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    Great fun with my daughter home from college. Jenna fabulous waitress! Bowl while watching the Braves & listening to great music.

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    Me and the fam had a great time. Overpriced pizza and drinks but the atmosphere was good. This is a good spot for every once in a blue but not a place I would go frequently. Could've been cleaner but it didn't stop us from having fun. Well worth a visit.

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    I've been bowling in a league here for quite some time now, and have to say this is one of my favorite bowling alley's.  Drinks are reasonably priced.  Lane conditions are fairly consistent on a week to week basis if not on a day to day one.  The staff is helpful.  Some of the monitors don't work a hundred percent, but the staff will doing everything possible to fix or move you to a different lane.  Games are cheap, and they also run some pretty good deals.  On the downside I wish the ball returns were positioned further back from the lane because attempting a shot across the width of the lane the ball returns can get in the way of your desired approach.

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    Great place to bring the the family and have fun with the kids.  This place is clean, plenty of parking, and never had to wait too long to get a lane.  They have a small arcade with a few games which is cool.   Food is OK, nothing to rave about, what can I say, its a bowling alley.

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    One of the bowlers on my team moved east of 400, so we had to abandon our traditional Kennesaw league and join one here.  We showed up, and whoops, there's supposed to be a woman on the team.  But they accomodated us anyway, and that's been my experience with this alley.  They will do what they can to accomodate you.  The nonsmokers have the smoke freeness, and others may be accomodated in another room, a rare treat these days.  The beer selection is what you'd expect from a bowling alley, so no surprises there.  I go Blue Moon myself.

    The food is decent, with the fries being pretty good.  I've had the burgers and the pizza multiple times, and it's better than what you'd expect from a bowling alley.  The staff, as I opened with, is excellent.  If it's possible, they'll break most rules to please the customer, and they've helped me out a few times.

    I'm going to give you fair warning.  You may want to call first, as I have been here on some nights when there's just been no lane availability for hours.  Which is a testament, I suppose, to the attraction of bowling these days.  There are some good specials on some nights, and I recommend going to their website to check on that before you go.  You also can join a promotional e-mail type thing that sends out decent coupons.  I haven't been to the karaoke, but the arcade is decent for the kiddies, at least moreso than what you might expect from the exterior.

    But anyway, it's a successful bowling alley with wait times for lanes on many nights and plenty of leagues going.  They must be doing things satisfactorily, so shut up and bowl!

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    Always friendly staff, the manager Ken Latz, is always around, always helpful.
    The food is good, the beer is cold, the lases are kept clean.  the only down/bad thing is some of the moniters are not fully functional. We have been on Lane 10 the past few times and have a hell of a time trying to enter information into the tableside computer screen.   But.. it makes for some funny names ;)

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    15-20 years ago, this place was definitely a 5+ star venue.  70's interior, smoke filled, angry old people fighting each other, drunks getting tossed left and right- I mean THIS was the spot to be in Roswell.  I remember when there were 2-3 hour waits and you had to park across the street (the lot here is pretty big around back).

    Hell, I even joined a league there- I had my Playboy bunny ball, I had a 175 average, it was great!

    And then one day I got greedy- I bowled a 268 with a house ball, and I decided to take it with me, along with the shoes.  That didn't go over well (I still have the ball though).  Low and behold, until last night, I hadn't been inside there for YEARS.

    Coming in last night after a stop at Mazzy's and The Fred, I was ready to be re-united.  And I got there... Where were all the cars?!!?

    Smoke free (I had smoked for years, been off the 'tine for about 6 months)?  No steps?  Wth?

    We got in and out- got 6 games plus 1 rental for $30 (after wards we saw we could have gotten a way better deal if we waited for cosmic to start)- kinda steep- but my friend covered me.

    The place was clean, and the staff was nice, but it seemed so barren.  I went right for the "Acrade", but it had like 8 games.  I tried putting my card in the machine to get tokens, but it said phone error.  No arcade for me!

    There are 40 lanes here; I wish they had kept 20 for adults and 20 for kids.  I love kids, but when you are trying to bowl (and are pretty tipsy), it is very unsafe when a kid darts in front of you.  I almost sent a squashed kid down 80 (or however the hell long it is these days) feet of oiled lane, and me not too far behind him.

    The lanes are well maintained; but the oil patterns are not for me.  Too narrow (it forces you to be consistent in your throws- another tough one when drinking).

    The staff is friendly, the place is clean, just remember though it is definitely more kid oriented now so prepaped to get dirty looks if you start lighting up and yelling slurs.  I just prefer the adult themed better when I am out with the friends.  Now with my nephews- totally different ball game!

    Last thing, be sure you do research for coupons/discounts/free games to save some money- and befriend people in bowling leagues, they usually have stashes of free game slips!

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    Ladies and gentlemen, step right up to....the PERFECT date night!

    Sure the food's a little icky and the bartender doesn't seem to know any of those fancy shmancy shots (see: clueless), but if you like an upbeat vibe that DOESN'T involve minimal clothing and overpriced drinks (see: a club), this place is the perfect spot for you.

    The cosmic bowling starts at 9:30pm...I think...on Saturday nights? They dim the lights and release the smoke and you feel like a little kid again with the ooooo's and ahhhhh's. Bowling is pretty basic. I mean, you throw the bowling ball and hope it hits all the pins down. I typically chuck it down and pray for the best.

    They also offer a little arcade in the back that spits out tickets and you can redeem them in a machine (automatically counts your tickets and everything) for prizes.

    Also offered on the opposite side in the back, is a karaoke room that I believe allows smoking. So feel free to mosey on in the karaoke room and drown yourself in drinks and a whirling spiral of smoke. I prefer the arcade area.

    This place is too much fun and really cheap. If you look online, they offer coupons as well for like $1.50 per game. Shoe rental typically goes for a little under $5.

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    What can you expect, it's a bowling alley.... it's loud, the food is fried and you're wearing shoes previously wore by countless other people.  

    But it was great!!!  We drove up to this location based on the positive reviews.  Most bowling centers have a seedy look to them.  This place was great! Very well lit and plenty of staff to tend to the needs of the place.  Bathrooms were clean and the lane sitting areas were spaced well enough apart.  i enjoyed our time here and will definitely make a point to come back.

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    I recently had an opportunity to chaperone a group of special needs children here. I'm so glad I did because I wouldn't have ever thought to go bowling myself. And I have no idea why I don't ever go bowling! It's such an inexpensive activity (at Brunswick at least!!) and you can go with practically anyone- your grandma, boyfriend, kids- and have a blast!

    We had a sweet set up with several handicap ramps, so these children, even the most low-functioning ones, were bowling near/in the 3 digits!! It was just such a nice group moment. And it was only $2/student per game, and that included shoe rentals!

    The place is spacious-- the tables are spaced out nicely, so it didn't feel cramped even though there was a big company party on 2 lanes down. The wall by the entrance showcased a bunch of fun events and deals for adults, so I will definitely be back with or without my students :)

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    This is a pretty neat bowling alley! My family and I were bowling at night and at some point they shut off the lights and the alleys were lit blue. Fog machines started rolling and suddenly laser lights appeared out of no where. It was fun for the baby cousins that were bowling with the family!

    It's a very good place to go to when you don't want to spend a lot.

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    Not a bad little place. Clean, friendly employees, bar with $1 beer specials, cheap bowling ($1 per game on Mondays) what more can you ask for? Will come back.

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    This bowling alley is awesome!  Everything seems really new, and clean, which is hard to come by in a bowling alley.

    I took the little girl I nanny to go bowling today and selected this Alley since it was the closest.  They had a great deal...2 hours of bowling, shoe rental, fries, and a drink all for $6.99 per person.  Um, what? $6.99, that is CRAZY!!  Maybe I just think this is a crazy because I used to live in NYC and it was at least $30 to go bowling per person.  

    The staff was helpful and even let us go over our 2 hours in order to finish our game.  The food was definitely fine (I mean, it's a bowling alley snack bar).

    They have a bar and pool table area, but I didn't check that part out-looked smoky.

    It seems like they have lots of 'deal' nights, so I think I will check it out another time with my friends!

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    So...this is a Nice and Safe Bowling Alley!


    I'll just leave it at that!

    Not once did Buck Shots cross my mind! lol!

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    I came for a kids birthday party and left with a smile, goodie bag and intense desire to bowl again.

    My chum's daughter was celebrating her 9th Bday here this past Saturday.  The last thing I want on my conscience is having to fib to a pre-teen when eventually confronted with the q: "Why didn't you come to my party".  

    It was effort to get here as I had never gotten it together and made the proper arrangements to travel OTP.  Sadly, the perimeter is imaginary.  I was really hoping for a fence of some sort (like Jurassic Park) and signs of wilderness when we crossed the line that separates civilization from wilderness.  My chum agreed to scoop me up from the Red Springs MARTA stop (I am transit challenged) so I really had no excuse not to be there.  Five short minutes later we pulled up.  As I entered the building I feasted my eyes on ...Cosmic Bowl!

    No joke, I made a beeline to the reserved lane truly excited to bowl in the black light and neon colored grandeur of Cosmic Bowl.  My heart began breaking into little pieces when I discovered that the lanes were set up for "Kiddie Bowl" as the bumpers on the gutters were up.  

    Let down, my chum offered me a cup and pointed to the pitcher of brew and advised me to have a drink.  It took a good 15 minutes to get all the kids the necessary structure to begin their fun and games.  As the pizza's began to come out an attendant asked for my shoe size.  By the time I uttered "12" my shoes were off and I had already sized up a ball.  The adult lane was about to open.

    I can't speak for anyone else, but those kids and I had a grand 'ol time.  There's was accentuated by the pizza, punch, cake and a goodie bag. Mine was accentuated by the cold brew, light buzz and goodie bag (I accidentally on purpose grabbed an extra one).

    Either way, it was definitely good times!

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    went here with a group of 6 (4 adults, 2 kids) for an evening of bowling. for that size of group you can get 2 hrs. of bowling for $60 with shoes included!! that's pretty cheap for a night of fun for that many people. the place was packed with lots of kids and adults all having a great time. we were able to bowl 1.5 games in that time frame but we had bathroom breaks included along with eating and drinking so i think that was pretty good. the place is clean and the staff very attentive. you can order a pitcher a beer for $9, pretty cheap. i would definitely revisit this location and am looking forward to trying the one in Norcross now.

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    Great place to bowl. I love the cosmic bowling. Wait times on friday nights are bad sometimes. Sign up at thier site and they'll send you great coupons for bowling. They serve alcohol (beer and some mixed drinks)

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    This place was super clean.  It is smoke free, which is always a HUGE plus in my book.  They have a lot of specials, even quarter Tuesday nights!   That's crazy cheap!  On Friday from 11-2, and Monday 9-12 they have all you can bowl for 9.99/each  

    Def one of the best bowling alleys I've been to

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