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    Need a hand-made sandwich and some great soup for lunch?  THIS is the place.  I have eaten here many times both eat-in and take-away.  Of the many people I know who have eaten here, I have never heard of a problem such as Russ e. (12/2/2012) experienced - - but I've had tainted egg products at 5-star hotels so it can certainly happen anywhere.
    With the New Genoa Trail open, this is a great spot to enjoy that post-hike cool-down.  There's even a library adjacent.

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    Have eaten there before and food was good. Ate there yesterday and friend got horrible food poisoning with in about three hours from egg salad and tuna salad mix. Called next morning to advise them of possible risk and they got hostile on the phone with me saying that it could not have been their problem. Will never eat there again and will be reporting them to the Health Dept to have their food inspected.

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    Excellent sandwiches and some of the kindest staff I have ever seen.

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    The customer service was friendly, nice and really helpful. As for the food, the chicken soup was awesome. The cup was pretty big and a sandwich.

    I wonder what a bowl would  look like... My sister in law stated the chilli soup was great. All our sandwiches  was good and enough to keep our stomach full for awhile. (panini sandwiches was what we got)

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    I've been coming to this store for several years, whenever I'm in Genoa for a bike ride. They have really big and yummy sandwiches and the sodas from the fountain are free refills....at least they used to be. They have new owners, but the place is still just about the same. Its a great place to sit outside and have some nice food after a long bike ride. They have ice cream cones too!!! The Harley Hoggers tend to go across the street to the bar. You can do wine tasting a few door up if you want. and they take credit cards if you forgot your cash.

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    There is something eerily comforting about sitting at an outside table with the new owner of the Genoa Country Store, smoking cigars, sipping on some Wild Turkey, half-listening to the 30's music gently wafting from the outside speaker, watching a car go by every twenty minutes or so, as the sun slips behind Genoa Peak. Was that Baby Face Nelson that just drove by, looking for a place to hole up for a while? Well whatever you do, don't call him "Baby Face" to his face, if you know what's good for you. He's just here to use the WiFi connection and then he's outta here.

    But I can see why he'd want to stop here. Pastries as big as your head. Cowboy hats and shirts. A decent selection of wine and liquor. A can of chili. Diapers. Cigars. Handi wipes and kleenex. Sandwiches. Beer. Detergent. Mayonnaise. It really is a country store, with just enough of what you need to get you by. Great hand-made sandwiches and pastries. Tahoe Creamery Ice Cream scooped into a cone for you. Hey, even an open mic night on Friday.

    New owner Ron Benedetti has plans to make the Store a little more of a center for Genoa than it already is. Maybe a Cigar/Fight night outside, where you can watch the fights and smoke cigars and maybe even curse a little. All the gentlemen at the store when I was there thought it was a splendid idea.

    What was really strange- for a city dweller- is how even the lowliest peon coming in for a six pack was welcomed like he was a long lost cousin.  People seem to *like* coming here, not just because they don't feel like driving ten miles for beer.

    Before Super Wal Marts, your Country Store was where you went for your one stop shopping.  Take a break here on your next trip to Genoa. But keep an eye on the website for special events.

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    Perhaps other general stores in the eastern sierra have more panache but I've been to most and Genoa is a crown jewel. Stopped in during Superbowl while activity in town was deadish.  The staff recommended mac n chili which made my day.  I was also privy to some bomb carrot cake.  The food is clearly made with TLC.  The staff helped me locate some interesting Genoa landmarks.  Their service went beyond the call. I recommend GCS to all.

    Heard about good times at the side-bar but haven't experienced this function to date.

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    I usually manage to wander in here when I come to Genoa with Gayle.  It has an interesting and funky feel as a market, deli, and even a bar.  It also has a nice little outdoor seating area.  This area is also offers a welcome rest (and shade) during Candy Dance.  Newspapers are also available here.

    The sandwiches that I have ordered here from the deli have been surprisingly tasty and fresh.  I too wouldn't recommend a special trip, but it doesn't get much better than a nice sandwich and a beer either here or across the street at the Genoa Bar on a nice day in this very charming town.

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    We stopped here for sandwiches after a day at the hot springs nearby on someone's recommendation and they were awesome.  I have a thing for Reubens - a sandwich filled with stuff that by itself, I hate, but all together, is serious warm delicious goodness.  Everything was insanely fresh and toasted to perfection.  My friend had a plain old turkey sandwich on sourdough and the lettuce was crisp, colorful and also tasty.  If you are bumming around Genoa, which is not very large, I would recommend sitting on the porch for lunch.  I wouldn't, however, drive here all the way just to eat.

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