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    Years ago this was the typical ghetto teen hip hop dance club with no dress code and even less class.

    Since the well publicized shooting the place seemed to have changed its image and some of its rules. Gone are the guys in football and basketball jerseys down to their knees and the skanks that love them.
    I don't believe it's as crowded as it used to be.

    The place is simply too large to be a dance club. It's set up more like a live music venue and even has some side areas closed off. Upstairs is for 21+ and downstairs is for all others.

    Buzz should have the ability to attract bands and get crowds like that of the Marquee Theatre. It's that large and has that much floorspace.

    As a nightclub though, it's too difficult to fill, particularly with the new image it's portraying.

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    Okay, come on. It's 18 and over, yes it's going to be lame and cheesy, but hey, we don't go there because its classy and upscale.

    It's a simple club. Dance floor in the middle, bar in the back, upstairs exclusively for the 21 and over crowd, and a couple of seating area's to the side.

    Yeah, the crowd is a little "ghetto". Got a lot of skanks and wanna-be pimps, but hey, they're everywhere. The music is mostly the "mainstream" radio stuff that you'll find on 101.5, because they play the same music on that station that they play in the club on Friday nights. I can't complain too much about it. Gotta please the public, and right now, that's what's pleasing the majority of the public.

    This place is fun, as long as you bring your own people. If you're going there to look for a hottie, you're bound to be disappointed. (Unless you like ghetto =] )

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    Some of my friends brought me here last night and the first thing that came into my mind was that this was a set up for To Catch A Predator. I was ready for Chris Hansen to pop out and grill me with, "What are you doing here?" If you feel like Kubrick's Lolita really speaks to you, as in it mirrors your life, then you've found a place to feel comfortable in your pervert skin.

    If you're of age to consume alcohol, they've got a bar here. The thing about this bar though is that they're really sloppy about pouring drinks, ie. a Manhattan should not taste like a barber's cleaning solution. The decor and set up of this place really needs a face lift.

    A few pluses though... If you're under 21, I could see how this would be appealing. I'll admit that the under-21 clubs that I went to when I was under 21 were fun, but now that I think about them they really suck. It seems like an alright experience if this is your first step into the club/bar world. The DJ's here spin pretty much straight hip-hop which is fine, it's very mainstream though and nasty bumping music.

    If you go here you're one of three types of people:

    1) You were dragged here by your friends
    2) You're under 21
    or, 3) Your usual excuse is a heart-felt plea, complete with waterworks, that goes something along the lines of, "I swear, Officer, I thought she was 18!!!!"

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