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    Quick review!  Went to this place as a nightcap after dinner!  Great bar to relax, very friendly staff and locals.  We had a great time.  They have a wall of dollar bills which we did as well and would recommend to make a nice memory.  I want to say it was open Mic night on Sunday and they ambiance was great.  We had a great time!

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    We were cruising down main street and heard the band....we both knew instantly that we wanted to go there. The Johnny rockers band was awesome.a my boyfriend requested at social distortion song and he immediately played ita. Great mix of people and they served our favorite beer young double chocolate. I had to drag my boyfriend out of there, we ended up going back the next day. The bartender/owner was very friendly and gave us the history of the location and info about the band. We will definitely be back.

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    A great time was had in this local gem.
    The band playing was great and the singer must have been channeling Patsy Cline because her voice was amazing. So this is where all the real singers are, eh? Hiding out in small towns while we're being auto-tuned to death!

    Drinks were cheap and the clientele was interesting and druuuuuunk.

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