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    Had lunch here for the first time on Sunday, July 7th.  I ordered the special of the day, which was ham & cheese quiche.  I love quiche and have enjoyed it many places.  The server asked if that was all I wanted, just the quiche, or did I want something else like fruit or french fries with it.  I said fruit would be good.  Obviously the meal didn't come with anything but the quiche.  So she brings it, and the tiny little round quiche, about the size of a frozen, single serve pot pie, was all alone on the plate.  The small dish of melon pieces was an extra $2.50.  The quiche was the worst I have ever had.  It was overdone and dry, had almost no cheese in it, and very little filling as it had all been cooked out (probably microwaved).  It was very salty, and the crust tasted like burnt shoe leather.  It was so obvious this was a frozen thing that was just popped in the microwave for too long, and wouldn't have been restaurant worthy...let alone $8.00 worth, no matter what they did to it.  The waitress was completely indifferent, and when she came to take the plates, most of my quiche was still on it, and I told her it was the worst I've ever had in my life, and I'm 70 years old.  There was just no excuse for it.  She took it away and mumbled something about "I'll take it off the check" as she was leaving.  No apology or any attempt to make things better, though she didn't charge us for it.  So sadly, we won't be returning there, and are still looking for a decent restaurant in Old Town McKinney on the square.

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    Today was our first visit to Churchill's, and will definitely be our last.  The quaint old atmosphere is great, but all good things about the place stop there.  The service was slow and beyond terrible; our waitress was clueless as to how to actually provide service at a basic level, and we got up and took care of our own drink refills.  Food order finally arrived after a long wait, and it was 100% wrong, so both plates went back to the kitchen.  More waiting, although there were few patrons (now we know why.)  The order came, and I nearly gagged at the gruesome plate of food my husband got: the Chicken Tikka Masala literally looked like a plate of green vomit, completely void of anything with color, although the bright red coating on the chicken buried in the sauce (still don't know what that scary stuff was) did provide a glimpse of color.  He asked for a side dish of peas, and got a tiny saucer of waterlogged, tasteless frozen peas and carrots (which he can't eat.)  I ordered Fish & Chips, and the french fries (obviously frozen) were only half cooked.  The fish was utterly tasteless - not a speck of seasoning.  When we told the waitress about the problems with the food, her only response was "it's because of the transition between brunch and lunch..."......???????  Right.  We got our bill and left as quickly as possible, then went somewhere else to actually get some real food, because we were still hungry.  At no time did our waitress offer even a remote hint of friendliness, apology for the bad service and food, did not ask if we wanted dessert, or offer a complimentary discount or other food item to compensate for the disaster.....nothing.  She silently laid the check on the table without a thank you, I'll take that whenever you're ready, or any words that normally come out of a server's mouth.  Needless to say, our tip reflected her attitude and skill - lousy.

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    Couldn't even find service. Sat down and had servers walk by us for 10 minutes and never even were asked to put in a drink order.  We left and went to The Pub McKinney.

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