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    Awesome bar. The kind of place you feel at home when your away from home. Cheap drinks and great food. Can't wait till my next visit.

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    A must do for those on a bar crawl

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    This place gave me free cheese and a perfect martini -- I think I'm in love. It's a divey bar with pool tables and an Arkansas razorback 10 foot tall christmas tree but you've gotta love that it's big and the bartenders know whats what.

    We walked in, grabbed a table, then started our night off right with a couple of drinks and some queso with salsa mixed in. And damn, it was cheap. So cheap I could have stayed there all night. But alas, we were onto bigger and more filling adventures.

    Stop by here on a night when you want elbow room, a decent drink and the chance to shoot some pool.

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