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    Benbrook Stables ia  a nice facility. I took a close friend and her three cousins out here the day after Thanksgiving for a girl day. We were very amused going past the Parks Mall and seeing all the traffic that we were going as far away from as possible.

    Horses were tame and well mannered. The ride wasn't exciting but good for beginners. You wind along the pastures, cross a creek, go down another trail towards the lake, then swing around and come back. Ride was an hour for 30 bucks, cash only.

    I give them only four stars because our very young trail guide left a young 13 year old lass with a stubborn grumpy horse alone in the back of our group. They should have had someone else back there to tell her what to do. Essentially, since I've ridden a bit, I wound up working and helping others with simple ways to control their horses.  I had wanted to enjoy my ride, not work for free. They should have had someone else from the staff bringing up the rear. I suspect it was a larger than average ride due to the holiday but still. Not cool.  They should have broken up the group into a smaller number from 20 horses down to ten.

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