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    The worst location, went there one Friday after work. Had my mouth set on some good crawfish and margarita's, after placing our order it took da waitress 45 minutes to tell us they were out of crawfish and margaritas. Placed an order for a strawberry daiquiri, not knowing that the Happy Hour excludes strawberry daiquiri's (something da waitress forgot 2 mention) I will never go back to this location again

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    I will never eat here again. Granted, for about eight dollars I got six strips, fries, and a large drink. But their chicken strips were dry and weren't coated in the honey chipotle flavor I requested. Instead, the dip appeared to have been poured over the strips thus leaving the strips dry and the dip resting comfortably on the paper beneath.

    Suffice to say, I didn't eat my whole meal. Rather, I boxed up the strips and fed it to my girlfriend's dogs. And even they turned their noses up.

    In sum, don't go here - even if you're hungry and want a lot of food for a few dollars. The food isn't worth it.

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    Was very stoked to see this place open for I am a huge fan and was regular customer of their fuqua location and this one is right in my neighborhood. We have gone there regularly every Tuesday since they opened.

    The first few weeks they were really good and well staffed but they went down hill amazingly fast.. food taste terrible now and the service is unbelievable!

    TERRIBLE TERRIBLE service. We continued to go there in hopes they'd step up their game but after about a month we definitely will never go back. Service and management terrible. They also never have the beer selection from their menu in stock. Also in the time that I've gone dessert portions have seemed to get smaller. And more costly.

    Very disappointed. Absolutely loved the fuqua location. But definitely searching for a new wing place.

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