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    This course's glory days in terms of condition are behind it (1990s/early 2000s) but it's still a pretty good, challenging course. Water everywhere, and I mean everywhere. Bring extra balls. You can sometimes get discount coupons in the Monday edition of the Ft. Lauderdale paper.

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    My fiancee and I put a deposit down on what was going to be our wedding on July 31st 2011.  My fiancee unexpectedly passed away in her sleep in May 2011.  I have been fighting with the Carolina Club for over 3 weeks for a lousy $300.00 refund and they are REFUSING to refund my money.  If you are planning an event here I would go elsewhere if there is a glich.  Can you beleive how heartless these people are to take my money and not refund it after my fiancee has passed away.  They also had the nerve to ask for a death certificate when they could have clearly looked on line to find out.  I have been through enough pain, anguish and heartache and now I have to deal with these inconciderate bastards.

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    Above average public golf and reasonably priced. Walked in as a single and got paired without a problem. Had to ride here due to my playing partners. Not sure if they allow walkers or not, but the contours would be an easy walk. Very nice shop and clubhouse. Friendly staff and decent golf course food in the bar.

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