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    I came to body with a group of friends. Since we had bottle service, I can not speak for the drinks + prices, and entrance fees.

    The interior of the place looks very nice, the hookah is good (30 dollars to start and a whopping 15 for a refill), and the music was good.

    I wouldn't come here often because the bottle service was expensive, and I'm sure everything else was too from the complaints I heard.

    It got super crowded in here after a while too.  Just a warning


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    not the safest place to go..

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    I've never been, but judging from the reviews below, it should come as a surprise to no one that Body seems to have gone under. So long!

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    I was there last night march 5th, Thursday.  Stopped in around 10:30p after having dinner next door at Cavo(sp?).  

    Good: S&S was DJ'ing

    Bad: The place was way too crowded and most guys were drunk and falling all over themselves.  Guys were hitting on every single girl that walked past them -- I was a guy with three girls, none of them mine, but these guys were way too hungry acting. To further my point, there were at least 10 guys walking around with bottles of Hennessy drinking right out of the bottle.

    Around 11:45 about 5-10 fights break out and the party essentially got shut down (we went to get our coats, not sure if the party continued on afterward, but I doubt it).  Bouncers were late to react, and there definitely were not enough of them to restore order.

    Ugly: At coat check another ruckus breaks out between someone trying to get their coat and an over-zealous bouncer.  A mini melee erupts and the bouncer's sweater comes up a bit to reveal his gun.  Truth be told, he wasn't wearing anything that would indicate he was a bouncer but I remember seeing him at the door on my way in.  This probably added to the confusion when others noticed his gun and tried to get out of the way. I ducked behind the coat check desk, looked up and saw that the bouncer had drawn his gun on the patron.   I'm guessing he was an off-duty cop, but are they allowed to do this?

    Great place to go if you want to hang out with immature, drunk, gun playing thugs.  I felt bad for all the folks who bought bottles of liquor and barely got to touch it when all the madness broke out. I hope they weren't forced to pay for that.

    By the way, did I mention I had the pleasure of paying them $20 at the door for such fun times?

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    It's small and crowded. Too homogenous in terms of people and music. The bartender told me there was a $50 mininum for credit cards. Are you crazy? Totally ridiculous. They now play the same music on both floors. The only reason to come is if you really like reggaeton. Otherwise Body is nothing special, pretty standard club. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'd rather go to Meatpacking. :P

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    Would have been 4 stars, the decor is cool, music is poppin, but....

    I came here with my girl on Sunday for her 21st. We go there, I wanna say around 12:30, 1 a.m., not a bad time. Late enough to avoid any early bird lines, early enough so we could stay long enough to thoroughly enjoy ourselves. She dropped more than a couple of hundred dollars on 2 bottles, Moet n Goose. We were waiting for a co-worker and her 2 guy friends to join us. She was a bit concerned bcuz the guys were in Timbs. So she asked me to check to make sure they were ok. I asked the girl in the front taking cover, she said Timbs were fine.

    However, when my co-worker and her friends get to the place, they're turned away by the bouncer outside, who says "no timbs allowed". Meanwhile, I'm scoping out the rest of the footwear on the guys' feet inside. Ok sure, most of them had on shoes, but there was 1 guy in Converse, a guy is shell top Adidas, 1 guy in a pair of busted-ass ups, and lo and behold, someone in Timbs! So I go back to talk to the girl to find out why they were turned away, who then directs me to some other guy, who tells me "that's the bouncer's call". So naturally, I speak to the bouncer. I told him the money my girl spent on liquor and the fact that we were celebrating her bday, and that there were other guys in there with crappier footwear, and here's what he tells me:

    "Timbs leave scuffs on the floor that we have to spend $5000 a month on taking out. and well, as for the guys with the timbs, he's either a promoter or he pay like he weigh. And sneakers are ok, Timbs are too hood."

    WTF is more hood than ups and shell-tops?? Are you kidding me!!?? And Timbs leave scuffs on the floor? You have yet to see what my Steve Maddens did to your shit!!

    Had it not been for that BS, it would have been a perfect night. The place is genuinely nice, and the music was bumpin. But as for the bouncer, FYI, SNEAKERS ARE HOOD!!!

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    great club n great restaurant! my club review would be hmmmmm.. refreshing to see an uptown spot with great decor. All 3 rooms had great music. I like that each room change with what kinda mood ur in. lounge mood, club mood.. ur available to both. thumbs up for that. surprisingly staff was pretty bearable. which is unsual for a club in nyc. coat check kinda sucks there but ive learned to expect that in every spot. bathrooms doors r interesting, youll see what i mean haha.. dont really remember much after that except for my exotic tila tequila looking waitress was hands down a wonderful experience. definetly a place worth buying a bottle or 2.

    as for the restaurant.. basically food incredible. crab cakes n steak is yummmmmmmmm.. a little pricey but so worth it.

    overall great experience. :)

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    someone please tell me exactly where i can dance in here? Super tight with two many heavily perfumed and made up bodies...

    The music is very good though and the bartender's don't charge a "minimum" b/c we all know that's going against there contracts with the credit card companies...

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    It's not bad here, I came here super early like at 1030/1045 pm and it was pretty dead, but I got in no problem, the bouncers were actually friendly.  But then it got pretty packed after 12 midnite.  Then there was a huge line outside and I heard them announce only bottle service only.  So I guess they get pretty strict once it fills up.  I came there early and had no problems though.  Even parking was free if you come early, you can park on the street.  Even the ADMISSION WAS FREE if you come early!!

    It's much better than the meatpacking district, bunch of prick bouncers there, that only allow women in, wtf?  Women aren't the only ones that go out.   I would definetly go back anytime though.

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    Have to agree with the two other reviews. My  friend had a birthday and we even knew the promoter and we had to wait crazy long to even go upstairs AND we got there super early. There were two birthdays in our group and there was going to be a good amount of bottles bought and we still had to wait super long for our table. To top it off the table my friend chose was given to someone else and we had to move else where. Once the whole dilemma with the bottles was solved all was well and we had a good time but it was SUPER SUPER packed. Nice decor and good music but too much fuss and it's not worth it. Wouldn't reccommend going unless you're a hot female or ready to pop bottles galore.

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    OK this place would not even get a star if it was up to me!!..but in order to write a review you must give up at least 1 star!! ughhh


    so it was my best friends bday!...we make arrangements with a promoter working for body that fri night, he tells us...

    you will get in for free b4 12am
    bring 10 or more girls get a free bottle of moet
    buy 2 or more bottles you get a nice vip section
    your allowed to bring in 1 guy for free that accompanies you
    every1 after 12 is reduced on ur bday guestlist

    we get to the club, meet with the promoter, hes like ok ladies were ready to enter together and have a blast!!

    we walk up to the line, as soon as we get there "BOTTLE LINE ONLY!!!!!" (x3)
    ok dude we know we understand....chill out!!

    we stand there for about 5 min, yet again "IF YA NOT GETTIN BOTTLES GET OFF"
    wtf??? weird!!

    so we after like 15 min of confusion and the "owner or manager" whatever the hell he was...making no sense himself looking confused and not really caring about how the ppl attending his club and paying to have a good time were being treated!!!...

    how the heck do you run a business like that???

    so we finally enter.....waited 15 moreeeee min because a staff member was snapping her fingers and rolling her eyes at my friend...since we asked..."whats the problem here?"

    wow..insane!!!..attituded galore!!!

    we then get directed to the most awkward spot in the club....righ in the center!!...a table clearly made for 2 ppl not 16!!!!!!!

    how the helll????? is that possible???

    then after obviously seeing that it wasn't going to work out there...we got directed to another spot, better then b4 since we were able to get 4 ppl to sit yay!!!...and the rest had to stand!!!

    so we get out comp bottle of moet, and our other bottles....we try to forget about wha just happened earlier and try to make most of the night!

    a while later....i wanted to get the cupcakes and cake i brought for her...i went to ask sum1...no1 had anyyyy idea of what i was talking about, then 1 guy says wait here...i waited a good 10 min...then i ask again..he tried to help me himself....we get the cupcakes...i ask...is there a tray i can get??? to place the cake and cupcakes and lite the candles??

    "oh sorry idk...good luck with that ma"


    it was just too late and loud to complain!...so i just opened the box and we ate what we could...

    later on we realized our comp bottle of moet was GONE!!!!!!!

    where the hellllllll did it go???

    apparently cleaning staff cleared out the table and decided to take that back as well


    no1 helped us at all!!...

    plus a member of our party lost her cam...again no help at all



    please get out or get new mgmnt!!

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