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    The bartender didn't know how to make any drinks! We tried to order a margarita then a whiskey sour. She didn't know how to make either. Instead she made us their "special". That was vodka and kool-aid with a bunch of fancy garnishes.

    It's ok if you just wanna cheap place to hang at and play pool, but it's not much more than that.

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    At heart I'm a dive bar kind of guy. So when my friend Shawn suggested one that I had never been to we promptly left the bar we were at and headed here. I've driven by here a million times but I've never stopped in. It seemed like your normal sports bar. A few TVs, some Kareoke setup, and a internet jukebox. The bartender behind the bar was one of those "don't take shit from no one" Detroit types who I love. So after throwing back some Irish Death and purchasing my now beloved Irish Death hoodie. I ended up having a pretty good time here. It's got a huge smoking area outside (though the view isn't really much from there) and some decent beers to enjoy. I managed to slur my way through The Strokes 12:51 for some Kareoke as well. Good times for me. I'll be popping by from time to time.

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    We stopped by on a Thursday night and only three cars in the parking lot one of them was the bartenders and the other ours.  We had a beer. Menu was bar appetizers and noted nothing exceptional. Bartender more interested in TV than us so we left and went to the National.

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