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    Such a cool little dive.
    Bartender is very nice and she looked up drinks to make for me and my friend on her phone - had a 57 Chevy which was very tasty.
    Would definitely go back.

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    This place looks like a dive, inside and out.   So if you do not like dives and never will.... disregard this review.

    For the rest of you...... This place was just great.  Clean with great service.  We had broasted chicken with potatoes, and a bacon cheeseburger with fries.  If you have never had broasted chicken or potatoes..... you have to try it.  Mmmmmmm.

    Everything was just excellent.  It totally hit the spot and next time we are in Garibaldi....we are eating here.

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    For a place that from the outside looks like just another dive bar, this place serves some really decent food.

    We were tired and ready to bed down by 7:30 tonight, but needed a bite to eat.  Our hotel desk clerk suggested going directly across the street to this pub. I have to admit, I was reluctant, but was swayed by its obvious proximity.

    So, let me tell you about the broasted chicken.  A half a chicken and a boatload of broasted potato wedges.  That's what I ordered.  Amazing!  Freshly cooked and still juicy.  What a real surprise.  Even the ranch dressing for dipping the potatoes were something special.  You gotta try this.

    They are probably the last of the small businesses in the area to stay open at night, and that's not saying much, because Sunday nights they close at 8.  A bar that closes at 8?  Whoa.  However, they do have better hours the rest of the week.   I just don't remember what they are.  I think Saturday and Sunday they push themselves and stay open til midnight.

    Well, you won't go wrong here foodwise, and you might even get in a few games of pool, or slay them with your talent on karaoke nights.

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    Great small town pub. Enjoyed watching college football there. A decent selection of drafts, and tasty sweet potato fries. Pool was free!

    I would visit this place again if I was in the area.

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    Throughly enjoy this place. Met the Mayor and most of the town for New Years Eve 2010. Had a wonderful time and the broasted chicken is the best on the northern coast

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    We stayed across the street from this great local pub. Went in for "live music" but were treated to some pretty excellent attempts at karaoke.  We were charmed and went back for some grub the next day. We had one of their bbq dinner specials and a burger. Good burger, great bbq'ed brisket with your choice of sauce. We'll be back!

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    I enjoyed the atmosphere and the food was great!  The BBQ burger was especially good and the fish and chips were way better than those I've had in many a pub.  My mom tried the chicken wrap and said it was really, really good.  Nice staff and conveniently located across the street from a very good hotel and steps away from some very nice antique shops.

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    Yep it's a pub.  Mostly a towny pub (especially this time of year).  But it has karaoke.  And Ms. K. loves karaoke.  So if Ms. K. is happy, that cures a lot of ills.

    It is right on the main strip (101).  It has karaoke some (every?) night(s). It has a decent selection of beer, your standard liquor offerings, decent bar food options, etc., etc.

    All in all a perfectly decent place to check out.

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