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    This place is not the best, service not too great and there was a fighting going on boo!!! Oh and cash only.

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    Dream Cafe is the best. Period.

    [NOTE:] Two (2) customers per hookah is an industry standard, I don't understand why people rate lower based on this when it's normal. Odd man out? Thirdwheel? Bring a friend, you're not escaping it, anywhere, ever.

    I've been to Lava,  both Hiddens, Sultana, Nubia, Fusion, Laziz, La Capitaine, Twilight and I even worked at Nara... Dream is better than all of them combined.

    Dream has the best quality hookah, and the most employees dedicated strictly to serving charcoal than any other surrounding lounge. They regularly blow out and shake the bowl to keep your smoke quality damn near perfect.

    In terms of service, Dream has very attentive staff that's quick on their feet and accurate. Have you ever tried to serve as many as 20 people and gotten the entire order perfect? My girlfriend has, she's awesome (she also works there). Seriously, tip her.

    The bathrooms are always well stocked and moderately clean, what do you expect on the weekends when everyone just got out of the clubs and is piss drunk?

    The tables are always cleaned after customers leave, always. It's almost unnecessary, it's like everyone has OCD it's so clean. I love it.

    The selection of food and drinks is fun and casual, they serve hummus, labne, and fruit plates, a variety of sandwiches, as well as cake and ice cream B-).

    For drinks they serve your usual range of sodas and energy drinks, as well as juices, fraps, smoothies, turkish coffee and tea.


    (prepare for tl;dr hookah jabber)

    Okay, so what makes this place a cut above? The absolute best?


    Dream utilizes Khalil Mamoon and Caravan brand hookahs equipped with custom Caravan hoses that have the most open, unrestricted draw possible.
    This makes smoking as easy as breathing, and yields the absolute most smoke volume possible.

    For the head, they use custom extra large Egyptian clay bowls. It handles heat amazingly and after dissecting a refill, I've found that you really do get the most for your money here. They also use custom grommets that are unlike any I've seen on e-tailers or at smoke shops.

    The charcoal used are natural lump wooden coals, which are in my opinion the only coals that should be used to ensure you have the best experience possible.
    While they are potentially messy and don't produce as much heat as coconut coal, they do not alter the taste or burn the shisha as quickly.

    And as far as charcoal, there's always plenty to go around, and the workers are skilled at charcoal placement, timing, and heat management. If you'd prefer a more mellow smoke and want the most flavor for the full duration of your head just ask for smaller coals. If you want a session that's going to amaze you at your own lung capacity just ask. Everyone has their own preference, but the default is definitely a happy medium that keeps everyone but elitists satisfied.

    Moving on to the shisha tobacco, Dream is one of very few lounges that uses Haze Tobacco which is an excellent brand with long lasting flavor and amazing smoke volume. They also have a large selection of Starbuzz shisha as well as some Al Fahker. Nahkla Two Apples and Zahgloul is also on the menu.

    If you can't decide, tell them to surprise you. Based on your flavor preferences they'll craft a blend you'll most certainly find palatable.

    The hookah itself is made in record time, time and time again. Go ahead, use a stop watch and prepare to be amazed. Louis is a machine, a bit of a heckler but the man knows his stuff and knows it well.

    (end tl;dr)

    Anyway, congrats if you've read this far. All in all, Dream Cafe really is the best.. service, selection, quality (I sound like a salesman, I know).

    Take it from me, I've ventured far and wide from home to come to the conclusion that it just wasn't worth it.

    Sit back, relax and enjoy your company.

    Feel free to check table 3 for the obnoxious, sarcastic, filipino kid that's 99.9% of the time going commando (me) and say hi.

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    I was not the biggest fan of dream personally but when my friends and i come here they know all the staff so ive never had a problem and the sheesha is good. constant coals service so thats not a issue but it was just so loud and the lighting was awful before the remodel but its alot nicer here now that it looks a lot cleaner. service is stil so so but what an improvement since they remodeled! i have recently been going here for happy hour. all in all much happier with dream.

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