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    In order for Hardee's to get anything more than a two-star review from me, Ed M. would had to have surprised me by popping out of my big-rolling suitcase by saying "Ta-Da!"  Then said, "Oh my god!  Kate! Kate's Mommaship!  Hardee's!  I LOVE it!"  He then would had to have shared in this fast food odyssey with myself and my Mommaship, all the while oooh-ing and ahhh-ing over the curly fries, ass-big burgers accentuated with melty processed cheese, BACON and slathered with various condiments... this was just one of those moments where it didn't really work unless he was there.

    It was my first (of I'm sure many) "________ Yelper should be here" moments for the summer.

    During lunch I noticed (and, point out to my Mommaship) that the further you get away from a major metropolis, the more people native to the area look like they've suffered through generations of inbreeding.



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