rocks and patrons don't deserve to be treated like you did at B&B but unfortunately I don't see it changing, ever!

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    every time i come in here i keep forgetting to bring a cane in for the old racist hillbilly barkeep ( i think he got ran over at nascar while trying to get a sixer of pabst)! dont even try to put anything but toby keith on the jukebox, the bargeezer will just shut it off.  drinks are small and filled with ice...i mean who serves a 7 and 7 in a red plastic cup (tailgaters aside)?  and i am almost sure the bouncer failed his secret service test for the 20th time...what a dick!  overall just a bad bar that lacks good ladies, good drinks and good times.

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    Came here to take out my little brother for his 21st birthday after hearing so much about the place. We were happy that a family acquaintance was working the bar when we got there, and she chatted us up early on. As soon as the people around us at the bar heard it was my brother's birthday, they all got excited and started ordering drinks for him! We enjoyed talking to them and taking shots :) Great crowd, lively and very friendly - tend to be younger as the night goes on. Good mix of tourists and locals. And the drinks are only $3.50! (And the ones we had were strong!) She knew how to make all of the fun drinks we were throwing at my bro. There was plenty of parking when we came, and there's a pool table as well. Had a great time and am looking forward to coming again.

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    Hehehe....went to Healdsburg last weekend for my 'last hurrah' with my best girlfriends...we're all over 30 (okay, maybe 35) and weren't looking for that obnoxious stereotypical party that scares people who reserve rental houses.

    Started at the cafe across the street for lunch, when my MOH says, "hey, let's go to the B&B." Not quite sure why she'd want to go to a Bed & Breakfast at 2:30 on a Friday, but alas, the B&B is to Headsburg what the Yuppie Bar is to San Mateo. A perfect little dive bar with a jukebox.

    We ended up there twice, once Friday afternoon and once Saturday. Met some great locals (thanks, Michelle, Joe, and Hank!) and had a lot of fun with the bartender on Friday...she even gave us the number to the ONLY two cab companies in town. Yes, the male bartender carded a few ladies, but geez that's nice sometimes.

    I think I'm still detoxing.

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    If I could give this place zero stars, I would. I have never been to a place that treated an individual (or group) so rudely as the bartender at this place did.

    A group of girls and I were in Napa Valley for the long weekend celebrating a fun and relaxing weekend for our soon to be bride. You would think "bachelorette party" would be wild and crazy but in actuality, we are all very nice and quiet girls.  We stopped by at WIlli's and it wasn't what we were looking for so the bartender there recommended B&B. Never been to Healdsburg before so we thought we would just try what the locals told us to. Headed to B&B to meet a group of staring eyes - no big deal - we are in a group of 8. Bartender (mean, bitter, and old) immediately grunts "Need to see all your IDs lady." We pull them out - not all of us are drinking but we wanted to oblige by rules. She shoots one of our girls a look of disgust because she does not order. Tells our next girl we are wasting her time by not ordering. We TRY to tell her you asked for our IDs even though we weren't ordering. Bartender proceeds to tell another girl "there are three people in this world that you do not mess with, your hair stylist, accountant, and bartender. Don't think you even know the first two and I'm your bartender." My friend kindly says "I don't want anything." Our third friend asks for two beers - lady demands that she can only buy one and needs the other ID.

    Pretty much for the 10 minutes we were in there she treated us like we owed her something when we really just wanted to have a beer and give the bar some business.

    Consensus - We have been to many bars (dive bars) and lounges around the country and have never been treated this way in our life.

    Napa valley - I still love you. B&B (bartender) - rot in your local lowlife hell hole.

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    Go here all the time, good atmosphere and good prices.

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    I love dives.  Mostly because they make strong drinks and recommend items  on the menu from the mexican joint around the corner for me.  

    Burrito + margarita ftw!  I'd be back a lot if I was local.

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    If you're a girl and you ever want to feel like a complete piece of @$$, get dressed up in your finest and come have a drink at B&B.  You won't be disappointed!  I showed up here with a bachelorette party, and a lot of the men were circling our group like vultures on a gimpy gazelle lost in the desert.  Like, licking their lips, drooling, and screaming "Which one am I gonna take?" with their eyes.  I felt like a wench.

    Other than that, I think this place was pretty decent.  I think they had a good beer selection with reasonable prices.  Room to dance, jukebox music, pool table.  Pretty standard definition of "fun" in my book.  I love dives, but I don't consider B&B a dive.  It just seems like a cool place where the locals hang out.

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    Is it sad that nothing makes me feel more comfortable than a dive bar? Hmmm. More than anything though I LOVE Healdsburg. Man, I just fell in love with this place... the local spots, good food, the cute boys- WOW! Good pours on the drinks too! So I figured it out and this seems to be the place that people navigate to by the end of the night... we saw people from the beginiing of the night, everyone just mozies on down the block- I love it! I hope to be back here someday. Thanks for the drinks Dave!

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    Everytime I come in here, I run into people I know or work with (could be bad or good depending on how you look at it)

    cheap drinks. fun locals.  always a colorful crowd to people watch, and often on the weekends, it gets really busy.

    Comfy big tables, and pool table in back.  Not a bad little place to get a drink and see how the non-pretentious live.

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    It's a locals bar.  It's that place my mom said not to go into...

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    This place was chill. Just a few staggering locals here when we popped in. Enjoyed a late night Guinness and then took a cab home. The touchscreen bar game is tha shiz!!

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    I agree - definitely the spot for locals.  Tiny place, crude, and you will probably feel out of place.  Good.

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    Come to the B & B Saloon for a taste of what Healdsburg was like before it became a destination spot for wine lovers.

    Pile into a comfortable booth with friends and enjoy your pints in the cool, dark atmosphere of this no-frills bar.

    A locals joint, for sure.

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