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    If you can't have fun here, then you are some sort of freaking alien/commie hybrid!! Seriously, what is your problem?!  
    The Bohnam has everything anyone could want: multiple level dance floors, bars EVERYWHERE, food and smoking on the patio,go-go dudes (which I think they should have go-go chicks too, I mean even gay guys like girls skimpy clothes)
    Pick a bartender and stick with them, they get more and more generous with the pours the more you come back.  Give them a dollar extra a drink you cheap monkey and they'll take care of you!!

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    My roommate and I decided after a long, hard semester and a grueling finals week that we needed desperately to blow off some steam.  She and I can get pretty crazy and we're really adventurous.  Enter Bonham Exchange.  It was our first trek there, and it was WELL worth it.

    This. Place. Is. Awesome.

    If you're young (18-32ish?) and you love to socialize, meet tons of interesting people, and go exploring intricately laid out historical fancy buildings, BE is the bomb diggity.  Plus, it's LGBT friendly.  Homophobes, take your bigotry elsewhere.

    Because the building used to be a really fancy house or something, the layout of the club is super interesting.  Each room has a different thing going on.  Want to just play pool?  Done, just go into the pool room.  Want an excuse to rub up against attractive strangers because the elevated walking perimeter overlooking the dance floor is so narrow?  Done. Male strippers and a bar in another room?  Done.   And in the center of it all, of course you have the obligatory dance floor with dancey platforms to hop up onto if you're feeling bold.  And holy crap, there's even a third story.  I mean Jesus, it's nuts, and you just can't get bored.

    The DJ played really fun music, and he/she really knows how to transition between tracks so that your groove isn't thrown off.

    Cheap drinks and super friendly bar tenders.

    Best part?  Other patrons! Most people we encountered were highly sociable, interesting, friendly, fun, intelligent -- and HOLY HELL attractive!  This is where the beautiful people and sex gods/goddesses live.  I can only speak from my limited experience, but the men here are sweethearts -- they don't feel entitled to groping you, and they'll often flirt politely or ask you to dance rather than just forcing themselves on you.  Any bold or aggressive advances are solely verbal, and are executed in such a way as to make you feel flattered rather than grossed out.

    People aged 21+ get in free before 10:00 PM!  Yes, please.

    Only two tiny things:

    1.  You have to pay cash at the door.  Not a big deal for me though!  Well worth it.
    2. The elevated walking perimeter overlooking the main pit is just too narrow. Grinding on someone is necessary just to get past them, but y'know....if they're cute, it's not so bad!

    It's an adventurous  party girl's paradise.  Just go.  Seriously.

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    I gave the Bonham a rating of one star because it was not possible to give it none!
    I went to the Bonham on the night of May 4th because my 21st birthday was on the 5th. Of course realizing this would be an issue, my party and I waited until 12:30am (ON MAY 5TH) to arrive at the club for a great celebration. Upon arriving at the door I was greeted by a VERY rude lady who was checking the ID's, she informs me that I am NOT 21 until 8am the that morning.  My friends and I then tried to inquire if this was the clubs rule or something federal like a TABC thing, the lady then informed us that it was a TABC rule. When I then put a pouty face and moved to the side to regroup with my friends after a short deliberation we decided if it was a TABC thing we might as well stay there since all clubs would probably be the same. The lady then quickly rushed inside to inform ALL the staff  about the event that I previously mentioned.
    They then proceed too mark me and allow me to enter the club. (after paying a hefty sum of 25 dollars) Needles to say my 21st birthday was RUINED.
    The next day I inquisitively emailed the TABC and asked if this "not 21 until 8am" was a new rule and when it had come into effect, seeing as no one remembered this, or had ever even heard of it. The TABC then responded that no such guideline existed or at least one that they enforced.  
    HOWEVER whether or not this rule/regulation was true or not, they still handled my situation poorly. I never once heard a "sorry", "have fun", "we understand but,..", "happy birthday (today/tomorrow/whenever)" or much less "we hope you still have a nice night."
    Therefor however much fun the club may or may not be, I won't be returning anytime soon, or at least until the staff gets a new attitude make over.

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