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    So I just recently had a Chico screening of my feature film "Beyond The Chair" at the El Rey Theatre in February. This was an excellent venue for the occasion. Big theatre with lots of seating. Nice screen, blu ray projector and the sound system is incredible. The staff was very easy to work with and all were very hard working. They really made sure that they took care of everything that they could to make the night a very special for our film crew. I have also been to concerts and movie showings here as well and would recommend this theatre to anyone. Great location in downtown Chico and you can't beat the very cheap movie tickets to go see classic films.

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    Came here to see Floater this past weekend. Was a great venue fo the concert. Soda and food prices were decent, not overpriced at all. A little on the older side which is why it's not a perfect 5, but still a great concert venue.

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    The El Ray is a classic theater located right downtown. They play classic movies from all the decades. It has historical value, fun value, and a great place to see a show.  I have seen lots of old movies like Top Gun, Star Trek, Goonies, Ghost Busters, and many more.

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    So-I am a bit new to Chico, and to me this place is just okay.  I recently went to see a reggae concert there, and the sound system sucked! Not sure if it was the equipment or the sound engineer, but the microphones kept going out, and you couldn't hear the artists from time to time, there was screeching from speakers-it was like a bad high school stage set-up, and you could tell the artists were a bit pissed from the problems, but they kept on, and in spite of the mishaps gave a great show.  The theatre is old!! I read up a little history, and it has a really cool background.  The building itself has been around since 1906!  Impressive!  So I guess I can look past the old interior, the minor sound problems, and the huge hole in the ceiling from water damage, but get it together El Rey! It is a historical place that was once fabulous--let's get it back to being that way!  I guess if you are in Chico,  you do not have many choices to see a show--it's this place or the Senator.   So beggers can't be choosers.  Just think they can do a little upgrading to the interior, and offer a bit more of a selection on the beers and wines.  I think it can draw bigger crowds if they made it a place you actually wanna go to, rather than a place that if you want to see certain artists or shows--it's your only choice.  I wouldn't mind grabbing some drinks there with friends, and seeing a good movie old or new- on a night when they don't have a musical act going on--but not if it's creepy and grimey and moldy!  For that I will drink in the comforts of my own home and catch a movie on NetFlix.

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    I have been to several movies at the El Rey. For a cut price theater this place is just fine. The old murals and decor are very nice.
    The El Rey has a serious problem with volume control. Every movie I've seen has been ear-splitting. The last time I went I walked in to the theater then walked back out to tell employees that it's too loud. They assured me it was the first few minutes only then went back to normal.
    It wasn't just the first few minutes. All low-register sounds were crackingly loud whereas the dialogue was at usual loud-but-tolerable. Whoever mixes the sound and sets up the speakers (or whatever) needs to rethink the bass. Movies should not be painfully loud.
    Another complaint is that it is hard to find out what movies are currently playing. I don't really ever walk by and see the posters so I rely on the web. The movies don't seem to be posted on the El Rey website and while they are mentioned on their Facebook feed the info is not readily accessible (e.g. under INFO?).
    But I do really like two dollar Tuesdays.

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    $2 Tuesdays bitches!!!  This is my most favorite thing to do on a Tuesday night in Chico.  The El Rey offers rad throwback movies in their cavernous old school movie theater every week.  Movies like The Goonies (win), Ghost Busters, Super Troopers, Hook, etc etc.  Movies you know every line of and always wished you had seen in the theater, now you can!  They show movies more than one night a week, but Tuesday is the day my friend, as it's $2 for the flick, $2 for Sierra on tap (yeah boyee!), and $2 for movie food and candy.  The early show is less crowded, the late show rambunctious as hell.  You want to get faded off cheap delicious beers and yell out the lines to your favorite 80's movie with a bunch of other fun-lovin' hooligans?  This is the place!!!  

    Also they have $3 Thursdays, if Tuesday is a no-go.  Plus they have a list when you pay to suggest future movies.

    Also:  Don't bring the kids, there will be swearing I can guarantee it.  

    AND:  DO NOT come to this if you want a quiet movie experience, this is all about INTERACTIVITY!  And bless 'em for it!!!  

    The El Rey is a WAY better place to see live music than The Senator, because they actually have good acoustics.

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    This is my new favorite place to see music in Chico, and Justin is bringing a wide variety of well known names to play at the El Rey. Where else can you walk right up in front of the stage to see the likes of Pat Travers, Robin Trower, Chris Robinson, The English Beat, Leon Russell, and the Bacon Brothers all within a period of a few months? Haven't been to a movie here yet, but they play old favorites & offer $2.00 nights. Apparently you can also rent the theatre for private events too. Love it!

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    Great venue for movies and concerts.

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    This listing needs a bit of a revamp; the El Rey probably can't be considered a cinema site anymore, and thus I figure it no longer has any affiliation with United Artists.

    Aside from that-
    Ok, so I'm 21. I'm still young by the standards of anyone who's not under 14. But with the El Rey, it provides one of those rare instances where I can reminisce on "back in the day" when this venue was still operating as a movie theater. The El Rey certainly dwarfs me in age though; it spent 100 years in operation, supposedly running vaudeville acts as of 1905.

    By the time that I was of movie-going age, the theater was understandably looking a bit run-down, but I recall that the single-screen room was quite impressive with beautiful murals adorning the walls. During junior high and high school, the midnight movies were the place to be (though that was past my curfew at the time). I did at least get to see the beginning of the new Star Wars episodes here with my dad.

    I suppose that its 2005 closing was somewhat inevitable after Tinseltown 14 came around, but a lot of locals were extra bummed to hear that it could be turned into business space. These days it seems to have thus far remained a performance space for live music and other events, and Jmax Productions has quite a few listings taking places there in the next few months. Maybe Chicoans can look forward to more enjoyment of the El Rey - just in a different entertainment form.

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