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    The Greengarden Tavern has been around long before I was born and I'm 40. It used to be run by Edwin Kindle (sadly missed) whom also gave me a job cooking in back, I learned that they buy the pizza crust from Arnone's Bakery & Italian Deli and they still do. For me personally the crust is what makes the meat of the pizza and its great. I would say the subs are hands down the best in the city of Erie, getting them hot out of an oven can't be beat, I said oven and not microwave like at subway.

    You can get the fish but I would suggest getting the greek fries as they make them from slices potatoes in back and then deep fry them. Chicken wing night can't be beat either as its an all you can eat, I'm not interested in heart friendly when I go here, but you can get the awesome Antipasto which is stacked with fresh meats and ranch dressing that they make onsite its thick and tastes excellent.

    Lets talk about safety, when I drink at a bar I look around and make sure I feel safe. You can drink here during the best football games and feel at home cheering for your team. The bar staff has always been polite to me even if they are slammed and thats important. I've received free drinks from time to time because I tip really well. Bartenders remember people whom tip well and will watch your seat or glass if you get up to to the restroom. While I'm here at the restroom lets talk about it, very clean and I could smell bleach which is what you want to smell in a bathroom.

    They have a pool table and if you want a game I've never had a problem getting one. The music is somewhat current with some of the old standards in there to remind you that you are at a bar. There are darts and pinball machines which my kids loved to experience.

    Keep this in mind, its the owners that make or break a bar, I learned this from the owner and cooks. The people you serve are the very blood and life of your business. If you team them bad and not welcome they won't come back and then they tell other people and they they tell other people.

    Try it out.

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