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    I came here for a showing of _Beyond Beats and Rhymes). The space is very large, and the sound system is high quality. They are very strict about their no food and no beverage policy.

    And for the love of god, turn down the A/C in mid-October! Everyone had their coats on!

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    Miller Theatre's early music program is simply extraordinary.  My wife and I have subscribed for years, and it offers lovely venues (almost never at the Miller Theatre itself, but most frequently at St. Mary's Episcopal on 46th Street, known as "Smokey Mary" for its high church doings).  Last night we saw the French ensemble Poeme Harmonique, and they once again put on a splendid evening of (mostly secular) music, from the pre-Baroque era, complete with various viols, castenets, a lute and the splendid voice of Claire Lefiliatre.  The level of musicianship in the series is impresseive, often with unknown artists (the Tallis Scholars are one of the few that I was familiar with prior to beginning the series).  I do miss George Steel's involvement, but am pleased he is off saving New York CIty Opera.    

    The Miller Theatre also offers series focusing on modern composers and jazz which seem to offer much (I once saw their retrospective on John Zorn, which was splendid).

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