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    Ok, so this isn't the swankiest place around but I really enjoy going here. The business isn't in the best condition and it isn't very big either, but I feel the ambience makes up for that. The place has a "good 'ol boys" kinda feel but everyone is accepted. I love coming there to karaoke!

    The down and dirty is that this isn't a pretentious bar, & it's a good place to hang out.

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    This is just the craziest little place and I could write about it all day and night.

    Let's see...where to begin.  The furniture, carpet, chairs, etc. are all stained, old, and decrepit.  However, I think this adds to the full effect of The Field and Stream experience.  Some have said that Marysville is the axle of the universe.  Some have also said at the Field and Stream that there really used to be a field and that there really used to be a stream.

    The karaoke is kinda lame now days...you have to pay money per song kind of like a jukebox.  The bar used to be really fun, and the crowd of regulars used to be really fun 2-3 years back, but that has since ended.  

    The bartenders, especially the attractive and really awesome ones, have all quit or been fired based on the owners knit picking and browbeating of them about every single little thing.  There were several times I was there and the phone would ring at the bar and the owner who lives upstairs, Debbie, would call down and complain that the music was too loud, or that the bartender poured too much booze into a drink, etc.  Even if there was a crowd of people pouring money on the bar, that phone would ring, and the bartenders would get scolded for serving someone who was a little drunk a drink, or for having the music too loud even though it was a set volume.

    The bar has gone way down hill.  The smoking area out back consists of a fenced in, approximately 10 by 10 foot area, with unsafe, dirty, cheap chairs and tables that have been weathered, aged, stained, and vandalized since probably the 1970's.  The area is filled with broken and old equipment and furniture, firewood, and tarps hanging on the fence.  You could possibly get stabbed by dirty metal and acquire tetanus if you are not careful.  The area is illuminated by really old Christmas lighting and is probably a fire hazard.  The bathrooms are dirty, awful, vandalized, and emit an odor that can be smelled throughout the entire bar...

    The drinks are overpriced, and there never seem to be any drink specials or promotions like all of the other bars in the area.  There is never a dollar beer night, there doesn't seem to be any advertising, and this bar amazes me it still makes enough money to keep the lights on.

    Let's talk about where the money comes from to keep the lights on.  If you are ever arrested and end up as a guest in the Yuba County jail, and you are released with your commissary money, the Field and Stream is closer than the parking lot where your ride is probably waiting to pick you up.  County inmates who are released frequently make this one of their first stops.  Sadly though the commissary money they have is usually only enough for one or two drinks since they are so expensive.

    I have seen just about every walk of life in this bar.  I have seen trashy people, inmates who were just released, bikers, lesbians, fatties, old guys, old ladies, and occasionally some very attractive people who only ended up at the Field and Stream since it never closes early and is ALWAYS open until 2am, 365 days a year.

    Here's some advice.  Go to every other bar in Marysville, get wasted, and then, and only then, if you are having fun and don't want to go home and it is extremely late...maybe consider going to the Field and Stream as a last resort.  Yes it's open until 2am on the weeknights, even after all the other bars close, yes they have cold tasty beverages, but hopefully you are wasted enough to not remember the foul odor, the overpriced drinks, and the nastiness of the bar the next day.

    They need to do a renovation, start running some drink specials, advertising the drink specials, and stop being such tightwads.  This used to be the coolest bar in town and had a cult following at one point, but it seems that the owners think they don't have to run drink specials, do a dollar beer night, or do anything that is going to attract business again.  Seriously, this place used to be the coolest bar in town with the coolest people.  Is it too much to have it cleaned up a little and actually run like a decent business?

    I can't tell you how many of the awesome bartenders quit because of the constant phone calls downstairs to the bar.  It's because the owner, Debbie, has the entire bar wired with video surveillance and has nothing else better to do than watch it all night and call down every single time she things she saw something questionable.  it's ultra annoying.  I know jails where the prisoners have more freedom.  

    They don't accept credit cards, have a little crappy debit/atm machine that works half the time, and it's just not very convenient at all.

    Sadly there was a troll who lived upstairs that would hang out and proclaim himself as the assistant manager of the bar while sexual harassing all of the bartenders into tears while drinking downstairs all day.  He has since moved on to Stassi's a block or two away after getting into it with the owners of the bar.  This place so used to be awesome!

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    The Field & Stream is cozy and seems to have karaoke every night.

    Among its few patrons, I'm convinced I mostly see prostitutes and lesbians, but maybe that's just wishful thinking. That being said, I wouldn't touch said ladies of the night with a 10-foot pole.

    The drinks are a bit overpriced for my taste, but I appreciate the pool table being pushed way to the back so the focus in the main room is pretty much just karaoke.

    Of all the bars in Marysville, this one rivals the Cortez Room in number of fights witnessed. Someone always seems to be pissed off.

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