A decade ago it was cool. Same old Deja Vu look, swank inside and a bunch of talented dancers. Today, maybe 7 dancers on shift and the one that was the nicest to me danced like the tin man from the Wizard of Oz. Because of her sweetness and it being the Tin Man's first day, I granted her the chance of giving me a dance which was so horrible I tried to get up a few times during to stop it. It was so bad and when she asked me if it was good, I didn't have the heart to tell the truth. Some of the gals were obnoxiously too much in your face pushing you to get a dance. Shit! Chill woman. Indiana doesn't have smoking bans, so you can smoke and drink inside. You can score free passes to Deja Vu locations on-line. It was so slow on this big vacation weekend that they let us in free without passes and were very happy we stopped in. Poles here are about 6' tall, maybe less. Absolutely no pole talent found on this night and really, there isn't any pole for them to use. After their stage performance ladies walk around topless. How nice. To be able to drink beer and see boobs in the wild. This club has another Deja Vu club attached but to get to it, you have to leave and walk around the side. This club is 21+ and topless. The other is 18+ and nude. I guess nudity and alcohol is a no no.
Prices: $15 / per song for private lap dance.
$20 for an extra special dance, whatever that is. and I think its 3 for $50. Check with other review sites otherwise some chick may railroad you on the dance rates.
Domestic drafts $4 which happens to be the same rate as a cup of juice.