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    A great place if you love craft beer, hearty home cooked food, and general nerdiness. They have a big shelf filled with board games and having viewings of all the new episodes of Doctor Who and The Walking Dead. Stop in and say hi to Jeff and Anja. Grab a pint and a brat or whatever deliciousness Anja has concocted that night. No dancing, no singing, and no sports!

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    Lovely place, great beers and ciders. Really decent pricing. Anya is wonderful!

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    My husband and I have been "bar homeless" since The Spot closed years ago. A friend made mention of Green's Tavern & we decided to go check them out. We didn't have high hopes because all the bars we'd been to have just been an annoyance & big let down. All that changed as soon as we walked through the door. The set up is very comfy and laid back. Couches up at the front, a smattering of tables, & awesome booths along the left. We were greeted by Anja & Jeff. For those that frequented Union Jack's years ago, you would recognize them. I loved the ambiance. I loved the fact that you can smoke inside. I loved the juke box, they have a fine selection of tunes. Most of all, I liked the people. It's very rare to find a bar that has a Cheers feel to it. Anja was fun to talk with. Her cooking...it is amazing! Their food selection isn't like normal bar fare of fried crap & junk. It's seriously delicious home cooked meals for cheap! Last night was beef & barley soup, we had gotten there about 8:30 & the soup had just finished up.  YUM is all I can say. If you love a laid back atmosphere surrounded by good people & good food, definitely check them out. They are a hidden gem in Knoxville.

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    When I met a friend here last night, the first thing I said was "What is UP with you and bars in dying shopping centres?!" He just grinned at me, and I think I know why.
    This is a really GOOD bar. The beer is cheap, the service is both fast and friendly, it's clean (if smoky - WTF is up with smoking in bars still being allowed in this town?) Not great, but solidly good.
    And they have darts!

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