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    Not exactly the ritz, lol, but if you want to go someplace where it doesn't matter what you look like, what you're wearing, and just want to be relaxed, it's a nice place to just hang.  Drove by it for years and had some trepidation about stopping in, but no big deal.  Sometimes live music, and not expensive.  What you see is what you get :o)

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    Things May Change but Foxhead is Still Filthy

    A friend of mine, Jade lost her life last year in a terrible car accident. One of the first nights we ever hung, years ago, she brought My girlfriend, my friend Chad and I to this blessed biker bar.

    The place reeked of beer, piss and blood. You could entertain yourself, whilst urinating in the bathroom stall, by reading the interesting pearls of wisdom left on the wall by former patrons.

    Who new Javier had shat there?

    Or that Bobby Sue has herpes?

     The waitress was very nice, with a thick central Florida accent, and the alcohol prices...well they may as well have given the booze away.
    A night I will try to remember, to never to forget...


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