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    Monday is the best day to go to Hacienda. Why? Because I said so- no really, Wet Burritos are on special and since that is usually what I order it makes me happy or you can get $1 off a Taco Salad that comes with their amazing ranch dressing.

    I just moved back here from Texas, so I feel the salsa is lacking in flavor, but it's fresh- and have I mentioned the ranch dressing? They make it themselves and it is probably the best ranch dressing I've ever had so when you mix that into your salsa it's real good.

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    Not authentic. Simply just OK.

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    I love Mexican food, and being from Southern California, there is plenty of good (and bad) Mexican food. Hacienda is decent, I was not a fan of the salsa (served with chips), I found it very bland.

    I had the "famous" Hacienda burrito and it was average to my taste (not bad, not great).

    They have a decent selection of craft beers.

    The service was friendly and prompt.

    I would come back here the next time I am visiting Kokomo.

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    Boring ho-hum unexciting Mexican restaurant. I accidentally thought they confused ketchup with salsa. Food seems safe and fills your stomach, but don't expect much more, especially if you're looking for taste. Many other better alternatives for Mexican food in Kokomo. Go another block to La Fountain and find Gordo's or El Arriero. Or Taco Bell.

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    Living in California can definitely feel like Mexico from time to time and I would say it is the best place to find authentic Mexican food outside of Mexico.  That said - Hacienda really is not my idea of authentic in any way so if that is what you are looking for I would skip it.  

    Beside that - Hacienda is awesome!  It is on my list of must haves every time I visit.  I usually hit it up a few days through the week I am home.  The margaritas are yummy and inexpensive and the enchiladas are fantastic.  You have to try the mudslide for dessert.  It is incredible.

    For a fun atmosphere, some drinks, and some yummy food - hit up Hacienda.

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