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    This is a five star restaurant! Let me at least throw my cards on the table to let you know that I'm a "Brewniversity" member. (It used to be call the "Passport Club".) As a member (it's free, by the way), I try to drink different beers whenever I go to a Taco Mac. You have to be a member in order to gain access to The Fred (which is named after Fred Crudder, their beer purchaser, connoisseur, etc.). I've met him and think he is a nice guy. But back to the review.

    If you can find the location, you press the doorbell and someone will come to the door and let you in. It's a lot like a 1920's speakeasy. You'll walk into a well kept lounge atmosphere with comfortable chairs and couches. The beer on draught is usually rare and of a higher quality. You won't find Bud Light or Coors served there at all. Thank goodness! They have bottled beer as well. There is a regular list of higher quality rare bottled beer and Fred's Secret Stash. The prices for all are at a premium and the Secret Stash is much higher. Part of the fun is getting beer on your Brewniversity list that you can't find anywhere else. For example, I have searched high and low for Koningshoeven La Trappe Quadrupel on draught. The Fred had it a few months ago (and it was delightful).

    The food is excellent as well. For bar food, it challenges the palette ever so slightly. I particularly like the baked wings and seasoned fries. I once indulged in the Mac 'n Cheese Burger.... and spent extra time exercising to justify the delectable decision.

    The service is extra nice and the atmosphere is relaxing. I highly recommend making a trip to the Fred on a weekend evening with friends. I hope to see you there. Cheers!

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    Secret. cool looking spot. modern speak easy style. cant wait to come back for the food.

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    As a speakeasy connoisseur, I have to say I loved how this place is hidden.  I felt like I was breaking into the back alley/loading dock.  If you feel like you're committing a crime... you're probably at a good speakeasy.

    That's about where the speakeasy-praise for this place ends though.  It was one of the largest speakeasies I've been to, and did not have the drinks you'd expect.  I ended up having wine and a burger.  I also have never been to a speakeasy with a full menu, but this place was different.  I think they had pretty much the same menu as upstairs.  The burger I had was really good, and welcomed after getting in late to Atlanta and STARVING.  

    Our service was good, but we were only one of three tables in the place.  I'm not sure I'd go back, but this place does have potential.  It's more of a secret restaurant than a secret bar.

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    Love this place. It's my OTP Porter. The food portions are a but the beer selection and feel more than make up for it. small but get the crab dip. It's awesome.

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    Located BELOW Taco Mac this place is for Brewniversity members with 13 or more beers on their list.  Honestly, I didn't believe my cousin when he told me about it but sure enough we printed our lists, walked outside and found the door.  I expected a speak easy type place (which is what they are going for) but the doorman (lady) did not really check to see if we qualified and the people inside seemed very pretentious.  Basically they serve the same food as Taco Mac (but less) and the same drinks (also, less selection) and seem to charge more.  It was fun to go see it and check it out but I found myself just messing around on the iPads they have for the menus.  They really need to offer something special like a smoking lounge, cigar selection, or a different menu for snacks and things to make it worth while to me...

    Like I said though, it's worth checking it out once you are able to go!

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    The service was appalling. Here's a disclaimer - this is not a food and drink review, this is entirely focused on the poor service received by the bartenders/servers working during our visit.

    When we sat at the bar, several minutes passed without a greeting because the ladies were in a heated discussion about how horrible another table was. I interrupted them and asked for some menus, and was snapped at with a finger pointed and a terse "Just a minute." We got our menus, H knew what we were going to order so I left for the restroom.

    When I come back H tells me that she apologized to HIM, not me, for snapping at ME. How weak! The guests to my left were the servers' friends, the table to our right were also their friends and they were talking all night about some seriously raunchy topics - I'll spare you the details.

    The worst part was when another server was pouring a whiskey in front of us, H asked what kind of whiskey it was because it was an interesting bottle. Immediately she responds "It's a whiskey."

    Um, yeah... I know... W H A T  K I N D....??

    She shares the name, finishes the pour and walks off completely missing the opportunity to SELL ALCOHOL to us, which I thought was her J O B.

    The problem here is that they did not have a manager. If any of those three ladies were a manager, it just goes to show just how poorly run The Fred is.

    We get better service sitting at the bar of Taco Mac Lindbergh, but we happen to be passing through Sandy Springs. Is it the location? Is Sandy Springs such a suburban area that places like The Fred can't offer great service? Maybe service is only as good as your customers demand it. Our go-to places sure as hell don't treat us like that! Ugh.

    Done with you guys!

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    This place is just cool.  In fact so cool I doubt my late review is going to be cool enough to be associated with it.  First it is hidden under the Taco Mac you got to go under it to get in.  Almost like going to a speak easy.  You gotta show your Taco Mac Card and have a minimum number of beers on it.  I think the number is 10, but I may be misremembering.  Anyway you go in an choose where to sit.  There are tables in the center a lounge area in back along with the bar but the cool place to sit are the tables along the side which you can cordon off with your own curtains COOL!!  The menu is an iPad which is kinda cool and they serve a little more upscale menu of food than whats available in the Taco Mac upstairs.  However is you go to a Taco Mac for food your what we politely call a idiot.  You went to Taco Mac for beer and cool beer at that which is where the Fred excels.  About 10 taps with a nice mix of limited releases, some cellared which will have a few surprises, a Belgium or 2 and at least one beer for the hop-head snob who you want to shake and go dude Belgium rocks and hops aren't the only thing in the world but your too dumb to understand that and I hope you choke on that super rare variety of Galaxy hops you swear is the best even though its not really that rare and the only good beer with it "Tall Grass 8bit Pale Ale" isn't available here idiot.  I guess I digressed a little bit there but they do have taps hitting the major styles and a few bombers none of which is available upstairs or probably with any regularity in the area.  The pricing is higher you pay for quality and stopping looking at me because I hurt your Galaxy hop sensibilities.  Grow a pair hop-head.  At any rate this is a good place to go and even with a poorly punctuated grammatically challenged review you should see you should give it a try and hopefully decide to give the hop-head snob a dressing down.  Cheers

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    I was excited to go to the Fred after my friend told me about it. Since you need to have the requisite amount of Taco Mac beers for entrance and it was hidden away from public view, I was intrigued. Who doesn't want to feel important? And so, we went; she, as a member, and me, as her guest.

    The bar was hidden below the Taco Mac, and a girl let us in after we buzzed. The bar itself was sleek but small. Most of the seating was not at the bar but rather tables. The lighting was dim. If you didn't know you were at a craft beer bar, you may have assumed it was a lounge. There were TVs everywhere, all tuned to various college football games (obviously we were there on a Saturday). Bartenders were all friendly and talkative, as it wasn't terribly busy.

    To be honest, though, I was not terribly impressed with the beer selection. I thought since it was an exclusive speakeasy-of-sorts that there would be more rare beer on tap. However, I found myself looking at the beer list saying, "Oh, I've had that" on several occasions. There was also a bottle list, but as is the case with many craft beer bars, the bottle prices were much more expensive. I do disagree with others who say the drafts are pricey though, but maybe that's because they are the same where I live. $5-8 is pretty standard for craft beer and it must be taken into consideration that these beers are brewed much more specifically and by smaller breweries, as opposed to a big mainstream place like Anheuser-Busch (ugh).

    The menu is not as extensive as Taco Mac's and offers standard bar food. We ordered the beer cheese dip and the fried pickles and thought they were just okay. However, we ate everything due to hunger and wanting something to soak up the beer. I liked the pretzel bites that came with the cheese dip, but my friend found them too salty. The cheese dip was solid. We agreed the fried pickles were way too greasy and soggy.  

    All in all, the Fred is okay if you're looking to change up your routine (and you have a Taco Mac card/are with someone who does) or get away from the crowds at the Taco Mac above. Despite having had many of the beers, I wasn't unhappy and there are different kinds of beers for everyone. The staff was congenial and the atmosphere, though looking a bit more upscale at first, was laid back. However, I feel Atlanta has many other craft beer bars where you can get similar offerings and you don't need a card to gain entrance.

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    After a long day of meetings and business talk my boss convinced myself and a few co-workers to make the long drive from Lawrenceville to Sandy Springs to have a couple of beers in what he called, "The Dream Bar." Now, I'm not one to argue but I was certainly skeptical at first. After arriving though, "The Fred" has more than impressed me and turned me into a returning customer.

    First, let's start with the ambiance of the place. Without prior knowledge you wouldn't even be able to pick the place out from the businesses around it. Walking down past a Taco Mac you'd round a corner into, what looks like, a service door. On arriving you have to press a large doorbell to be let in. This was actually quite novel and something you don't see too often in Atlanta and it certainly gave an aire of chic to the place. As we walked in we were greeted by a warm dining area, the walls lined with comfortable tables and divided by fabric separators.

    My party quickly found a spot and made ourselves comfortable. Soon we were given an iPad for our menus and I was surprised by the minimalist selection. Despite sharing a space with a rowdy sports bar up top, "The Fred" kept it simple and high class. Not to say that it didn't impress but the usual 'bar' suspects like Bud Lights and cheap vodkas were gone, replaced with microbrews and classy whiskeys. Color me impressed. We ordered a round and eventually got some snacks as well. In a place this upscale I was surprised that the proportions for the French Fries and Fried Pickles were more than enough for four hungry fellas to snack on.

    The prices were fantastic for what was on offer, not too pricey and a great value. The only reason I knock the points here was the service. While our servers were nice enough to us, they seemed a bit overwhelmed or perhaps inattentive. The bar was not completely busy, the lounge area not, by any means, full but it still required a good bit of work to get a waitresses attention. It wasn't enough to scare me away completely and, who knows, maybe someone called out that night and they couldn't get coverage but it was definitely a smudge on an otherwise fantastic place.

    Overall, I highly recommend, "The Fred." It's a slick bar where you can go and unwind, meet up with friends or co-workers and generally relax and have a good time away from the crummy bars in the area.

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    My previous review completely stands... with one exception.

    I subtracted for food (which is still true - overpriced for what you get, and nothing knocks your socks off)...

    ... but I also subtracted for service...

    I've now been down in The Fred quite a few times... and I've ended up with a great overall impression of service - and haven't seen that original employee in a long time (assuming she's not working there anymore).

    That's all...... just thought the place deserved an upgrade since I'm in there enough that my wallet says I must like it... and I've gotten great service every visit after the first!

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    Awful.   They're way too proud of what is essentially a dressed-up basement of a Taco Mac.  The Brewniversity card is just silly, and their beer selection is far below what you would expect from such a "fancy" beer bar.  Our waitress was so rude that I thought her behavior was part of some misguided and poorly executed marketing (like those diners where the waiters playfully insult you), but it turns out she was just a huge bitch.  Avoid The Fred.

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    Rude staff. Awful service. Will not return.

    My husband and I arrived to The Fred a few minutes after our friends did and were almost not let in because of our lack of this silly Brewniversity card. Just as the hostess was about to push us out the door and not let us stay, one of our friends came to retrieve us. Once inside, there were maybe a total of 8-10 other people there in the whole place and plenty of empty seating and tables. Why they would turn away paying customers when they clearly need the business is beyond me, but whatever.

    We pulled up some chairs to the table that our friends were already at and were then quickly informed by our waitress that we would have to move to a different table because we were blocking the aisle or something like that. We were a little irked at having to move, but went along with it just to keep the conflict to a minimum and get our drink orders placed. Fortunately they have curtains separating the tables, so we could pull back the curtain to the neighboring table and still see and talk to our friends that we were there with. After we moved to the next table, the waitress then came back and told us that the table we moved to was "not the one she meant" and gave us a hard time about it. Again, there are at least a dozen empty tables all around us, so... seriously!?

    From then on out, our waitress was one of the rudest that I have ever encountered when we gave her absolutely no reason to be. Will I ever be returning to this silly place? Um, no thanks.

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    By now, I think speakeasies are about as common as the food truck trend. Breaking away from the password-protected basement concept, however, is The Fred. It's a BEER focused speakeasy. That means all those potential bros who've never quite hit it off with the fancy cocktail jargon can now hang their hat in an establishment that caters to their sudsy interests.

    Tucked away in the basement of Taco Mac, The Fred can be accessed by pressing the red button before the nondescript door. They don't let just anyone in though. You have to have a Brewniversity card or something like that, procured by ordering enough beers (upstairs at Taco Mac I presume?)

    If man-cave is your pleasure, The Fred is your paradise. It's dark. There are flatscreens. The menu comes on an iPad set at your table. And the endless heady brews are all thoroughly described. The food is equally dude-proof: Guinness cheese dip for pretzels, special fries, and a host of other calorie-unconscious treats.

    Overall, this one's a winner!

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    Find a way, get in, ask for the servers suggestion and enjoy! Best beer spot in Atlanta!

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    As a professional beer geek (somewhat unofficial title), an avid foodie and a former culinarian I feel more than qualified to say that The Fred rocks! Bear in mind that The Fred does not have the size, or apparently the desire, to compare to Brickstore Pub as far as diversity and sheer volume goes, but their draught and bottle selections are consistently stellar and, for such a beer-centric establishment, their drinks/liquor menu never fails to impress me. Both the spirits and the wine menus are fairly limited in size compared to larger bars, but each selection is absolutely solid and obviously deserves a place on The Fred's iPad-powered, touch-screen menu. The beer portions of the menu are knowledgeably broken down by the format in which the beer is served and guests can choose from the draught menu, the bottled selection (which is made of bottles that could reasonably be consumed as one serving by one drinker) and "Fred's Secret Stash," which highlights large-format bottles that can comfortably be shared by multiple guests. Be sure to ask if anything is on cask that night as well, as I have never seen this featured on the electronic menu.

    While The Fred is a higher-end extension of Taco Mac it may comfort you to know that on your next visit to this speakeasy-esque pub you will be able to rack up Brewniversity credits AND enjoy a snack without having to settle on nachos or wings to soak up the beer. I appreciate that the guys at Taco Mac were wise enough to differentiate this hidden gem with more than just the unique beer selection; the food is pretty darn good! No, if you are on a diet or carefully counting carbs then you may have a hard time settling on an entree. However, I assume it was their expectation that The Fred's patrons were not being too choosey at every meal if they were already opting to sit in a beer-focused locale, beverage in hand.

    Mac 'n Cheese Burger- Quintessential fat-kid food, but so darn good! The one I had this past Saturday night was the best I have had there yet. The proportion of medium-rare beef (specifically Wagyu, I believe) to deep-fried macaroni puck to bun was spot on and delicious.

    BLT- My S.O. got this Saturday night and both the brisket and the bread looked better than I have ever seen it look before. Perhaps something drastic has changed in the kitchen?

    Fred Fries- This was definitely a huge change! Fred Fries used to be thin, far thinner than upstairs, and I had grown quite fond of them. The Fred Fries 2.0 are WAY thicker and partially skin-on. I really do like them, it was just a surprise to see them looking so different last time I was there. The quartet of sauces that are available to accompany your fries, or any other fried goodie, are excellent and I have become a big fan of the blackened ranch.

    Deep-Fried Pickles- Dill chips, of course, served in a small cast-iron skillet with blackened ranch... enough said!

    Fried Calamari- Lightly-battered, slightly thinner squid rings and tentacles delicately fried and tossed with jalapeno juice and just enough honey to add a super-subtle sweetness. I love the addition of crystallized ginger as it adds perfect zing and optional spicy sweetness.

    Guinness Soft-Serve & Crab Dip- I have not personally ordered these items and probably will not do so in the future (simply based upon personal preference and perceived value), but my friends who have ordered these seem to like them.

    A few of the items that I have selected in the past seem to have been ousted during the most recent menu renovation, but I am not necessarily sad to see them go. So, the moral of this is that if any taste bud on your tongue can appreciate beer and if you are laid-back and easygoing, please check out The Fred. Alternatively, if you and your friends like to get together at Taco Mac and make a spectacle of yourselves or be exceedingly noisy or annoying then please stay upstairs or at home. The vibe at The Fred is comfortable and inviting with dim lighting and dark woods and most of the staff is knowledgeable and unwaveringly friendly and helpful. I am thrilled that they are now open every day of the week, starting at 5pm, and that they are finally enforcing the Brewniversity card requirement on busy nights.

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    So, I used to really enjoy the Fred. However, the "cracking down" on the taco mac club members isnt needed.

    I have spent quite the fancy penny for some overpriced beers at the fred over the years. I was FLOORED when I was almost asked to leave because I couldnt show a bruniversity card. I completely understand that you want to keep this speak easy "exclusive" but it so stupid that they would potentially kick out a patron of many years/beers.

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    This is a cool speakeasy type bar with a secret entrence near some generators under the Prado Taco Mac.

    Great beer selection that is changed out fairly frequently and are a little nicer and pricier then the beers upstairs.

    Problem lies in the food...there is nothing remotely healthy there so be prepared to work out after you eat that Mac and Cheese burger!

    Great place for happy hour too since it is more quiet.

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    Everything is SO. DARN. GOOD. here.

    The Fred has a speakeasy vibe... you go down a ramp, step into the shadows, and buzz a door. A girl in all black comes out and checks your card. You then step into a classy, dimly lit place with stylish chairs, couches, TVs, a full bar, and drapery. I don't think you can smoke a cigar here, but it looks like as if you should.

    The server brings out the menu promptly-- on an iPad. Craft beer fans, you are in for a treat. Foodies, you are in for a super treat. Actually, this is just one awesome place for anybody over 21 who wants to kick back and have a good time with good company. You can sample distinguished beers with a really long name and add them to your Brewniversity list. The servers are knowledgeable and friendly.

    My favorite food is the five cheese blue crab dip that comes with very chewy, warm pita bread. It looks, smells, and tastes mouthwateringly delicious. The fried mac and cheese burger is also spectacular, and I'm not even a burger or mac&cheese person. The fries on the side with spicy ketchup... Guinness soft serve ice cream... seriously, everything at this place is so good. SO GOOD.

    The Fred looks like it should be pretentious and very expensive, but it's not. It's a really laid back, nice place to enjoy good food and drinks. A guaranteed good time.

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    The Fred is an experience. I could & very possibly should just leave it at that but I am way too big of a fan of this place not to say just a little more.

    I have enjoyed this place (sometimes a little too much) for their tremendous beer selection. They get all sorts of wonderful & exotic suds as well as some local favorites. The selection is constantly changing so you can ALWAYS find something new to try.

    I agree completely with many of the other Yelpers that the atmosphere seems a little intimidating but the staff as been terrific every time that I have gone. They are always quite friendly & usually pretty knowledgeable about which beers you should try should you have difficulty arriving at a decision on your own.

    The only downside is that most of the beers are quite expensive but if you are worried about that, you probably won't like what they have on tap for you anyways.

    I will be back!

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    Its Taco Macs "upscale" bar.  It looks like one of the old school, dark wood bars that your dad probably drank scotch in while plotting against the hippies in the 70s.  I have to note that it only LOOKS LIKE that, everything is actually new and clean.

    The bar itself has an awesome selection of libations.  The menu is smaller than that of Taco Mac but its exclusively the rarer and higher gravity stuff.  Be prepared to spend a decent amount, its no beginner's beer bar.  

    It also stocked with spirits and wine and a limited food menu (best to pregame or postgame there).  Its relatively small so it can get crowded as the secret is out (you just need a Taco Mac card, which you could secure upstairs in just a couple of minutes.  The nice thing is with a combination of architecture and makeup of booths its very easy to get a relatively quiet corner for a group of 5-6.  As a result I end up with some expensive tabs because its a great place to "hang out" for a long while.

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    Not gonna lie, I was a little intimidated by The Fred. The unmarked basement door, the rumors of required passwords and Brewniversity cards, the super high end beer list: it all reeks of superiority, of which I am most certainly not a member. Plus, I've never been a big Taco Mac fan.

    But let me say this: I LOVE THE FRED.

    It's the perfect size with the perfect setting. Classy without being pretentious, intimate without being too romantic, and the slight secrecy makes you feel like you're part of something: it breeds a very convivial atmosphere. The servers were super friendly and on the ball, making me feel totally comfortable and at home despite being one of the few women in the joint (single ladies, take note). It may have just been the company I was keeping, but I have to admit it's pretty badass to run in to a dude whose last name is on the label of the beer you're sipping on. Elite beer drinkers, indeed.

    The beer list (served up on an iPad) is as fancy as they say: I loved the full descriptions complete with a picture of the label in case I wanted to find the brew later at Tower or Hop City. Very little that I've actually seen before and since things are constantly rotating there's always something new to try. The food menu, however, is seriously lacking in the healthy department: there's nary a vegetable on the menu. This is solely beer-soaking food which I suppose I can't complain about, given the setting. I'm totally coming back for that Kobe burger.

    My biggest beef, unsurprisingly, is the location. Having a bar that serves so many delicious high-gravity brews that's only accessible by major highways (you know, where you have to drive at high speeds) is a major bummer. How I'd love to have a place like this in walking distance of my place (or at least one of my friend's places) or on a MARTA line. Dare to dream, I suppose.

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    I finally feel part of the TRUE Atlanta clan after having visited The Fred and given all the little secrets inside of it. Truly a unique establishment but not fit for everyone. Its a place that combines style and class in beer drinking and that limits its entrance and advertisement to the public.

    Mainly, The Fred is unique for its:

    - Hidden location: If someone has told you about it, they've told you how to get there. If you don't know where it is, you will most likely never 'bump' into it. The metal plate on the door makes you feel like you just discovered the hidden 'Beerfest' bar with the impossible password.

    - The entrance permissions: You need a Taco Mac Brewniversity card (or at least this is what they told me). Each Brewniversity member can bring ONE guest and you must show your card at the door. You don't need to have completed any passports to get in, but you do need to push the buzzer and wait until someone opens the door for you.

    - Ambiance: Very gentleman's-bar like, The Fred has wide leather seats and small round tables, separated by drapes for some extra privacy. The entire decor is wooden, and red leather with a lit bar. The lighting is low and there are only 2-3 TVs for Sports Entertainment.

    - Service: Every table gets an Ipad (And as much a you try to mess with it, it will only show the menu). Double-clicking on each item will open up a picture (of the food, beer brand, etc) with a more in-depth description of it. Service is pretty ok, no complaints here.

    -BEER: Maybe should've put this one at the very top. Now, the good thing about The Fred is that they have a short amount of beers on Draught and they rotate, so you always get something different and it almost guarantees that the beer will be in good quality as the keg is not left open forever (a common complaint at TacoMac). If you have the extra cash and the fancy desire, they have very very high end 750ML beers in the 25-30$ range kept in their "secret stash". Even more so, most of their beers are highly seasonal so don't expect a long list of Belgian whites in the middle of freezing weather.

    Overall a cool place to hang out if you are in the neighborhood. My only -1 star comes from the seasonality of the beer, as it really limits the choices if you are more into one type of beer (light/dark) and you roll in the opposite season. Also, the prices aren't a steal, so I would not afford to come here very often. Their cheapest beer is $4.50 but there are only  a couple in the $4-6 range in the menu... an extra burn in the college student's pocket.

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    interesting and fun place.  i'll admit, i do like the gimmick of the modern day 'speakeasy', and the Fred is an interesting twist on the concept, being beer-centric and all.  i've only been twice; once when there weren't many people inside, which made it really feel like we were in on a secret; but on the most recent visit, there was no seating available by 10pm or so.. i guess the word is out?

    beer selection is constantly rotating, usually featuring beers most people have probably never heard of, which is a good thing.  food menu is limited and different than the one you'll find upstairs at taco mac.  on the last visit, we tried the crab dip and some baked wings.. the crab dip was like most i've had.. rich and heavy.  we didn't really care for the wings; just a 'different' flavor that we weren't thrilled with.

    they've recently quit circulating paper menus, so each table gets an iPad to browse the selections.  interesting concept, but not very practical when you have a group of 6 people and everyone has to wait for the iPad to be passed around before you even know what's being offered.  vibe is very laidback, and the chairs are comfortable.  the decor is bordering on too frou frou for a beer bar, but i am able to look past it.

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    Ah, The Fred: Sandy Springs' "secret" beer bar.  This is one of my favorite places to relax in Sandy Springs.  And the funny part is that I dislike Taco Mac, especially for their sub-par food and huge assortment of shitty beers mixed in amongst the craft selection.  I also don't like buying rarer beers on draught at a place that has 100 draught lines, I just can't trust the freshness of their ales.  

    But The Fred is a totally different story.  The exclusivity alone is entertaining.  I love taking friends past the front doors of Taco Mac and behind what looks like a giant A/C unit to a steel door with a big red button next to it.  You can't just let yourself in, the bar staff has to open the door for you.

    Walk in past the black curtains and you're welcomed into a warm, plush, dim-lit environment.  The chairs are big and comfy, all clad in sheets of soft leather.  There are also a few booths with high backs and big pillows, plus about a dozen bar stools that face the two unimposing TV's flanking the bar.

    The beer selection is world-class: There are roughly 20 draught lines and another 30 or so bottled beers.  A separate bottled selection called "Fred's Secret Stash"  offers about  20 rare items ranging from 12 ouncers to bombers and 750's.  The draught beers rotate very frequently and often feature a whole flight of goodies from one or two breweries.  Beers can range from $4 - $30, so you shouldn't be overwhelmed by the hard-to-pronounce, limited-edition imports.  You can grab a Guinness if you're not feeling too adventurous.  A small wine selection (by the glass) and a few signature cocktails will entertain your less beery guests.

    The staff is also top-notch.  There are 4 or 5 beautiful young ladies and one male bartender/manager, all of whom know their beers very well.  Nothing turns me on more than a sexy woman talking about the Trappist beers she's aging in her cellar (drooool).

    Next time you want to relax with a heady brew in a plush, yet unpretentious bar, grab some fellow beer nerds and head to The Fred.  Keep in mind that dress is casual to semi-fancy, and don't be obnoxious.  Leave your loud friends at home or the bar staff will ask you leave.

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    A special and secret bar experience that I wish was found in midtown, or at least had a direct shuttle to and from there.

    Yes, it's tricky to find on your first visit, but that's kind of the point. You don't have to know a secret phone number and dial it in a magic phone book (which is about the pinnacle of cheesy), simply know what door to go in.

    Behind that door you'll find a rustic lounge filled with a smattering of fantastic beers. Of course it's part of the Taco Mac group of restaurants, but is unlike any Taco Mac. There aren't 200 taps on the wall, but a more limited and refined list.

    It's a great place to take any beer lovers from out of town (after you've hit up Brickstore of course), as it's very unique in Atlanta.

    I wish I would go here more, but the combination of it's location (Sandy Springs) and it's high gravity beers makes the drive home a bit tricky.

    Hope to see you soon.

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    Ahh, the Fred.  From the location of the unassuming door, to the button you press to the password you almost think you need to tell the guy who opens the door for you, it's a cool intimate place.   We came after a long night with no place else to go and while neither of us are really drinkers, there's food to be had here.  

    This place puts you at ease right from the start, from nice tables and larger booths in a darkened room, sports playing on the big screen, and staff on the go and very professional.  

    After taking a quick restroom break I saw an i-pad like tablet on the table, and was worried about what was ordered when I left (I'm not splitting that!).  No worries, it's just their pretty cool menu, with images of what you're ordering and a strong list of drinks.

    Once you get to ordering, the baked hot wings are delicious, which come either with fries or celery.   Fried pickles were pretty a nice change of pace, and I loved their flavor, although the dipping sauce to me was a little salty.  

    I'd come back for sure, although I don't know that if you're not a drinker or into the sports playing, you're probably not going to find a great deal of selection, but man, that ambiance and professionalism goes a long way in my book.  Great find

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    I went back last night, the Southern Tier Pumpking was flowing and so were the ice cream and funnel cakes!

    Also ordered the Kobe Beed Fried Mac n Cheese burger- spectacular!

    Let's just say I went to work hungover as hell this morning....

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    The Fred, a hidden bar underneath the Taco Mac on Roswell Rd, is quite the sophisticated man-cave. Owned by the Taco Mac folks, but not particularly advertised as to keep a a well-kept secret, I suppose.

    You want to go here to try try different craft beers they sell, sit in their comfortable lounge-style seating, order food that is at least 3X tastier than T-Mac's fare, and browse their beer selection on the iPads at each table. Yes. Their menus are iPads. I guess that when your selection changes so often, you gotta get that new juice into the menu asap, that or they are really just poopin' money.

    It took a few tries to get my beau to take me here, because all of his male friends are so into the Fred that there is never any room for me! In fact, they had saved no room in the car, and ACTUALLY expected me to sit in someone's lap in the front seat. Seriously guise?

    But anyhow, my friends love this place, especially because they are skilled home-brewers and love having a place where they can try new and interesting craft beers and talk about all-things-brew.

    Because of the small size of this bar, you may not want to stay here for 2+ hours, keep the intimacy fun for everyone! It's a perfect dinner and pregame spot, but not somewhere to lose your head. (Did I just make a beer joke? Oh, yeah I went there.)

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    Great place for an intimate drink or just a quiet spot to enjoy some top notch beer with friends.

    Definitely must get the crab dip, definitely.  Get extra wedges though.

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    Dark. Intimate. Comfortable. The atmosphere at The Fred was a pleasant surprise.  This speakeasy (hidden underneath The Taco Mac @ The Prado) serves up a quality, rotating selection of many different beers with real character.  (Including some very rare and expensive craft beers & ciders.)  And the food is also pretty good.  

    A Crispin distributor was there this evening, so I tried a Crispin Lansdowne.  Buttery and rich, this cider was unlike any other cider I've ever had.  It was complex.  It had dimension.  It wasn't too sweet.  I want another one.  

    I also had a BLT (Brisket, Lettuce, & Tomato) sandwich.  On ciabatta bread with a spicy mustard, it was filling and tasty.  Ripping into it with my teeth, I had to fight the urge to run through the savanna in a loincloth.  The "house ketchup" reminds me of something I've had in India--a regular ketchup with spices and some other sweet, fruit thing mixed in.  It was very good.  Next time I'll try the burger.

    The real star of the show was the soft-serve Guiness ice-cream.  Holy mackerel, this stuff will make you pause and then exclaim in holy testimony to the greatness of making ice cream with beer.  Just go get one.  

    Service was a little slow, and there was some miscommunication when ordering the cider, but overall, I was not disappointed, and I will look forward to going back.

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    It didn't take much to convince my friends to take me to this place. Difficult to find craft beers? A cheese dip so good you'll want to bathe in a tub of it? Dim lights, comfy cushions, and a laid back atmosphere? It doesn't get much better than that. Oh, and unlike some hidden spots around town, you don't need a password to get in and there was no smoking. A+ indeed.

    The menu is very cut and dry if you're looking to eat, so don't come hungry. If you are hungry, though, the crab and cheese dip is delicious and the funnel cake is packed with crunchy cinnamon, so there are a couple things you can cram into your mouth besides beer. But aren't you coming here for the beer? You should be because whether it's on tap or in a bottle, there's plenty of beers here that you simply won't find in many other places.

    Our server this go-around was also a total sweetheart for dealing with our drunken game of Quelf. If you've ever played Quelf, you'll know what I mean... let's just say she was kosher with us using sign language to order food (rules said no talking) and didn't blink an eye when I was "forced" to build a fort out of pillows (wouldn't you build a fort? DON'T JUDGE). A real trooper and she kept up with our tab easily even as people came and went from our table at various times.


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    A beer bar experience - with class and style! What differentiates The Fred from places like Brickstore and Porter is not exclusivity (read more below), it's the chic design, the hand-picked leather furniture, and the limited-yet-outstanding beer menu.

    The Fred began as a place for Taco Mac's most loyal Brewniversity members to gather and earn rare points. The concept was that only members with 50 or more points (they started off w/ 13 or more when they opened the doors) would be allowed into the lair of beerdom. But Fred himself soon realized that this bar had a patronage of it's own and didn't need the requirements in order to keep it classy.

    Once you're at TMac Prado, just knowing that the place exists will give you the bragging rights with friends. It's not easily identifiable - one must walk down a sloping sidewalk and enter into the bar through what looks like a garbage or delivery area. Outside the locked door with the Brewniversity logo is a red button, which once pressed signals the bartender to come and open the door.

    The place really is classy. It reminds me of where some businessmen would come to make a deal official. Leather chairs surround circular tables, and there are booths for larger groups with coffee-table height tables for the drinks. We sat at the bar.

    The bartenders- all 3 of them that ran the entire place - were extremely friendly and knowledgeable about beer. When they made cocktails, each lemon, lime, or orange was cut only when it was needed. The beers on tap and in bottles were indeed on the rare side, and with only 10 or so on tap it was nice for the TMac guys to narrow our selection group.

    Their food menu, however, is very limited. They do not serve full entrees - you have a choice of 3-5 appetizer type plates. We saw one go out to a table, and it's served fine-dining style; if it came from the TMac kitchen upstairs you'd have no idea.

    As for clientele - it was varied, but I'd say it caters to the 20-30s crowd. There were several groups of girls which we thought was interesting and abnormal, but maybe not. I wouldn't bring a group larger than 6 here.

    Overall, I think we'll be back. They've created something unique that we can't get in Midtown, so it's worth the drive every few months. If they expanded the food menu a bit to include more small plates, they'd be getting 5 stars from me.

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    I don't give many five stars, but this one gets five from me. It's a completely diff vibe from TacoMac. You can order some very hard to find and expensive craft beers. I love the leather seating areas. The menu? Well, you aren't going to the Fred to eat, but you can order food.

    Supposedly, you are supposed to have 13 diff beers on previous visits to TacoMac. I've had a few more than that.

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    What's the saying, if it's secret and elite, it must not be any good? Bingo.

    Taco Mac in general is the shittiest chain of bars in the World. Period. I absolutely hate these fucking places with a passion. Horrid service, nasty food, packed full of douchebags trying to relive their fraternity days, and a beer list that, while big, is way overpriced and rarely kept in stock. There's nothing worse than having only one saving grace, but then realizing it's a total fail too. So the Fred is said to be different than all that, unique, but since it's an invite only, scratch the back of the owner kind of place, few people can get in. If you do, it's even more outrageously overpriced. And the atmosphere is even more douchey.

    No thanks. There's plenty of quality beer bars in Atlanta that don't cater to complete dickwads.

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    Low lights. Lush draperies. Dark wood. Swanky sofas. Deep-set chairs. Everything needed for having a sexy drink after hours.

    Ladies, if you've got a man who enjoys finer beers, score some points by surprising him with an evening at The Fred. He'll probably be impressed that you even know anything about the joint.

    Be aware, the beers are more expensive at The Fred. But they should be, because they're that good.

    Another note to the ladies: try different beers and learn what you like and don't like. As someone who formerly hated beer, I can guarantee that there's a beer out there that you'll like, if not love. Then, you can come to The Fred and feast on the abundance of men that line up around the bar.

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    The Fred may be the best kept secret in Atlanta when it comes to great craft beer and good people. I admittedly have become a regular.

    Atmosphere: The Fred has big comfortable couches, nice tables, a stunning bar, perfectly dimmed lights, good music, and a friendly waitstaff/bartenders. You never know who you're going to sit next to including local celebrities sometimes. It's quiet and feels upscale but you can dress casually.

    Drinks: This place is named after the Taco Mac beverage manager Fred and they get some rare craft beer that you often can't find anywhere else. I have over 400 different beers on my taco mac passport card but I always find new, delicious beers at The Fred.

    Food: The food menu is very limited. The crab dip is fantastic and the Taco Mac wings (baked or fried) are available. I hope they expand this soon, it's the only thing I would change.

    Service: Everyone is great and the manager Jason is extremely friendly. They are all very knowledgeable of the various beers.

    Overall, it's one of my favorite places to drink in Atlanta and love taking guests there as someone else mentioned. It's difficult to find the door if you've never been so it definitely has that speakeasy feel to it.

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    I had a really enjoyable experience at The Fred. We dined at 5 Seasons beforehand, one of my favorite places ever. But the 5 tends to get really loud on Saturday nights. After a while of yelling at each other across the table, we left in search of a quieter spot. I decided that was the perfect time to finally check out The Fred.

    The Fred is dark, quiet, elegantly appointed, and completely different from Taco Mac. Service was good and our drinks were tasty and well prepared. One of my companions ordered dessert and was very pleased with it.

    Taco Mac has it's place, but sometimes I'm interested in a more refined experience. Sometimes I don't want wings and beer. The Fred fulfills that elegant role nicely. Plus, I get a kick out of taking people to a secret place.

    I'm with Joseph B: I hesitated to write this review because I don't want to see the place overwhelmed with visitors. It's fun having a secret. But in the end I just had to share my thoughts.

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    I hesitate to write this review as I would love to keep The Fred a closely-guarded secret. The other reviewers hit the nail on the head. This is an upscale, quiet environment with delicious beers (not Budweiser or Miller Light) and specialty drinks.

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    This speakeasy is

    everything Taco Mac's not.

    That is to say: cool.

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    I came down here last Thursday after having dinner and the beer of the month upstairs.  The atmosphere is *COMPLETELY* different from upstairs.  Whereas upstairs is really loud and a sports bar, this is considerably quieter, and the decor is a lot better too.  The Fred is all leather and hardwood and the like, and is a MUCH more intimate surrounding.  The night I was there, they had just finished up with a tequila tasting event, and the result was that they were much more busy than usual, but overall it was great.  I have to say thanks to the person who introduced me.  Now I just need to find a few more people to bring down here.

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