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    Ill just let everyone know that this review is based on cheese and wine.

    I was meeting a young lady there for our "1st date",  we wanted to sit outside to talk but the rainforest that is GA disallowed us to.  So looking inside we were the first guests so we were sat immediately.  Off to a good start!!!  We start to talk and were approached in ample time by our waiting.  Got us water and asked if we were ready for wine.  I told him "we were chatting away and have not even looked". We got into conversation again and about 90 seconds later... "What are we thinking?"  I asked my date what kind of wine she liked and we ordered 2 glasses of wine.  ( The wine list is nice, too large for my taste.. I mean anyone can have a great wine list with a huge selection... I prefer short easy to follow wine program... )Moving on.  The drinks come we continue to have great conversation.. Again the waiter comes over to get us to order.  By this time I take a quick gander at the watch to see if we had really been there a long time.  And it was 15 minutes with noone in the restaurant but us.  I said we will take the cheese plate.  Before the cheese even arrives he wants us to order entrees!  I said no thanks we'd like to work on the cheese first.  After this annoyance the rain stopped and we instantly decided that vin 25 was not where we wanted to continue our date.  I was fully ready to have dinner, more wine, and entrees but not at the expense of being annoyed by the waiter and not being able to talk with a lady.  We paid our tab and left.  Went down to Salt and had a wonderful time!!!!!!

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    Looked forward to this restaurant and was a little disappointed. Wine was nice, cheese board tried a bit too hard to be unique. Smoked peach salad was entirely too smoky and obscured any flavor of the salad much less the peaches themselves. Tried the scallops and they were nicely done and a pasta dish with duck ham, generous to rate it mediocre. Chef circulated and received our feedback and was not very receptive to anything short of accolades. Will not be going back any time soon, if at all, too many better spots in Roswell for me to waste $125+ on for this type of experience.

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    Love, love love everything about this place. Ambiance, food service....

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