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    The only thing I've ever had there is their Buffalo Ranch Chicken Sandwich and it is really, really, really good! Fries are average.

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    So, sadly they have gone downhill and quickly.  It took them over 5min to even notice us to seat us.  There were only about 6 or 7 tables of people and twice that many servers and even two visible managers chatting and leaning against the soda machines, but even so after over 10min without anyone coming to even take a drink order, we left.  Probably won't return to this one as there are other wing establishments within a few blocks that are just as good and you can actually get service.

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    Went here today for the first time. Of course we were taken back by how loud the restaurant part is. Don't go if you have a headache or want to visit. It did seem to get a bit quieter before we left. As to food....we had the lunch specials. Great price and the burger with fries looked great, but our grilled chicken salads, a huge disappointment. Bagged lettuce as usual these days, but worse, the "grilled chicken"was straight out of a bag too. The kind you can buy and keep for weeks due to amount of preservatives and ice cold. When I order grilled chicken breast salad I kind of expect a real chicken breast that was cooked at restaurant, sliced and put atop the salad. Not premade chicken pieces. The greens were wilted as well. BUT on the flip side, I was so hungry I did eat some and it isn't awful...just not as described. My son didn't eat much of his. I would like to return but will NOT order salad .Service was kind ...I think they are still learning the menu.
    I hope management will read this and change the salads.....that chicken is really not ok for any restaurant to serve.

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    First the good:  It is like what you see in all the commercials:  Lots of sports on TV, bright, airy, great atmosphere.

    Now the bad:  The primary purpose of going to a restaurant is to get food, and here is where this particular location failed.  Our wings were stale (like they had been under a heating lamp for hours) and poorly sauced.  I ordered a Cherry Limeade that was almost undrinkable.   Wings are too easy to prepare for this to happen.

    Service was a bit spotty.

    I will give them another shot, and hopefully by the quality of the food and service will match the atmosphere.

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    I love BWW, and this one is a 1/2 mile from my house! Brand new, just opened today. Pretty much the same as any other BWW, food is good, great on tap beer selection, lots of TVs and sports. I'd give it 6 stars if I could just because it's so close to my house.

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