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    I hate to give up my favorite fishing spot but when Bobito G. Is in the mood for some serious drunkin G-milf hunting this place never ceases to impress!!!  Even though The Golden Cadilizzac looks like a good place to get stabbed the women here are aged like fine box wine and I'm assuming most of them are triple input ;)  

    Forever yours,

    Bobito G.

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    I came here on a whim the other night. RIGHT around the corner from my godforsaken residence and apparently a friend of my friend's bartends here.

    Odd, shady location. There's a banner above the door with 3 washed up, middle aged hags laying on a pool table with some scandalous lookin' ass fool. I don't know if this banner is supposed to portray what sort of events take place in this bar or if it just hasn't been taken down since 1994.

    Anyway, place is empty as hell. Dark, divey, right up my alley. There's another better lit room with a pool table. Internet juke box, that's cool. They had some Eyehategod on there, I can dig it.

    Basically this review is for Tyler, the bartender. Young metal-head lookin' dude. He introduced me to my new favourite whiskey: Glenlivet 10 year. Thanks, Tyler. I'll only be back to hang out with this dude.  


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    Drinks are decent in price.

    But you know a place is sketchy when the bartender tells you "it's behind the Vallarta" when you call and ask about its location.

    The clientele, for the most part, looks like hard-drinking blue collar people you read about in books or see in movies. The kind drinking away their last paycheck with an undiagnosed case of clinical depression.

    Add some cheap drinks during happy hour, average priced drinks in the off hours, no beers on tap, pool tables, a decent juke box.  Mix in a few people who look like they're pissing away their General Relief check with a few other locals and the stray people who work nearby coming in for a cheap place to drink and you get the Gold Cadillac.

    This is the kind of place where you can get your throat cut during a bar fight and the cop who investigates will ask you "well, what did you expect?"

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    It's hard to find a female bartender who's not a BITCH. Ladies and gents I have found the place. The Gold Cadillac is fun and the bartenders are Wild Crazy and Friendly. Karen makes the best drinks. She has her very own KAREN BOMB which is seriously the SHIT!!! :)

    It's kind of a Valley spot so if you're a DVK Dirty Valley Kid like me then hit this shit uppp on a Thirsty Thursday :)


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    This is one of those valley bars that only locals go to.  There are a bunch of them out there and i've been to a few for different reasons.  Normally these places are just sleezy bars where the same old people go to drink away their blues.  The reason I am reviewing this one is because it is the most sleezy of them all.  You might ask; well why would I want to go to a sleezy bar in the valley? and why did you give it four stars?  To that I say; because it will teach you something about a part of this city that you might never know about and you might learn something about your self too.    It also might help you appreciate the other places you go to that you like.  Kind of like how you wouldn't understand joy without sorrow, you won't be able to fully understand what makes a bar great without having been to the worst one ever.  I've only been to this bar once but it was an experience I won't forget.   What I thought was just a complete waste of time turned out to be much more than that. I felt disgusted, worthless, and afraid all at the same time. I don't want to go into details about what made this place  what it it is.  I don't really want reccomend going to this place either because it is dangerous.  But if you think you can handle it and you want to get a taste of what life might be like on the brink of homelessness, then go for it.

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