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    Having been invited to a party at this place by a friend I figured it would be fun. mind you we did have fun but it was mostly because of our good nature and good friends, from what I saw of the way they treated my friend with the situation at hand I can say this was poor customer relations. My friend having won a party there with included pizzas and wings and such you'd think it would be good. however if you dont have the required amount of people they pretty much want to brush you off, If youre gonna offer a party prize i dont think they should require a minimum amount of people to honor it. It's bad business in my opinion. and then even if you want to buy the pizza they offer with the deal its not on the regular menu. I would think youd want to serve people something on the menu so theyd want to come back and try it again. I guess not. and from what i was hearing most of the stuff they serve comes out of a box anyway. well if i go to a place that serves food id like to think it was fresh made not something like a frozen pizza! I know i wont waste my money there. And if im invited by anyone else to go there ill kindly warn them and suggest something different.

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    Hope you're ready for a rant, but I highly suggest you read this if you're considering having a party here, especially if you've "won" a party at some convention/expo.

    I went here under the full realization that my visit was based on a marketing ploy. I'd gone to a business expo in Feb. & entered my name in a drawing, having "won" a "free" party. Now, having worked in sales for 10+ years, I completely understand the premise...to get you in there to spend more money. And, knowing full well that this was the objective, I went anyway, justifying it by the fact that at least I would get SOMETHING free & have a good time with a handful of good friends & probably leave still having spent some money. Win-win for me AND the restaurant, right? Think again.

    The "free" part of this deal was 2 pizzas, an order of wings, an order of endless chips & salsa & an hour of free pool ($9 an hour after that O.o). Sounds like a pretty good package for just entering my business card in a fish bowl right? The number one stipulation? I had to have a MINIMUM of 10 people show up.

    I found it a bit difficult to round up 10 reliable party guests...especially to trek all the way out to Bloomingdale. But I figured if I invite enough people & get at least close to the minimum, they'd let us slide as long as we were all spending money. WRONG.

    7 people in my party showed up & we were ordering food AND alcohol right from the start. I asked them to bring out the chips & hoped to see a couple more people roll in or maybe I would grab someone random to be part of our party. But they kept a hawks eye on who was really at our table & who was part of the other groups.

    So they brought the chips & our drinks & I requested they bring out the pizza. Let me pause here to mention that they DON'T have sausage as a choice...what kind of place serves pizza but doesn't have a traditional favorite like sausage???

    Moving on...they then apologized &  politely mentioned that they couldn't bring any more "free" food until we had 10 in our party. By this time I had a bit of alcohol in me & instead of getting upset or irate, I tried being sweet & charismatic to try to convince them to bring out at least one pizza for us, since we DID have 7 people who were all drinking AND ordering off the menu. But the event coordinator was a stickler & couldn't violate their policy. Disappointing, but understandable...& a total downer on the whole night.

    So I bite the bullet & ask how much a pizza is, I'm just going to suck it up & pay for it...are you ready for this? THEY DON'T SERVE PIZZA AS A REGULAR MENU ITEM. Why on earth would you advertise this free party to everyone & serve something not normally on your menu? Isn't the idea to get people in, spending money & COMING BACK?

    I say "advertise to everyone" because I am pretty sure anyone who entered that drawing "won" a free party. How do I know? I must've somehow entered my personal email AND dropped in my business card, because a day or two after I was notified at my work email about winning, & had a conversation with the event coordinator setting the date...I received the same notification at my personal email address as if I was another person. Scam? No, as I said...a marketing ploy & a slip up I shruggingly brushed off.

    What's a scam is the fact that they can't even budge a little on their policy even if your table is dropping money.

    To their credit, the event coordinator brought a flatbread appetizer, which could have fed all of one person. But I honestly think she was going to charge us for it, had it not been for some schmuck at the next table who took the opportunity to eat off our table while we were playing pool & darts. I will hand it to the event coordinator, she has a hawks eye. She caught them & then told us she would bring another for us & that the other party would pay for it. But...I'd thought it was like a consolation, compliments of the house?

    The one & only redeeming factor of this entire debacle was our waitress, Heather. She was very nice, funny & entertaining, & I thought she was awesome. She was very attentive & served us well, despite the fact that the place was jam packed.

    In the end, an appetizer platter & 9 drinks was $90 before tip. 3 of my other guests ate off the menu AND drank & the other two just drank. All in all, we HAD to have spent at least $200. But I would rather spend HALF that & drink at a dive bar or another restaurant that is going to TAKE CARE OF ME. Marketing is about drawing people in. Customer service is about keeping people coming back. I consider this night to be a $200 lesson learned. I will NOT be returning to any fox and hound location, nor will I recommend it to anyone else.

    I surely hope our $200, plus the amount you saved on 2 pizzas and an order of wings was worth getting a terrible review and a loyal discreditor of your establishment, fox and hound!

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    When my friends Are home from school, we generally end up here. There aren't too many local bars in Carol Stream to go to. The bar is venally loud but that goes with a lot of bars. They do have darts and pool tables which is nice. The food, well, it's hard food so it's decent. I would never decide to just go there to eat. The drinks are priced right and there is a pretty decent beer list. The service overall is okay. Sometimes that I've gone, it's great and other times its slow. If you are looking for a place to,watch a game or shoot some pool in the area,this is probably the place to go.

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    I have been here a handful of times, Fox and Hound is pretty decent overall.  

    The food is usually very good (burgers and fries are great) and the drinks are decently priced (some on the more moderate side, though).

    The waiters/waitresses I/we have had have always usually been nice, though I do understand and have seen instances with other tables and other waiters where I could see service that wasn't quite as good.

    I had an issue once with VERY SLOW Service - although our waitress was nice, it was just very slow.  And at the time, the restaurant wasn't that happening.  I wrote a friendly email to corporate and they sent me an apology and a $25 gift card, which was well more than enough - so I appreciate that.

    At times, the restaurant can be loud, and overly crowded.  I spent a New Year's Eve here, so I have seen this place at its loudest and rowdiest.  There is a restaurant-section situated away from the bar though which is pretty large, and set up nicely.

    I don't come here often, but overall, its a pretty good place.  I can't obviously comment on every food item and every server.  The handful of times I have been there, our servers have been fairly decent (cute, too).  :)

    Ill give it 4 out of 5 stars!  Worth a try, at least!

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    I met a few friends here for birthday drinks.  2 of us got there early to reserve a table, which is a good idea if there's a game on.  When we walked in, it was dead, and we had our choice of seating.  By the time the rest of the group arrived, seating was minimal.

    Our waitress was very friendly and incredibly apologetic when it took awhile for our food to arrive.  I also got a free birthday drink, which was surprising, but even more shocking when she delivered a giant Corona margarita to the table!  I didn't expect such great service here.

    The French dip flatbread was so good!  I would definitely order it again:  roast beef, carmelized onions (I had without), crispy onion strings, cheese, and a horseradish sauce on flatbread.  Even after my friend spilled my Coronarita, I hurried to save the last semi-soggy bits of my flatbread.

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    I went here for lunch on a Friday afternoon and our server told us that they were hosting a private party and there would be a wait of 30-45 minutes for our food.  Ok, it was great that he told us that, but that's really a long wait for bar food!  We weren't in a hurry, so we decided to take advantage of the down time and catch up on things.

    I had a basic grilled chicken sandwich and hubby had a basil pesto pizza.  My sandwich was what I expected.  The pizza was not good.  It was overcooked and there wasn't enough sauce on it, so it was dry and really crunchy.  Crunchy like you shoved too many saltine crackers in your mouth and you really need a drink of water!

    I really felt bad that their kitchen was jammed up due to the party, but I felt worse for myself since some Grandma brought in a toddler who had no patience whatsoever (which is typical toddler behavior, but I guess Grandma forgot!).  The staff tried to accommodate her "we need it now" philosophy and by the time it was all said and done, I would have gone back to the kitchen and made the damn meal myself just to get them out there!

    I had pretty low expectations when I went here, I just wanted some bar food, but it was not a good time.  I won't be back.

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    Went here this past weekend with a few friends and had a horrible experience.  Our waitress would take our drink order and then not come back for about 15 minutes.  She didn't clear empty glasses or come take a new order.  We had to stop another waiter in order to pay our bill b/c our waitress was MIA.  This was truly horrible service!  Also, they had top shelf margarita special.. $5 dollars.  It came in a tall drinking class.. not even a margarita glass!  It tasted like lime water!  Just not good at all.  The place was nearly dead by 10:30pm... but can you blame everyone for leaving?!

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    I have to agree with the other posts about the bad service. I work in the food industry so I always try and keep that in mind when I think service is bad. But there really is no excuse for this place. I've been here a few times, and the servers are always pretty friendly, just incredibly ditsy/forgetful/whatever.

    On the other hand, it's a cool atmosphere for watching games, and the food is really good. I've had a few different sandwiches (get the Black Forest, OMG) and burgers (whichever one has the fried egg, OMG).

    For whatever reason, my sisters and dad love this place, so I'll continue to go back, just hope the service improves. And I've never had a truly horrible experience, like some other people have posted about, just think service could be a lot better.

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    I think I am done with you, Fox and Hound, which makes me sad because I truly do enjoy their food.

    I just CANNOT get over how bad the service is!!

    My friend and I met here for lunch on a Sunday.  It was a seat-yourself situation, and the hostess was really nice and told us which side of the bar had which football game on so we could make an informed decision about what game we wanted to see.

    While waiting for my friend, I ordered a water and started to peruse the menu.  My friend came, and we ordered our drinks, and she asked for a water with her beer as well.  Our drinks took FOR-EEEEEV-ERRRRR (Think of Sandlot slow-motion-style when you say that word).

    This is where it gets comical:
    M orders the beer and a water. (Our drinks waitress are nowhere in sight for about 20 minutes)
    She brings her beer and my drink. M asks for her water again.  Waitress says she will bring it by on her next trip by.
    She comes to take our food order.  M orders her patty melt.  AND HER WATER AGAIN.
    Waitress disappears for about 20 minutes.
    Our food comes.  Still no water.  M asks again.
    We realize we have no napkins, no silverware, and yes, still no water, so we ask our waitress for that and another round of drinks.
    She comes with the silverware and napkins.  STILL NO FREAKING WATER.  
    Eventually she comes back by with my drink, and there was a water on the tray, too.  She started to walk away, but I said "Wait, is that my friend's water?" and she was like "Oh, I guess it is".  Oh jeez....

    The food was good.  My burger was really good, and I love their fries!  I also ordered chili, and it came out at the same time as my meal.  I didn't really like that, but whatever.  And I think the chili would have been good...except for the fact that it was only slightly warm.  I think it was supposed to be brought out before, but she forgot and brought it all at the same time....but what do I know?!

    I think I have given F&H its final chance.  I am done wasting money on mediocre (at best) service!

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    Great beer selection. Good food selection. Not very crowded so that I can still carry on a conversation. Staff is always attentive. I'll go back!

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    Food overpriced but OK. Service is typically less than good. Being a beer guy - gets extra star because of nice selection.

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    I already wrote in to corportate about this place and was called, e-mailed, and sent a letter with a $75.00 gift card from the district manager because he wasn't very happy about the service we received.
    I went here with a group of six other friends and family.  My cousin was going back to college and we wanted to have dinner before he went away.  When I arrived with my mother my aunt, cousin, and cousin's giflfriend were already there and happened to be walking out of the left dining room to the lobby in order to go in the back by the pool tables, drinks in hand.  A server, who was walking behind them, told us we could go pick a table in the back and our waitress would be with us shortly.  The reason for moving was only that my aunt wanted then younger group to be able to play pool and darts togehter while waiting food.  My cousin and his girlfriend started a game with the balls set out on a table next to us, assuming it was free. However, when our other friends arrived and wanted to play we found out that its $9.00/hour to play pool even if you are dining in.  We chose to skip the billiards and enjoy the Olympics while browing the menu.  
    We noticed that we had been there for nearly fifteen minutes and no one had come to take our drink order or even check on us.  One of our friends flagged a server down and asked when we could expect service.  She came back by us and apologized over and over for the wait, and took our drink orders as well as dinner orders.  Three of us ordered full salads (two being the popcorn chicken salad), and I ordered mine with a cup of soup.  Two people ordered the soup and salad combo.  My cousin ordered fish and chips, and his girlfriend ordered the Hot Fox (like a buffalo chicken sandwich with toppings) with salad instead of fries, ranch dressing on the side.  
    It took forever for our orders to come out, and when they finally did they were wrong.  My mother, who ordered a popcorn chicken salad, was handed a basket of chicken and a salad and told she had asked for them separate, which was not the case.  The salads on the soup and salad combo were miniscule portions, hardly worth the $7.00 (my full salad and cup of soup was $8.50 and I easily had three times as much salad as them).  All of our soup was cold.  My cousin's fish was mostly fried batter that when picked up, ran grease.  The best of all was his girlfriend's sandwich.  It was a single, bare chicken strip with a side salad.  No hot sauce.  No ranch.  No tomato or lettuce that comes on the sandwich.  And when she asked the waitress why her order came that way, she snottishly replied "Because you asked for no fries, just a salad."  It took three of us to get her to understand that the sandwich was totally wrong and her salad didn't have dressing.  Folks, I'm sorry to telly you that this calamity happened when the restaurant was almost empty and around dinner time.  Our waitress again gave a million and one apologies.
    She never offered for the manager to come talk to us, she never offered to take a portion off the bill or to comp. a dessert for us because she became too preoccupied, like all of the other waitresses, with the two tattooed d-bags who came in to play pool and drop the f-bomb every five seconds.  Instead we were offered to come back tomorrow and get 10% off if we wore a football jersey.  We couldn't believe she actually thought we'd come back after the experience we had.  Her tip reflected that.

    When we go to use the gift card, it will strictly be for alcohol and will NOT be used at this location!

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    I went here with some family after the great power outage just before the 4th of July. It was good, and I most likely go back, but there are some things that I would change.

    The menu selection was pretty good and it wasn't super busy when I was there. The TVs were awesome toward the back - Perfect for anyone trying to catch a game! We wanted to go to a place that would be showing the soccer game. Our server was alright at first, but it was a struggle to get refills on drinks or boxes for leftovers. When a place isn't super busy, I would expect a little more attention from a server. We had the nachos appetizer which was entirely OK and my Cuban sandwich was OK as well. I would like to go back and try some other menu selections.

    Give it a try! I'd still recommend it.

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    Nice place... Big screens

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    Was here last night waiting for a friend to get off from work.  I used to frequent this place about 6 years ago, and it has changed.  Not sure for better or worse.    Service could be better(all I wanted was a container for my leftovers...c'mon).   Bartenders used to be really attentive to your needs, now they seem to be annoyed.   TV's have changed for the better(larger).  Girls serving beer are very pleasing to the eyes.   Food is halfway decent.  Had the chicken tenders with fries.

    I see they still have the "baseball cap turned backwards/frat boy" crowd that comes in.   That will probably never go away.    

    ...I liked the original crowd of employees that worked here.   Its a good thing I don't live in the area anymore.  Not sure if i would maintain a regular status here.   I'll give 'em 3 stars for effort.

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    The fish n chips were cooked to perfection ...the sweet tea cringed for more SWEET & ICE ! The manager was thee BOMB! My friends potato skins were under cooked ,the manager agreed, credited the bill as well as two complimentary meal passes for the next visit ...Overall A-ok but live far away wont be returning anytime soon ... ;)

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    I really dislike this bar.  I have been here three times and each time I have had a terrible bartender or server. The first time I came in I asked what the drink specials were, the waitress told me, and I made my order. On my check however, she changed the type of liquor that was used, to one that wasn't on special, and charged me the regular price. I don't know if they were out...or what. But she could have said something. I ordered a soup. It was good, but pricey for the very small portion. Other times being here the service still sucked.

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    It's not amazing, I'm not gonna lie. But hey, if you're in the burbs...may as well, right?

    They have pool tables and beer pong in the back room. TVs... Big tables for large groups.

    Try a Sasparilla - diet coke (I order regular) with vanilla vodka and jager. I'm not even a jager person and this drink is one of my favs.

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    They have food here?

    Wait, now I remember, yes they do. But, I like this place because it has a decent beer selection and the waitresses are easy on the eyes. It's not over the top like Hooters or Tilted. Just attractive women serving beer. Not a bad formula.

    Also, during the week they play flashback music video on one of the big screens. It's a nice touch.

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    My mom recommended this place to me since she knows my boyfriend and I are beer lovers. They do have a pretty vast beer selection, and a lot of great ones on tap. Anytime I can find Green Line on tap outside of Chicago, I'm exponentially happy. They also had Matilda on tap. Double win! The only thing that sucked, but really isn't their fault, is that they were out of Three Floyds beer. We have been hunting EVERYWHERE for Gumballhead but it's like a four-leaf clover. You can never find it; everyone always runs out of it because the brewery doesn't ship out that much of it. But I digress. The food was pretty good. I had a burger which was cooked well and the fries were pretty crispy, as opposed to the limp fries you usually get elsewhere. This place is like a classy sports bar. The TVs are in the wooden walls and the decor is very nice. I'll be back.

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    Great place. Great service. Not a quiet place :).

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    I went here with some coworkers and friends for a night out recently. I had never been here or any other location, so this is through new eyes. I liked the pub style environment and the waitstaff were very pleasant. The food left a little to be desired. I ordered a appetizer platter which had wings, cheese sticks, potato skins and pretzels. The wings went more for the spice than flavor. Plus, they were very tiny. The cheese sticks looked like the same ones I pull out of my own freezer. The skins were ok, but could have used some crumbled bacon. The pretzels were great! Nice and soft, and had a nice cheese sauce for them. Only beef with those is they had too much salt, but a knife fixed that.
    Now, my one big complaint was the volume in the back room. I was at a long compilation of tables, and I needed to yell to talk to the guy next to me. I'm all for music and sports commentary, but maybe I might want to talk too.

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    Since living in the Carol Stream area, this place has been a frequent for me. But as of late, it's been a little while since I've been here. The draft beer prices went up $0.50 but that's not really a big deal. The food is pretty good. I've gotten their chicken salad sandwich, the black forest ham sandwich and the sampler platter. Those are pretty much a safe bet. As far as their other drinks, they are WAY too sweet. It's like they poured the bag of sugar into the glass and just mixed it. All in all, it's a great establishment to catch a game or grab a beer.

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    If Mcdonalds mixed drinks they would be bettter then the ones I had here. Stick with beer if your here.

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    Gimmee a friggin break! A restaurant and bar and they ran out of glasses. My wife and son have been waiting for their beers now for 30 mins. This is bullshit!!! And let me add that I have been sitting on an empty soda glass for way too long.

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    We just went here for lunch after a LONG HIATUS of not coming here at all.  I usually avoid this place like the plague since it is crawling with people from my high school...no, I do not want to do a stop and chat, thanks...but I gave it a try for lunch because I wanted to try the fish and chips and check out the beer list.  

    The fish and chips were decent.  Beer-battered, super crispy (so were the fries), and normal greasiness.  The only bad part was the tartar sauce-way too sweet, and the coleslaw-straight up shredded cabbage with no taste.  My husband's cheese sticks were good and the burger was decent but overcooked.  Overall "meh"ness.

    The beer, on the other hand, has TOTALLY improved since the last time I visited.  They have a decent on-tap selection, but what really impressed me was the bottles.  Some places I go either have 1 IPA or NONE (or worse-the bartender or server don't KNOW what an IPA is!) which kills me, but they had at least 10 specialty IPAs.  YES.  They also had another 20 or so bottled beers that were considered specialty...some from IL, MI, WI, IN, and even some from OR and CO (plus more I can't remember).  Not bad.  If I wanted to go there for bottled beer, it is a total win.  Food, it's decent pub fare, nothing more.

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    I've seen this place a bunch of times while passing by, but never stopped in.  The other night, a few friends were going there so I decided to stop by and check it out.  The place is pretty big.  There are a lot of tv's, and a decent selection of beers.  The servers were friendly.
    We played some pool and watched some CFL and midnight madness on tv

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    Overpriced, snotty and cold atmosphere.  Not fun, bartender was a dud.  Sure it's clean, but meh.  I've had more fun at TGIF or other restaurant bars.

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    Neat, clean, and ready for game time on any given Sunday......or Monday....or Thursday.....

    Anyhoo---the service is good, the food is what one should expect from a sports bar, and the beer is cold.  The $5 bloody mary Sunday special doesn't hurt either (total self-serve, with a lot of munchies and garnishes for your fully custom liquid breakfast)

    Giant TV's span every inch of the back room, making any seat a good one.  Stop in, and let these guys (and gals) do the cooking, pouring, and cleaning for game day.

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    Good for a drinks and pool so long, but the waitresses may be chatting up older guys instead of serving.

    I came here just for a few drinks and some pool after dinner.  Not a bad venue, wasn't crowded, but after getting a pool table, it still took a while to get drinks.  Why?  Two waitresses/servers were chatting up this guy.  Once we got drinks it wasn't so bad, but mid way through, the sampler waitress brought around patron (which is nice), but before she made it out, there was another 5 minutes or so chatting with another waitress (see a trend?).

    Overall, it's a place to go for drinks I guess...

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    It's pretty much a middle school reunion whenever I go here. Many times, it's a good thing, but other times I can't help but think that some people and things are better left in the past. C'est la vie, I suppose.

    I think it is safe to say that I am not a fan of the food here. Every dish I have tried, tasted below average, and seemed like it was sloppily thrown together. I don't think I will be coming back here for a meal. The appetizers, however, are worth checking out.

    I like the beer selection. They have a nice variety and Miller and Bud aren't the dominating choices. I think I am a bigger fan of their cocktails, though, because they are generously portioned, modestly priced, and really strong. Everything a girl could want.

    They also have some pool tables in the back, along with a big projection screen to watch the games. I would for sure come back here for a casual hangout with some friends, so if you are looking to do the same, I would recommend Fox & Hound!

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    We recently went to Fox & Hound in Bloomingdale because we were looking for a decent place to spend an afternoon at the bar.

    My requirements are:
    Good selection of good beer. (Bud, Miller and PBR are not premium!)
    Good, not necessarily great food.
    Comfortable bar stools
    Atmosphere conducive to enjoyment by intelligent adults

    So let's start with the beer. F&H boasts a large number of tap handles and bottles, but when one actually looks at what is available, disappointment sets in. Once the Bud, Miller and other garbage is eliminated I was left with a fairly small selection. I did manage to find a tasty Leinie seasonal called Fireside Nut Brown. My wife had an Orval Trappist Ale. I liked that they were not served ice cold, but I wondered how the macrobrew drinkers liked that.
    So overall I would say that the beer selection is better than the average suburban bar, but not as great as you would think at first when seeing all the tap handles.
    When I mentioned my observations to the manager, he indicated that their core customers were a younger crowd that did not seem appreciate a broader beer selection.

    We tried a little food and it was OK. We are not big "wing" eaters, but we tried them anyway. I found them to be a little over cooked. The amount of bleu cheese dip provided was pretty stingy too.
    We had better luck with the fish and chips. It was breaded and fried of course, but light and flavorful. The amount of fries was surprisingly stingy though.

    The bar stools were comfy enough that I sat around this place for about 5 hours. I like that they had backs on them.

    The overall atmosphere was a mix of things I like and don't like.
    I liked that it had a bit of the "dank". Dark wood and low lighting. Unfortunately this was countered by an amazing amount of TVs. On top of that, every one of them was showing sports. When we asked if just one could be tuned to something different, we were told by the manager that "this is a sports bar". The rigidity of the TV policy was attributed to "corporate".
    The music was at a reasonable volume to allow conversation. It must be "todays hits" because I didn't recognize any of it. The cute bartender seemed to be enjoying it as she bounced to it a little while doing her job.

    Overall, I would rate this Fox and Hound location as average for someone like myself. I am just not the type of customer that they care about. I wanted to like it because it is fairly close to my house, but I am unlikely to frequent this place. I will have to find another place that caters to mature adults who care more about quality and service than how cheap the beer special is that night.

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    Fairly or not, I'm rating Fox and Hound on their food. If you're going to watch a game and have some drinks, then you likely won't be disappointed as it's a decent, if unremarkable bar. I just can't recommend ordering food at this point.

    Typical bar food unfortunately, although the wings and ribs were even more dry than I expect from the average bar. The Cheese quesadillas are loaded but bland. Our server was excellent, but that couldn't make up for the fact that I had to choke down some pretty lame food.

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    I have to knock off a star for Beam and Cokes being over $6 with tax.  Am I on Michigan Ave here?!?!

    I will give them a touch of credit thought, I went here for the Saturday before Halloween and teh place looked nice.  It was supposed to be a blacklight party.  White papered walls to enhance the blacklights.  The bad thing?  NO ONE SHOWED UP!!!  SArrived around 10:30p and there might have been 15 people in the whole huge place!

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    I've been coming here since they opened for one big reason: $2 pint night on Tuesdays (I'm all about the cheap Guiness!).... easily one of the best deals in this part of the burbs and quickly adopted by most competing bars along Army Trail Road.  

    They have a decent selection of beers on tap and the food isn't terrible.  Is it the best you'll have in the area?  Probably not, but it's competent bar food and with such variety, I'm willing to cut them a little slack here.

    Chicken Super Nachos are my favorite here and will easily share over 4 people.

    Staff is mostly pleasant, but turnover seems to be quick... there seem to be new waitresses everytime I go in.  Service can be a little slow on busy nights but that's expected.

    My only real complaint is the god-awful music they occasionally pump through the PA after about 9pm... but with that said, I'm really probably not in the majority of their clientele at this point in the day anyway.

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    It's as close to a real bar as can be found in the area, so it gets sympathy stars. It's fine - the service is fine, the selections are fine, everything's just..fine.

    Not being one that goes to a bar to get trashed, nor to drink any drink in "bomb" format, I tend to get tired of the obnoxious younger crowd who seem to enjoy drinking crap mixed with crap with a shot of crap dropped in, set on fire, dusted in gold, whatever.

    That said, it's passable. What's the alternative, anyway? The kitchy-ass tiki bar a mile away, full of grandparents living the Key West dream without the pesky airfare? Nah...

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    I always think it's funny when I go into a sports bar/pub with a name like Fox and Hound, and Kelly Clarkson is blaring on the sound system. I feel like the place is having some kind of identity crisis.  

    That said, it's a decent watering hole given the location. The beer was cold and served quickly.. It seemed reasonably priced.. and the bartenders were very friendly.  Can't get much better than that! Unless you could get them to turn down Kelly Clarkson.

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    We didn't  go to Fox and Hound with the expectation of stellar food or a fancy interior.  There was two things in mind - a good place to watch the game with a good beer selection.  We got both.  

    We both did order food, but nothing to write home about.  The service wasn't that great either.  Don't get me wrong, our server was nice and accommodating however he wasn't around that often and only showed up when I asked the other server for something.  

    Overall, I would recommend Fox and Hound if you are looking for a place to watch the game.

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    Party foul.  They have decent food, but they irritated me enough to where I won't go back to this particular location.

    They advertised a UFC fight for $5 a head and when we got there, they changed it to $10 a head because they had to limit the number of people that could come in.  I guess a fight broke out during the last UFC fight and the cops busted them for having too many people.  Anyways, they wound up turning people away at the door, including me, and I had friends already in the closed-off section of the bar.  If you bait and switch people, at least do something, like change the entire bar to a UFC shindig instead of just turning people away.

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    I've been here twice, so don't go changing your plans for tonight based on this. But let me know if I'm wrong if you do go, okay?

    First of all, the outside of this place is deceiving. The place is huge. Besides the bar/restaurant seating up front, there's a whole big-screen/video game section in the back, so don't get stuck standing at the bar. Unless that's what you want to do, of course.

    Secondly, it's a little loud. But duh!, it's a sports bar, so deal with it. This is actually a great place for the proverbial table full of loud women to go, now that I think about it... Not that there's anything wrong with a table full of loud women...

    Thirdly, the food is good, tending towards pub grub.

    Fourthly, a good beer selection, but a weak bartending staff. Lots of turnover, I suspect...

    Overall, a good place to meet up with friends after work, or to go watch the game together. I haven't been here late, so I can't tell you what the place is like after 11pm. It has the potential to be a wild place...

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