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    I'm so/so on this place. I didn't eat there, but my friends who did said that the chinese food is almost inedible. One friend said that the crab rangoon was expired, and she spit it into her napkin after the first bite. Drinks are reasonable. Wine selection is awful. Good place to see a band, except they close at 11:30. We went to the Porthole afterwards. My biggest problem was the way that they treated us when it was time to leave.

    Now I understand that most bars need to kick all of the drunks out when they are trying to close. First off, this place closed at 11:30 without warning. So after calling last call at 11:29, all of a sudden it's lights on everyone out NOW. My husband's band played this weekend when we went, and there was a good crowd there. At 11:30 I was drinking water, and was just waiting for him to pack up his equipment. it was pouring outside. The bartender Marsha, who had been pleasant all night, all of a sudden was like ...I don't care that your husband just got done playing a show for us or that you guys brought in a good crowd, all of who bought drinks all night.. it's closing time, get the hell out. I don't care if he still has to pack up his equipment and it's pouring out and we're located in the middle of lynn lynn city of sin. Get out now and stand outside.

    So, if his band played there again, i would go back. I like the pool tables, good place to see a band. BUT i probably would never go again otherwise. I'd rather just go to the porthole and be able to stay out past midnight.

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